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Look Beyond the Cartoon Dogs, Racism is Real. • 8.6.2020

Jib Kodi

Look beyond the cartoon dogs, what do you see?
Some are subtle, some don't show, but it's there.
Racism is real.

The day when Black Lives finally Matter, that's one step closer to equality.

I made this animation for the light on ̶r̶e̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ ongoing events.
Music - Theo Travis

Some are subtle, some don't show, but it's there.
Racism is real.

The day when Black Lives finally Matter, that's one step closer to equality.

  • Comments
  • fuckyourlogin said:
    Pretty dumb to keep thinking this is about race and not about power tripping cops. But goahead, give the cops an out, help them stay in power.

    it doesnt give them an out. it reminds all of us of the racist system modern policing is predicated on in the north american continent.. and the still relative white supremacist attitudes of western countries.
    we have this same shit in canada to a lesser degree, same shit, different targets. blacks, indigenous, immigrants, theyre all fair game still here.
    thats because of the structure of the police system, and interests those institutions operate for.
    they arent there to protect and serve you. theyre there to protect property and property relations.

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  • I just have to say, that I really like the nice animation of this video, and that I think that it expresses the current issues of today well. I might normally say that perhaps we should keep content like this away from a site like e621, but I liked it. Honestly I did.

    Very well represented. I hope that everyone out there in the world is doing well, and that you are safe. <3

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  • bird_dad said:
    Yikes. I come here to unwind and get AWAY from stuff like this.

    kanye said:
    this is cool and all but all i wanted was to jerk off at some porn

    You can add politics to your blacklist if you don't want to see this kind of stuff.

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  • Repost:
    The animation was pretty good, it reminds me a bit of ed edd and eddy how nothing really sits still.

    As for everything else, all that can be said is 'do research' and come to your own conclusions. Things aren't always as 'black and white' as they appear.

    Apologies for the pun.

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  • letmefall said:
    I'm ready for the sun to burst and wipe everything, bc humanity's only getting worse at an exponential rate.

    And which species will take our place once we've offed ourselves?

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  • This is sad but true about our society today. I'm glad there are people out there who care about matters like this. Thank you for recognizing this.

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  • Fuck the #blacklivesmatter it has done nothing but fuck over the black community. They burn a whole fucken neighborhood down to the ground, started to loot private business that had nothing to do with the police. If you are gonna riot then riot about what you think you should and near the place it is. Not downtown where the McDonald's and Wendy's meet

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  • kyosei said:
    Will the US ever stop acting like they're the only place on Earth?

    Most people who live in America will never leave it, even if they say they will on twitter.

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  • I said it on the other post and I'll say it again: This is tone-deafness on full display. This isn't targeted at cops who might subconsciously profile certain individuals and that's obvious. No, this's targeted at everyone else to make them more fearful, resentful and defensive when dealing with cops, the very things you DO NOT want to be when dealing with cops.

    You never hear the message that you need to be polite and cooperative when dealing with the police, which *should* be the message here...oh, and don't do illegal things. But yeah, tone deaf. How often do you get the message of the cop's side? The crap they have to deal with to protect law and order, constantly being vilified as racist for doing their job. Ever though those cops aren't being racist at all? Or how about racist people that go after cops? Ever hear about that? Because there's always 2 sides of a story...

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  • That's complete BS, coming from people who know nothing about police or what they do.
    Dont break the law, dont resist arrest, no problem. Simple

    BLM tag on a porn site. What the fuck

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  • Say it all you want, I will always support law and order and oppose criminals. Don't like cops hassling you, stop acting shady. When you dress and act the same as criminals in an area you can expect to get bothered by the police. It has nothing to do with your skin color. Some time back there was a robbery in my area and cop stopped me at night because I was wearing a ski mask. Even though it was winter, he asked me to remove it and then shined a light in my face. But because I was courteous and obliged he left me in peace.

    But when you treat them like the enemy, and act like you've done something wrong then they get suspicious. The police are people behind those uniforms, same as you. Treat them as such and maybe you'll find common ground. Peace.

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  • Corona-chan is pleased with all the protests, so please continue. Maybe she will look crazier in the next wave of artworks.

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  • Oh get bent.
    I cant believe the religion of victimhood that is starting to bubble up today, which is also so retarded that it cancels itself, but nobody cares.
    Fun fact: White individuals are shot at twice the amount and rate by police than blacks are. Guess how your video looks in that context. You just made a cartoon that shows blacks as PTSD infused nuts, and you made whites look like the kind master that puts itself in more danger as he defends the poor black thing incapable of doing so itself.

