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While someone is getting cozy outside, something else is looking to get cozy inside.

I'll upload the separate parts later or something.

Compilation of descriptions (for convenience)

While someone is getting cozy outside, something else is looking to get cozy inside.

He seems to be having a pleasent dream.

The slime of these slugs is known to cause a tingling sensation when applied to the skin. Applying the slime on one's genitals amplifies this effect. Many people have placed these slugs on themselves only to find out about their peculiar reproductive cycle...

When a slug finds a host, it enters the host's reproductive system. Once there, it quickly begins to modify their reproductive organs. Impressively, this happens within minutes! And, the research, so far, has shown the changes are permanent.

As they reproduce, the infested areas begin to expand. The radiating warmth from the aphrodesiac slime causes the host to remain in a continuous aroused state. When combined with the shifting of the brood, the host soon reaches a climax. The slug offspring uses this orgasm to exit the host. The process of birthing can take between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the size of the brood. This cycle repeats approximately every 2 to 4 hours.

  • Comments
  • When others lay in the grass naked its "sexy and hot" then when I do it people say "why are there slugs coming out of your dick" (but to be honest I really liked this a whole lot, keep up the good work!

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  • Hehehe cute. Two little slugs wanting to have some fun in a hot, slimy place. Make more little cum loving slugs in the process and it feels pretty good. I see this as a win win. ^u^

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  • Good stuff. Reminds me of a dream I once had, of a worm the size of my arm going into my rear and filling my bowels, then, toward the end, I crapped out not one but hundreds of finger-sized worms. It hurt and scared me a bit at first, but once it settled in, nesting in my guts, dividing into many, wriggling gently, it felt kinda pleasant. Essentially giving birth to so many like that made me feel...happy. Maybe this could be an idea for a new comic/animation? Alas, I can only hope. Either way, keep up the good work!

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  • xirothnir_x said:
    Good stuff. Reminds me of a dream I once had, of a worm the size of my arm going into my rear and filling my bowels, then, toward the end, I crapped out not one but hundreds of finger-sized worms. It hurt and scared me a bit at first, but once it settled in, nesting in my guts, dividing into many, wriggling gently, it felt kinda pleasant. Essentially giving birth to so many like that made me feel...happy. Maybe this could be an idea for a new comic/animation? Alas, I can only hope. Either way, keep up the good work!

    to be frank, i have no idea how ze fuck dreams work because my brain so wired wrong i dont ever dream i just get veiws from feuture me but no real tell on what.

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  • kingofnowere said:
    to be frank, i have no idea how ze fuck dreams work because my brain so wired wrong i dont ever dream i just get veiws from feuture me but no real tell on what.

    They're like daydreams, or made up memories, but you rarely control where they go, or what happens. It'd be like watching a short movie or TV show episode directed by someone with ADHD, or such is how mine work. Mine also seem to hint at future events, sometimes.

    On a side note, I have a friend that has similar kinds of "visions", based on your description, and I could even see him using the same or similar choice of words and such.

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  • Started good but then just became terrifying

    I guess it's just bad RNG that I don't have this fetish

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