severus the roman nightstalker (microsoft and etc) created by cut-mate
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Traitor on the cross

Gaius Severus, at one point was a respected soldier in the Roman Legion and beloved by many from the village he came from, though some though he was too naive for his own good, the one who would betray one of his own was a less disciplined soldier, Primus Tullius was often look down upon for not being Roman, although he did try his best to leave that past behind but like stench to a carcass, it stuck around with him, those negative experiences turned him into a bitter, cynical person, he hated what Rome and it citizens, and no bigger embodiment of that was more present to him than Severus.

Severus has been put on night watch on his local garrison, while Severus was busy protecting the men he fought with, Tullius was planning his fall from grace, Tullius had thought about the most heinous crime in the eyes of Rome, treason and murder of a superior, the death of Commander Jullianus and framing Severus for it, he decided to write a fake bounty from one of the Germanic tribes and hide it in Severus' personal satchel, to seal Severus' fate Tullius made a small cross necklace made from small sticks and twine, and hid it with the bounty.

Tullius sneaked into Jullianus' tent and stabbed him in the abdomen, the scream alerted everyone, Severus was the first to find Jullianus, later followed by Tullius, then the rest, Jullianus' weakly whispered to Severus, "Tullius". Severus trying to stop the bleeding got his hands covered in blood, when Tullius and the rest came Jullius had already died, but little did Severus know that Tullius, had shown the rest of the squad the fake bounty. The rest of the squad knowing what they saw, one of them grabbed a large stick and knocked out Severus.

Severus woke up in a cell naked, chained, and with a wooden board, with the words "Traitor" written on them, Tullius walks by and snickered at how pathetic and sad Severus looked at that moment. Severus noticed that Tullius was wearing Commander Armor, this greatly angered Severus. Severus knew who was the real traitor, Tullius entered the cell, when Severus retaliates by swinging at him but badly hunger struck makes him be easily neutralized. Two more soldiers unfamiliar with Severus come and unchain him and forcefully take him out of his cell to the outside, to Severus' dismay saw two wooden posts with bother the posts and floor covered in old, dried blood, and fresh, warm blood.

Outside, the two other soldiers tie his arms to the posts. Tullius relishing the torture of the one who had he envied, stood in front of Severus' as he screamed and cried at the sting of the flagrum whip, tearing into his back, it didn't take long for Severus to get him to a weakened state of blood loss, he was dragged to the gates of the prison, where he'd begin his march to death.

Tullius joked with the other soldiers that they should give him a new wooden beam, as a sing of "respect" he would die on a new beam and post. When the gates opened he was humiliated all those how had once believed in him, Severus wished for sudden death to end his suffering. The new post errected was on a major trade route into the village, this made Severus' "crime" visible for all to see.

Severus stopped in front of the post and turned around towards Tullius, when all of a sudden Severus was kicked in the chest by Tullius making him fall to the ground, taking advantage of this the two other soldiers pinned Severus' under their legs, Severus squirms and screams as the soldiers drive the nails down his wrists.

When he was lifted up and placed on the post, he used his feet to support himself, Tullius ordered the soldiers to nail his heels, as this would prolong the suffering the most, Tullius ordered the others to leave, then Severus' weakly asked, “Why?” Tullius responded "Why? Why you are the incarnation of my suffering under this broken system, I had to toil for years with my identity being erased, that Commander of yours was a monster against my people"
Severus said "He... took you under his... wing you should be grateful... he gave you a home", Tullius responded harshly "That "man" used me as his slave and plaything" Severus responded "I'm sorry... for your... experiences... but why am I here?", Tullius responded "He treated you more of a son than the one he adopted, you made me feel worthless with your existence", all of a sudden the same two soldiers who helped with Severus' crucifixion ambush and subdue Tullius, for the true traitor was found, the two soldiers hid, for the evidence Tullius had presented didn't add up, since Severus rarely left the Garrison unless do supplies, and the nearest Germanic tribes were within a weeks march from the Garrison, patricide is the worst crime even beating treason in it severity! The other soldiers made their way towards Severus, unfortunately in the the time spent subduing Tullius, Severus pleased justice was served passed away.

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