created by o-kemono

From source:

Life's A Chibi - Unwanted Guest - by o-kemono

" I'm all psyched up for my favorite convention which is a few days from now! I will get to see all my friends, hang out at room parties, and get to meet a lot of interesting furries! I can't wait to express my happiness with sudden glomps, tight hugs, snoofing and all around social interactions! There is a small bug going around and I might have it, but all I have is a mild cough which should pass in a day. I'm not worried. If I'm not better when the convention starts, it wont stop me from going. This convention happens once a year in my home town and I won't miss it for the world! Sure, convention staff made announcements that if "someone is sick, they should stay home so no one else will get sick", but to Hell with that! This is my favorite convention and no body or no bug will stop me from enjoying myself and having a great time! I just want to party and get loud ( and maybe lucky )! If people get sick along the way, that is their problem, not mine. Why should I stop having fun because of a stupid thing like this? My life, my rules. "

This is not just relating to the COVID-19 virus, but sickness all together. The COVID-19 virus is the current virus that is spreading around the world, causing many countries to go into "lockdown" for a while until the virus is gone. A lot of people are on edge because of this and most people are taking it seriously to the point where a lot of social gatherings and events are being shut down so people wont get others sick if they are carrying the virus. This ruins everyone's fun, but its something that has to be done in order to keep everyone safe.

One bug that seems to show itself a lot at conventions is known as Con Crud: a viral/bacterial bug that is normally represented as the cold, flu, or other non-threatening illness that others can catch and/or spread throughout conventions and other local gatherings, is mostly felt after the event is over when the bug is at its peak incubation time. Sometimes this bug lays dormant in someone who is not showing symptoms, but can easily be transmitted. Others show physical signs of having the bug, but hide it behind fursuits, cosplay outfits, make-up or a handful of medication. The bug can be passed due to lack of hygiene, physical contact and/or poor decisions, such as not covering your cough or sharing foods/liquid or the "urge to lick someone's face like a dog".

Conventions and the people who care about the well being of others, take steps to make sure they don't get anyone else sick during the social event. Sometimes, people who are sick don't care about their condition and decide to go out and get others sick without a second thought - their main goal is to have their needs for-filled no matter what. In the past, I've met some people like this at conventions who are clearly sick or not physically well. When I ask why they are not at home getting better, some reply with a selfish remark about having fun, wanting to just party, or "not missing it for the world". When I tell them that they are sick and risk infecting others, they reply like they just "don't care" or deny that what they have is "uncatchable" and "no big deal". People also say this even online, when they say that they are sick, but still going to go to the convention no matter what. The thing is that IT IS A BIG DEAL to many. People have different immune systems and strengths, some weaker than others. Something you have might be harmless to you, but devastating and/or life threatening to others. Most people care about their health and the health of those around them because of this reason. The last thing you want to be responsible for while you're sick is getting someone else sick to the point that person is now in critical condition because their body's immune system is not as strong.

If you are sick, the best course of action is to remain in bed and heal yourself. Over exerting and not listening your body will only make it worse to the point where your fun will end with you not being able to breath properly and your body temperature rising to a dangerous level. On top of that, you risk making other people sick and ruin their good time. Stay in bed. Get a lot of sleep, drink a lot of water and heal your body. If you have to go out in public, wash your hands, cough into your arm, avoid close contact with others, and don't spend too much energy on your feet.

Being sick is not fun and no one wants to deal with it if they can help it. Be smart. Be healthy. If you are sick, heal yourself properly. Don't be Patient Zero at a convention.

artwork © 2020 Alex Cockburn

  • Comments
  • epantsimator said:
    Public Service Announcement.

    Ahh. Ok. Jep. It should be naturally. But in this world, mich to many people don't use theire brain. Even while hearing the psa s

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  • seriously people, even though you might not die from COVID, others might. Wear a mask! Masks are to protect othhers from you! Wear them even if you're not sick, because even if you were tested 8 hours ago you might have it now, symptoms dont usually show right away!

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  • Regardless of whether the virus Is spreading or Not, You Are sick or Not, I/We are told at least in Japan that
    If you want to give a hug to a costumed_person/FurSuits at the social events,
    You always have to ask the owner's permission.

    I heard that's the manner and common sense of us furries. Because it's hard to maintain and some owners don't seem to want to be touched. As they say in the comiket. Well, it's the same as if it is a human.

    mrtree said:...others might. Wear a mask!...

    And , Masks protect you from others. Also seriously people, wear masks For Everyone!
    I'm talking about the young student guys in a famous hamburger restaurant without their masks on! Delicious Big Macs


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