    Its slowly enough.
    The sentiment is noted, but you are way beyond helping anyone or anything with your unhinged religion.
    You might come from a place with the best of intents, but you are ignorant to facts and do not wish to solve any problems either, just wallow in emotions while fetishizing skin color like a racist.
    I have no idea what is wrong with people who cant say that the police needs to be reformed cause its a public safety hazard to everyone by now, and instead go down on semi racist routes like this one, because they think whites are bulletproof apparently.
    Guess what Kodiyak. They are not, educate yourself and drink less koolaid bs about how you are superior because your skin is white. You are not. You live in the same shait world with the same risks and worries.

    blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.
    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    A black man was killed by a white police officer, so your heroes went out to protest it and killed 4 more blacks and 6+ other. To date we are still finding dead bodies cause you know, nothing speaks black lives matter than killing 4 blacks then never bringing their names up ever again.
    Here is the thing: Nobody in their right mind can picture your opinions coming from any position of standard and morality.
    Whites die at double the rate and double the amount to the police than blacks do.
    What will any sane person say?
    This is a problem that affects everyone in society regardless of skin color, and it most definitely needs to be fixed.
    And then there are you and your heroes who are like "BUT PEOPLE WITH BLACK SKIN COLOR DIED. ITS RACISM. YOU DONT GET TO HAVE VICTIMS, THIS IS ABOUT US"

    Sorry no. F off with the race baiting bs.
    Its a problem affecting everyone. If you want to play race wars, it will never have any positive outcome. NEVER.
    Under no circumstance.

    wuffy said:
    it doesnt give them an out. it reminds all of us of the racist system modern policing is predicated on in the north american continent.. and the still relative white supremacist attitudes of western countries.
    we have this same shit in canada to a lesser degree, same shit, different targets. blacks, indigenous, immigrants, theyre all fair game still here.
    thats because of the structure of the police system, and interests those institutions operate for.
    they arent there to protect and serve you. theyre there to protect property and property relations.

    What does white supremacy even mean to someone who thinks that talking about white victims invalidates black ones?
    The only racists are the ones like yourself, who see skin first and everything else as second. White supremacy my ass. The USA is so white supremacist that they allowed blacks to burn and loot entire cities, then took a knee before them and washed their feet.
    Isnt it more that you have it so good son that you feel the need to create your own big issues you can fight against?
    Cause if this is your definition of white supremacy then not only did your school let you down, your genes and brain as well.

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  • caesarczarson said:
    Let me guess, you're white? That's usually a white privilege that cops don't immediately throw you on the ground and choke you out. You don't even get a chance to be courteous .

    Except he is 24% more likely to get shot than a black person.
    Look up the statistics brosky and drink less CNN flavored koolaid.
    Unless ofc you enjoy it and are a full blown racist in favor of race wars.

    Check your privilege son.

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  • Oh boy, this comment section is a mess! Let me add to it!

    I think there's a painful lack of nuance when it comes to this discussion. Most of what you hear tends to be either "White man bad!" or "Cops did nothing wrong!", and as an outsider looking in, I can't help but notice that there are a lot of people trying to push a very one-sided narrative. You also have identitarian groups trying to make this far more about race than it needs to be, as police brutality and violence is something that effects everyone by the end of the day (Twice as many whites are shot to death by police than blacks, annually). I think there are a lot of factors to take into account when talking about this that would help give people a more nuanced perspective on why US police officers do what they do, which simply can't be chalked up to something as simple as "because racism". For example, the overrepresentation of black people in violent crime probably helps to explain the attitude of some police officers when dealing with crime in black neighborhoods. After all, if you were to go somewhere where you knew you'd be more likely encounter someone armed and violent, it would probably put you on edge as well, regardless of race. Now there is definitely much more to it than this, which would be better explained by someone more qualified than I am.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there aren't crooked cops out there, or even actually racist ones. However, I think this is a sign that US police is in need of reform when it comes to how they're trained and vetted, so that what happened to George Floyd doesn't happen again; rather than some kind of evidence for the frankly absurd claims that the US (or the west in general, for that matter) is some kind of white supremacy. In my experience, most people who make those assertions tend to be quite racist themselves. Needless to say, they don't add anything constructive to the discussion.

    It's certainly a discussion that needs to be had (though maybe not on a furry porn site), I just want it to be a sensible one based of facts and reason, rather than flaring emotion, where people who are not looking to be constructive (and would rather pour fuel on the fire) are kept out while the adults in the room talk.

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  • aerensiniac said:
    A black man was killed by a white police officer, so your heroes went out to protest it and killed 4 more blacks and 6+ other. To date we are still finding dead bodies cause you know, nothing speaks black lives matter than killing 4 blacks then never bringing their names up ever again.
    Here is the thing: Nobody in their right mind can picture your opinions coming from any position of standard and morality.
    Whites die at double the rate and double the amount to the police than blacks do.
    What will any sane person say?
    This is a problem that affects everyone in society regardless of skin color, and it most definitely needs to be fixed.
    And then there are you and your heroes who are like "BUT PEOPLE WITH BLACK SKIN COLOR DIED. ITS RACISM. YOU DONT GET TO HAVE VICTIMS, THIS IS ABOUT US"

    Sorry no. F off with the race baiting bs.
    Its a problem affecting everyone. If you want to play race wars, it will never have any positive outcome. NEVER.
    Under no circumstance.

