Ancient beyond comprehension, this colossal being is a true-blooded Dragon; bearing the twinned pairs of horns that symbolise such potent heritage. According to its own testimony, Charnabel pre-dates all of the civilisations that currently exist in the world, and may have even destroyed a number of those whom came before.
How much can be trusted of this dragon’s own word, however, is uncertain. The creature seems to revel in manipulating mortals almost as much as it takes joy in the thrill of bloody battle. What is certain is where the creature was found: in a ruin of uncertain age, deep in the Kailai desert and buried underground. This lair was found strewn with the accumulated wealth and relics of countless dead, including the strewn bones of other dragons.
Rising from a slumber measured in centuries, what precisely such a creature will do is a source of concern for all those around it; though many hope the dragon’s bloodthirsty nature could be leveraged to turn it towards their enemies. Regardless of what course Charnabel decides upon, should it choose to unleash its wrath, the world will never be the same.
Art commissioned from Theme Finland, whom can be found here:
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