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  • Comments
  • definitely that woman had mental problems is the second time she tries to kill her own son did not think she deserves to be call a mother ... jeez

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  • As much as I dislike judging other people's interests, I do have to believe that you have to be fucked in the head to like something like this...
    I'm sorry, but to enjoy something or someone dying is disgusting no matter how it's happening.

    No, really, find a way to justify this kind of shit.

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  • zanjll said:
    As much as I dislike judging other people's interests, I do have to believe that you have to be fucked in the head to like something like this...
    I'm sorry, but to enjoy something or someone dying is disgusting no matter how it's happening.

    No, really, find a way to justify this kind of shit.

    Cartoons aren't real.

    There you go.

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  • zanjll said:
    The point is, somebody Wanted to see it, and so it exists.

    So you're already justifying why it exists. Someone wanted it drawn and it exists. To judge someone beyond those known facts, specifically their mental makeup in this case, is a sign of unwarranted self-importance, specially when you can be just as lowly-judged by other people outside this circle.

    Criticize the art if you want, even the genre itself, but go on picking on people like that and your ego is bound to end with a bruised nose.

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    So you're already justifying why it exists. Someone wanted it drawn and it exists. To judge someone beyond those known facts, specifically their mental makeup in this case, is a sign of unwarranted self-importance, specially when you can be just as lowly-judged by other people outside this circle.

    Criticize the art if you want, even the genre itself, but go on picking on people like that and your ego is bound to end with a bruised nose.

    First, To judge someone beyond those known facts, specifically their mental makeup in this case, is a sign of unwarranted self-importance, specially when you can be just as lowly-judged by other people outside this circle.

    Criticize the art if you want, even the genre itself, but go on picking on people like that and your ego is bound to end with a bruised nose.

    I don't think I'm the one who has unwarranted self-importance. I'm just saying the imagery is disgusting, and to enjoy it says things about some people. And while I can admit it sounds targeting and high and mighty, I'm not picking on people, and I really couldn't care less about ego. Mine or yours.

    But let's just agree to disagree, and drop it. I don't need a back and forth where the only thing I learned is how desperate people are to defend their fetishes.
    And feel free to judge away I'll continue to not care.

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  • zanjll said:

    >I don't think I'm the one who has unwarranted self-importance.
    >I'm just saying the imagery says things about some people.

    >And while I admit it is targeting
    >I'm not picking on people

    >The only thing I learned is how desperate people are to defend their fetishes.
    >I'll continue to not care.

    >>I really couldn't care less about ego (YA, RLY)

    Sure thing, buddy, sure thing. =3

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    Sure thing, buddy, sure thing. =3

    Like I said, I'm just going to drop it, so this is the last post from me on this.
    I don't need someone with no argument, trying their best to rearrange my sentences to win a pointless engagement.

    And as passively aggressively stated before, I don't like having a back-and-forth where the person I'm debating with has nothing I can learn from. and it is indeed clear you are, now, only interested in passing remarks about my ego, do to a knee-jerk reaction to negative comment against a fetish you have.

    Personally, I didn't think saying something like; "the people who like the thought of killing kids have problems" would get me yelled at. But the world is a strange place, to be sure.

    Oh, and to clear up a misconception, I was never arguing for why this content exists. I was merely stating that liking this kind of imagery is deplorable. Because you would be liking the thought of children dying. real or not. That's pretty messed up to want to see kids getting killed.

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  • zanjll said:
    >That's pretty messed up to want to see kids getting killed.

    It's more messed up associating drawings and digital media to the actual exploitation, harm and even murder of children, buddy. Your arbitrary moral sensibilities ain't worth squat in real life.

    You defeat yourself with your own points, I was lazily showcasing that. Imagine how much of an answer I got out of you just by showing your intellectual duplicity and calling you buddy.

    Cartoons aren't real, blacklist and move on.

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  • Slowdive92 said:
    Welp, I know which tag I'm blacklisting today...

    imo might as well make it teh artists tag cuz lookin at the posts drawn by the dude theres a pretty obvious theme goin with most of em

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    It's more messed up associating drawings and digital media to the actual exploitation, harm and even murder of children, buddy. Your arbitrary moral sensibilities ain't worth squat in real life.

