bunny and scp-1472 (tall grass (delta.dynamics) and etc) created by delta.dynamics
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Raptor Maid Waifu 😁
Yes, I know about the SCP story 😉
A few weeks ago I heard about it the first time. Kinda funny, so a make a rough sketch but I wasn’t satisfied with the overall looking. I also would give new software a chance because I would like to move away from Photoshop as a main platform to finalize my pictures. I decided to make a new sketch and see what comes around. It was a lot of work mainly because I have to learn and figure out what I can do with Vektor based programs. That’s the result. I’m not 100% ok with it but I think it turns out very well.
The picture speaks for itself. I made two versions, of course with a naughty one.
I hope you like it.

  • Comments
  • dracosblackwing said:
    ten minutes later, she kills someone for touching her ass.

    It's risky but also hard to resist to not touch her silky skin to feel the firm body, tense muscles and beautiful curves. Maybe she smiles or bite your head off.

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