elnora magner created by wolfy-nail
  • Comments
  • Drakota said:
    Bullet proof titties!

    Dem titties are lock and ready to rock "fire at will" >;)

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  • And then she was killed in a hail of gunfire because she was clearly not properly outfitted for battle.

    I love ruining things c: <3

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  • And then she was killed in a hail of gunfire because she was clearly not properly outfitted for battle.

    I love ruining things c: <3

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  • seriousGRIMM said:
    And then she was killed in a hail of gunfire because she was clearly not properly outfitted for battle.

    I love ruining things c: <3

    I almost doubt she could even wear a body armor with that frontal anatomy.

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  • Skufer said:
    What's wrong with her waist?

    The same as any non-obese female product of the furry community :3

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  • seriousGRIMM said:
    And then she was killed in a hail of gunfire because she was clearly not properly outfitted for battle.

    I love ruining things c: <3

    Nah. Gotta remember the rules of female gaming anatomy. The less she wears, the better protected she is. Massive distraction bonus

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  • Nekrosilisk88 said:
    Nah. Gotta remember the rules of female gaming anatomy. The less she wears, the better protected she is. Massive distraction bonus

    Also known as 'Dodge'. Oh snap.

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  • Nekrosilisk88 said:
    Nah. Gotta remember the rules of female gaming anatomy. The less she wears, the better protected she is. Massive distraction bonus

    Doesn't work in Unreal Tournament :3

    /Irrelevant game reference

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  • Nekrosilisk88 said:
    Nah. Gotta remember the rules of female gaming anatomy. The less she wears, the better protected she is. Massive distraction bonus

    What if her opponent was gay?

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  • NEO-Symphony said:
    What if her opponent was gay?

    Since when would there be gay soldiers in the military!?! Preposterous I say! Shenanigans!

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  • I get that this was a commission, but the over-exaggerated proportions really don't work in this image's favor. This seems like a step back for him.

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  • dragonlover91 said:
    The M-60 has 2 carrying handles?

    Holy fuck, it does have two carrying handles.. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?

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  • I'm thinking she's a cyborg. It'd explain a lot of things, including her waist and those massive (but lovely ;), um, counterweights.

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  • Murmillos said:
    Since when would there be gay soldiers in the military!?! Preposterous I say! Shenanigans!

    *twitch* o-e........*sometime later*

    :3 and that's why I killed him officer

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  • equimanthorn said:
    Why would you be topless on the battlefield? From a tactical standpoint, that makes no sense at all

    Who's to say she's on an actual battlefield? She could be a model or something for a sexy magazine.

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  • Poltergeist said:
    Actually it's a 249 SAW.

    Nev4da said:
    Nope, it's an M60. 249 is shorter length than that, among other things.

    "I can pretend I know a lot about guns, look at how cool and hardcore I am!"

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  • Anyone wondering why there are two carrying handles is because one is ment for carrying the weapon, the other is to change out the barrel when it overheats and put in another barrel.

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  • Eventine27 said:
    Anyone wondering why there are two carrying handles is because one is ment for carrying the weapon, the other is to change out the barrel when it overheats and put in another barrel.

    You sir are right as most MGs out there are air cooled the guns barrel well over heat and start to bend(IK not the right term) and then made unuseabal in combat

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  • The-Killer said:
    You sir are right as most MGs out there are air cooled the guns barrel well over heat and start to bend(IK not the right term) and then made unuseabal in combat

    The common vernacular is that the barrel melted down.

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  • seriousGRIMM said:
    And then she was killed in a hail of gunfire because she was clearly not properly outfitted for battle.

    I love ruining things c: <3

    *twitch* DIE RUINER!

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  • Nev4da said:
    Nope, it's an M60. 249 is shorter length than that, among other things.

    Looks like a 240B to me. The M60 was replaced a long time ago

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  • ha Iornwolf115 some Military personal still might want to use the Classic some Gun as she wanted to use the m60.
    yah I like the Original m60 used in Nam but yeah love the pitcher Wolfy-nail

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  • Isn't one of the two "carrying handles" actually a counterweight to balance out the weight of the gun? There are a few assault rifles that utilize similar weights. Like the INSAS, for example. (I'm probably completely wrong on this. XD)

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  • ippiki_ookami said:
    I get that this was a commission, but the over-exaggerated proportions really don't work in this image's favor. This seems like a step back for him.

    Oh, trust me. There were worse than this.

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  • AzureRaptor said:
    I'm thinking she's a cyborg. It'd explain a lot of things, including her waist and those massive (but lovely ;), um, counterweights.

    "Cum in...uhhh, I mean, Come with me if you want to live."

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  • iornwolf115 said:
    Looks like a 240B to me. The M60 was replaced a long time ago

    the lower, possibly, although the 240 doesn't possess a stock like that (that I know of), and there is also the matter of the second carrying handle on the barrel (ironically, you wouldn't carry it by that, ever.) Honestly, it looks like the artist did their take on a 240 and then slapped a 249 barrel onto it, which would never work due to the caliber differences.

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  • dragonlover91 said:
    The M-60 has 2 carrying handles?

    the one she is holing is a caring handle, the other is an foregrip for stability.

    poltergeist said:
    Actually it's a 249 SAW.

    the LMG is to long for an SAW, plus the bullets are far to large for an 249, if not an M60 its an M240.

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