    You defeat yourself with your own points, I was lazily showcasing that. Imagine how much of an answer I got out of you just by showing your intellectual duplicity and calling you buddy.

    Cartoons aren't real, blacklist and move on.

    okay, I know I said that I wouldn't comment on this again, and I know I'm probably going to get another strike on my permanent record, but holyshit this is just way too rich.
    This entire f****** conversation has given me more then just a few laughs. I mean to start, you remind me of my ex boyfriend; a psychologically abusive asshole who likes to make himself sound more intelligent than he actually is. And if there's one thing that truly makes me laugh it's pseudo-intellectuals. You truly do exist only within your own asshole, don't you? Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I'm an intellectual but you definitely aren't one, dude fuck off, ha. Oh, I truly hope you respond, as it puts a smile on my face.
    Oh, and to reiterate: I NEVER SAID THERE WAS NO REASON FOR THIS CONTENT TO EXIST, I'M JUST SAYING THERE'S NO GOOD REASON FOR IT TO EXIST. And you can feel free to argue semantics all you want. I'm not going to call you a freak, I'm just going to imply that you're a freaking idiot.

    You may now be free to downvote and Edmonds, you are free to put that strike onto my record. who even cares at this point?

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  • Oh and, if you are wondering why one of these curse words are censored? Blame autocorrect because it is a b****.
    And yes I know editing comments are a thing too, but if I make a mistake, let it be known

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  • And on one more note, I love how you seemingly desperately claim I'm the one with the massive ego despite the fact that, if you read both of our comments all you've done is try to make yourself sound smart while dismissing anything I have to say, and never truly touch on the one single point I've been making.
    That one point being: you can't justify liking this content. As it is, by its very nature, provocative and ment to be shocking.
    it doesn't matter that it's a cartoon, you still want to see it happen.

    And as a response to the b**** depicted in this specific picture, the only deadbeat is the b**** trying to f****** live off of her kids. And yes I get that that is the f****** point.

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    It's more messed up associating drawings and digital media to the actual exploitation, harm and even murder of children, buddy.

    Incorrect. Associating an image of abuse with abuse is definitely not as messed up as enjoying it.

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  • I think I played Rimworld too much. My only thought was "would she use her son's meat to feed her daughter?"


    There is one universal reason for art to exist. Someone enjoys it. This site is full of disgusting things, end each one has someone who would fap on it. Is it fucked up? As someone who is around for some time, I would say no. I know nicest people with weirdest fetishes. It is just artwork. One adult person drew it for another adult person and no one got hurt in any way in the process (at least there is no reason for it).

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  • zanjll said:
    And on one more note, I love how you seemingly desperately claim I'm the one with the massive ego despite the fact that, if you read both of our comments all you've done is try to make yourself sound smart while dismissing anything I have to say, and never truly touch on the one single point I've been making.

    That one point being: you can't justify liking this content. As it is, by its very nature, provocative and ment to be shocking.
    it doesn't matter that it's a cartoon, you still want to see it happen.

    And as a response to the b**** depicted in this specific picture, the only deadbeat is the b**** trying to f****** live off of her kids. And yes I get that that is the f****** point.

    zanjll said:
    And on one more note, I love how you seemingly desperately claim I'm the one with the massive ego despite the fact that, if you read both of our comments all you've done is try to make yourself sound smart while dismissing anything I have to say, and never truly touch on the one single point I've been making.
    That one point being: you can't justify liking this content. As it is, by its very nature, provocative and ment to be shocking.
    it doesn't matter that it's a cartoon, you still want to see it happen.

    And as a response to the b**** depicted in this specific picture, the only deadbeat is the b**** trying to f****** live off of her kids. And yes I get that that is the f****** point.

    You’re so mad haha. X3

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  • Rowan_Bojog said:
    Incorrect. Associating an image of abuse with abuse is definitely not as messed up as enjoying it.

