mythology created by ruaidri

You're not done 'till it's full...

...and since you're probably starting to run dry at this point, you could be here for a while.

So, I've been wanting to draw one of these for a while now. I've likely said it before, but if I have one fetish or interest that beats out oral, it's got to be forced/over stimulation. There's just about nothing that'll get me worked up faster than seeing someone tied up and forced to cum so hard that it hurts, pounding right through the post-orgasm over sensitivity.

Of course it's only fun if they enjoy it, but fortunately I seem to be surrounded by masochistic subs that love this kind of abuse, so I'm a very happy Ru. x3

While it's best with girls, because they tend to be able to orgasm repeatedly in quick succession, which only makes the overstimulation that much more -awesome-, it's pretty fun to do to guys as well. Since the pictures I've been seeing lately that made me want to draw this were all of males, this is the result!

I orginally wanted to draw a birdy type fella, but I didn't feel like drawing all the birdy bits. So I started going in a gryphony direction, but didn't want to do the gryphony bits much either, so now it's just some sort of weird feline/avian hybrid thinger, and it's not the first time this has happened either, but I like it.

Background and such stuff was tossed in just to keep things from being too plain. Overall not a fancy or complicated picture, but fun to draw, and I hope you like the result.

Lemme know your thoughts, folks!

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