Due to quarantine, the new characters are being released early! Leopold the prince, as well as his trusty servant, Squire. Leopold the lion is a hulking 7'2" lion from a royal family. Leopold is out exploring the world before it is his time to become king, and on his venture, he obtained Near Immortality as well as the ability to transform between his anthro form and a feral form. He came across Squire, mortally wounded, and saved him by giving him Near Immortality; Squire declared that he owes Leopold his life and that he will be his servant. They were contacted by the House of Immortals, and after an interview, were invited to stay. Leopold gladly accepted, and so Leopold and Squire joined the House of Immortals.
Flint offered them each a room part of the house, but Leopold declined. He heard about Okko and his capabilities, and decided to ask him to build a room in one of the basement chambers, like how Okko had done. Okko declined, stating that his work was far more important, but quickly changed his mind once Leopold offered 250kg of platinum in exchange for his services, while also footing the bill for any costs the project would have.
Okko constructed the room to meet the specifications of Leopold. The top half of the chamber looks like the interior of a regal castle with a kitchen, dining hall, quarters for Squire, and a master suite fit for a king. The bottom half however, in sharp contrast with the top, is a simulated savanna environment. Due to the incredible technology developed by Okko specifically for this project, the environment is indistinguishable from an actual savanna. Okko dug out into the mountain to give it some extra space, and in total it takes up 250,000 square feet.
Which brings us here, in the newly constructed room where Leopold is so overwhelmed with joy that he is inadvertently crushing Okko.
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