    No dice with moving the goalposts, buddy: It is really really bad to blur the lines between reality and fantasy, and in turn dilute the seriousness and horrors of child abuse with being offended by fucking cartoons. Your sensibilities can take a hike when it comes to compare acts that destroy real children's lives with fucking animal cartoons. Hyperreality sure is a bitch, but don't drift too much into it, friend.


    zanjll said:
    I mean to start, you remind me of my ex boyfriend; a psychologically abusive asshole who likes to make himself sound more intelligent than he actually is.

    It's just a prank, bro <=]


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  • ToMel said:
    You’re so mad haha. X3

    Not really, I was laughing my ass off at a pretentious asshole.

    I just happen to swear a lot, blame my parents.

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  • Rowan_Bojog said:
    I see, because you'll just put them where you want them when you respond. Whatever.

    Good for you to acknowledge your fallacy, even if by self-projection. Good day.

    zanjll said:
    Not really, I was laughing my ass off at a pretentious asshole.

    The shadenfreude sure is cathartic~

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    It's more messed up associating drawings and digital media to the actual exploitation, harm and even murder of children, buddy.

    Originally, someone said it was messed up to want to see kids getting killed. That is indeed extremely messed up.

    Then you said the above, that it was more messed up to associate violent drawings with violent behavior. Right there, in your own words.

    This is incorrect, because drawings are meant to convey objects and actions to the mind of the viewer, so it's natural and even automatic to associate behavior in an image with behavior in life. Just like it's natural to associate a drawing of a flower with a flower. Your comment was about association.

    It is not natural to want to see kids getting killed, so your claim was incorrect. Making associations between drawings and reality is not more messed up than wanting to see kids get killed. Sorry, it's not.

    In a transparent attempt to cover for your mistake, you accused me of "moving the goalposts" and then proceeded to reword your previous argument in a way that made it more plausible. Now you say you were talking about equating drawing with murder- equating, not just associating the depiction with the action depicted.

    This does not correct what you originally said, and it's a tiresome, old debating trick to try to redefine an argument after it's been refuted, and then pretend you were right all along.

    Your tactics are out of date, and your condescension is undeserved. Next time, try pretending that I misread you- or better yet, try pretending that you should have clarified the statement. (Hint: acknowledging a minor error and then fixing it makes YOU look like a better person! Even if you don't care about looking like a good person, it can be used later to manipulate others into believing you were right!)

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  • Rowan_Bojog said:
    >see kids getting killed.

    >It is not natural to want to see kids getting killed

    >see kids get killed.

    Quite a jump to bridge between "drawn furry creatures" and "living human children", chief. I believe that you see something in this image that I quite don't, and what I speculate -that- is, is truly terrifying.

    My main argument, hell, all of it, is and always has been that these are *not children*. So drop the weasely language of implying the artist or the people that enjoy this kind of art really want to see bonafide children being harmed. Nobody sane here would claim you like to fuck boars IRL, why do you take such intellectual liberties when it comes to art you personally find objectionable?

    I don't care if you find this art piece fucked up. I don't mind if you find any sort of drawn art grotesque. But as I stated to zanjll, you mess with the people that lurk around here, you accuse them of being monsters solely on fantasy art alone, without regarding yourself and your funny kinks, your ego is bound to get a whooping.

    These are not real children and we don't need a thought/morality police to tell us what flavor of furry porn is acceptable just because you're unable to tell that what you're watching are drawings of fake fantastical animal anthros, not reality.

    Now you say you were talking about equating drawing with murder- equating, not just associating the depiction with the action depicted.

    Aren't you guys equating drawing messed up furry porn with a desire to harm real human children? All I've done is pointing out how stupid that mindset is and how it detracts severity from the serious circumstances of child abuse.

    Also, thanks for the tips on "manipulating people" but I'll pass. I just like to speak my mind freely with no strings attached.

    Now, good day.

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  • Oh, you came back again.

    Ricky_Spanish said:
    ... you mess with the people that lurk around here, you accuse them of being monsters solely on fantasy art alone, without regarding yourself and your funny kinks, your ego is bound to get a whooping.

    Is that what you think happened here? Hm.

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  • Ricky_Spanish said:
    Quite a jump to bridge between "drawn furry creatures" and "living human children", chief. I believe that you see something in this image that I quite don't, and what I speculate -that- is, is truly terrifying.

    My main argument, hell, all of it, is and always has been that these are *not children*. So drop the weasely language of implying the artist or the people that enjoy this kind of art really want to see bonafide children being harmed. Nobody sane here would claim you like to fuck boars IRL, why do you take such intellectual liberties when it comes to art you personally find objectionable?

    I don't care if you find this art piece fucked up. I don't mind if you find any sort of drawn art grotesque. But as I stated to zanjll, you mess with the people that lurk around here, you accuse them of being monsters solely on fantasy art alone, without regarding yourself and your funny kinks, your ego is bound to get a whooping.

    These are not real children and we don't need a thought/morality police to tell us what flavor of furry porn is acceptable just because you're unable to tell that what you're watching are drawings of fake fantastical animal anthros, not reality.

    Aren't you guys equating drawing messed up furry porn with a desire to harm real human children? All I've done is pointing out how stupid that mindset is and how it detracts severity from the serious circumstances of child abuse.

    Also, thanks for the tips on "manipulating people" but I'll pass. I just like to speak my mind freely with no strings attached.

    Now, good day.

    None of that is the same, you realized, yes?

    You say he wants to f*** a boar because his Avatar is a humanized boar.
    While you, on the other hand, are looking at child murder, for, specifically child you see where these two things don't match up?

    You are essentially saying; "those who are furry are into bestiality."
    While I am saying "those who want to see child murder, want to see child murder."

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  • I'll just grab one of my previous comments.

    zanjll said:

    I don't need someone with no argument, rearranging my sentences to try to validate their fetish.

    As well as.

    zanjll said:

    Oh, and I'm not calling you a monster, I'm just saying you're fucking gross.

    And I do know real from fantasy.
    I ALSO know people don't look for things they don't want to see.

    And this imagery sucks when you're looking for mom pics.

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  • But let me break it down.

    Ricky_Spanish said:
    Quite a jump to bridge between "drawn furry creatures" and "living human children", chief. I believe that you see something in this image that I quite don't, and what I speculate -that- is, is truly terrifying.

    My main argument, hell, all of it, is and always has been that these are *not children*. So drop the weasely language of implying the artist or the people that enjoy this kind of art really want to see bonafide children being harmed. Nobody sane here would claim you like to fuck boars IRL, why do you take such intellectual liberties when it comes to art you personally find objectionable?

    I don't care if you find this art piece fucked up. I don't mind if you find any sort of drawn art grotesque. But as I stated to zanjll, you mess with the people that lurk around here, you accuse them of being monsters solely on fantasy art alone, without regarding yourself and your funny kinks, your ego is bound to get a whooping.

    These are not real children and we don't need a thought/morality police to tell us what flavor of furry porn is acceptable just because you're unable to tell that what you're watching are drawings of fake fantastical animal anthros, not reality.

    Aren't you guys equating drawing messed up furry porn with a desire to harm real human children? All I've done is pointing out how stupid that mindset is and how it detracts severity from the serious circumstances of child abuse.

    Also, thanks for the tips on "manipulating people" but I'll pass. I just like to speak my mind freely with no strings attached.

    Now, good day.

    Response to Paragraph 1:
    I never made that jump you kind of made it for me.

    Response to paragraph 2:
    you weren't really throwing an argument you were just denouncing anything anyone else said if it disagreed with your fetish.

    you argue that they are not children, you meant to say they are not REAL children.

    I argue it is still image of children getting hurt. And that is what you want to see.

    and as previously stated you're equating being a furry to liking bestiality which is basically saying; I like humans, because I like the thought of fucking chimps.

    And no, the one using Weasley language is you. Like I said, re-read the back and fourth.

    Response to paragraph 4:
    I do think this is fucked up. And I'm not saying you're a child murderer, I'm saying you're fucking gross.

    I also do take into consideration my funny and weird kinks and this isn't exactly what I would like to see when I'm looking for mom pics.

    My ego is going to get a whooping?
    Whatever Chad. Psudo intellectual phrat boy. As to reiterate, you tried to retract your argument by saying: and YOU quote:

    Ricky_Spanish said:

    It's just a prank, bro <=]


    Response to paragraph 5
    See re 1

    Response to paragraph 6

    I ain't manipulating nobody my dude.

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  • Since you don't seem to understand, let me dumb it down even further.

    Yes, I know it's not real.
    Yes, I know there is an audience for it.
    This content is kind of like two girls one cup, in that, the people who want to see it really want to see, but anyone who isn't into that specific thing can only call it disgusting.

    And Im not butthurt dude, as I stated before in a previous comment,

    zanjll said:
    I'm laughing my ass off at a pretentious asshole.

    you keep talking about how I must have this massive inflated ego, even though you've basically treated your own comments as if everyone was like this big massive mic drop moment, spoiler, it's not.

    you keep making references to beating up that ego that you seem to have assigned to me, but I have yet to see that happen.
    Saw you get shot down a couple times, though.

    You type like you googled big words to make yourself sound smart.

    And based on your previous comment it doesn't look like I'm the one getting butthurt.
    Oh nice Karen move by the way

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  • This upsets me, not because I'm offended that someone would draw it or anything, but because it reminds me that there are parents like that.

    Good piece of art though, 10/10 would wait for her to give birth then beat her like she owes me money (She probably would) then "rescue" the kids.

    I say "rescue" because I'm sure you can guess what would happen to them based on my name, but at least it'd be better than that

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  • zanjll said:
    As much as I dislike judging other people's interests, I do have to believe that you have to be fucked in the head to like something like this...
    I'm sorry, but to enjoy something or someone dying is disgusting no matter how it's happening.

    No, really, find a way to justify this kind of shit.



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  • *Reloads GODWYN PATTERN BOLTER with malicious intent*

    Brothers. Time to purge this heresy. Also, get the flamer. **The HEAVY FLAMER**.

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  • zanjll said:
    As much as I dislike judging other people's interests, I do have to believe that you have to be fucked in the head to like something like this...
    I'm sorry, but to enjoy something or someone dying is disgusting no matter how it's happening.

    No, really, find a way to justify this kind of shit.

    Yeah. You know you're fucked up, if even the world's most degenerate furfags can't stand you.
    I feel seriously disgusted by people who commission this type of crap. That's coming from me, a nasty ass shit-eating lolicon dogfucker.

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    WELCOME to the international furry boxing championship where multiple sides fight for what they believe and whether a fictional drawing that never happened is fucked up! yes that's right Tom a fictional drawing! we all know the arguments on whether video games are actually harmful or not around the world but we won't make a comment other than to bring it up because we want to see our boxers go at it in this pay-per-view match up this week. We won't hold any argument on whether it's right or wrong because it's funner to see them fight over it when the most of the world already thinks you're mentally handicapped for being a furry in the first place! Come on everybody a new opponent vgtreshi is waiting for a response maybe former champion Ricky_Spanish will show up who knows?!

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  • would drink that squirting pups cunt like a fountain and use her cold holes as a toy for the next week

    Updated by Millcore

    User received a warning for the contents of this message.
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  • Art style is cute, and I like piss play, but this is a bit much. I see the appeal in this, but it's just not for me


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  • The fact that the artist can cause such an uproar that someone essentially ended up banned.... I love them XD. The arguments were as fun to read as looking at the picture. Gold Star my friend

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  • Would anyone see it as wrong for an artist, like me, to create a story that is not just a response to this, but literally altering the artist's intent, a story in which the children are saved, no one is killed, and the evil mother is gotten rid of?

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  • I got no questions no answers I'm not really care next time do not do that I will walk away this time I will look away move to another photo bye

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  • I got no questions no answers I'm not really care next time do not do that I will walk away this time I will look away move to another photo bye

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