    1. I was talking about the particular instance that caused the Black Lives Matter movement to rekindle itself hotter than before. Not in general.
    2. More white people get killed than black people because there's more white people than black people in America.
    3. Get your damn filthy words out of my mouth. I never said that y'all don't get to have victims, so don't you even think about coming in here with all that.
    4. I wasn't trying to play race wars, and I never said it wasn't affecting everyone. Did you not read the part of my comment where I said that "cops going on power-trips have something to do with it"? But by all means, go ahead. Choose your tanks, and I'll stay here with my sign.
    5. I know I didn't show you saying this, but the comment is still alive and well for all to see, so I should be fine. Generally speaking, black people don't have PTSD when it comes to law enforcement. We're just being cautious. I mean, given our background with the authority figures of America, we should be.

    Despite the stupidity that streamed from your mouth, I think I'll take a phrase from you and leave you with this: "Oh get bent."

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  • gravyfox said:

    A coolheaded response

    Oh boy, this comment section is a mess! Let me add to it!

    I think there's a painful lack of nuance when it comes to this discussion. Most of what you hear tends to be either "White man bad!" or "Cops did nothing wrong!", and as an outsider looking in, I can't help but notice that there are a lot of people trying to push a very one-sided narrative. You also have identitarian groups trying to make this far more about race than it needs to be, as police brutality and violence is something that effects everyone by the end of the day (Twice as many whites are shot to death by police than blacks, annually). I think there are a lot of factors to take into account when talking about this that would help give people a more nuanced perspective on why US police officers do what they do, which simply can't be chalked up to something as simple as "because racism". For example, the overrepresentation of black people in violent crime probably helps to explain the attitude of some police officers when dealing with crime in black neighborhoods. After all, if you were to go somewhere where you knew you'd be more likely encounter someone armed and violent, it would probably put you on edge as well, regardless of race. Now there is definitely much more to it than this, which would be better explained by someone more qualified than I am.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there aren't crooked cops out there, or even actually racist ones. However, I think this is a sign that US police is in need of reform when it comes to how they're trained and vetted, so that what happened to George Floyd doesn't happen again; rather than some kind of evidence for the frankly absurd claims that the US (or the west in general, for that matter) is some kind of white supremacy. In my experience, most people who make those assertions tend to be quite racist themselves. Needless to say, they don't add anything constructive to the discussion.

    It's certainly a discussion that needs to be had (though maybe not on a furry porn site), I just want it to be a sensible one based of facts and reason, rather than flaring emotion, where people who are not looking to be constructive (and would rather pour fuel on the fire) are kept out while the adults in the room talk.

    As a black man, I never really understood why the all lives matter hashtag isn't seen as a noble pursuit. I find it concerning that there have been so many people bashing people who use the hashtag, assuming they're trying to minimize the violence on blacks when other people are attacked by police every day and we should be concerned about all of them.

    Some other strange things I see are people who claim they wish to have equality yet are constantly putting one race or another on a pedestal, bowing down and apologizing profusely for some inherent racism or on behalf of their own race, incorrectly labeling their own entire race as bigoted or racist when America is a place where many people are raised in different situations around different people and circumstances are always different from the man or woman next to them, making blanket statements about any one race definitively wrong.

    One thing that upsets me about the constant victimization of Blacks and minorities is the idea that I'm always deserving of some handicap to stand with whites or others be it special grants or scholarships for my skin color or special recognition because I achieved something many people have before me but since I'm black everyone else needs to cheer from the rooftops because I guess it's not expected that I can perform on equal footing with white folks.
    Then we have special groups for black (insert literally anything here, gamers, scholars, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, you name it) where largely whites are not invited to attend or be a part of outside of a guest capacity on occasion for some of those groups. Like it's odd how people feel like we need to separate ourselves from the others all the time like that.

    I had a conversation with someone the other day complaining about a past experience with a customer that was difficult once and the first questions out of her mouth were about her skin color and she began talking about how some people can just be so racist and she apologized. That didn't make me feel good, that made me feel pitied. The constant pity parties that follow me around when I just want people to ignore my skin color and just hire, fire, congratulate, ridicule, attack or defend me based on my merits, not for something I can't control like skin color.

    Also someone put it well earlier. I'm not a fan of the idea that people think they need to defend me like I'm some precious possession with no agency of my own. That actually does seem like a racist viewpoint and I'd caution those people to evaluate. The "black" dog staring down at his feet while cop stares at him is a shitty representation of how a usual traffic stop goes and honestly to literally any cop, someone who tries to make themselves smaller or less conspicuous during a regular traffic stop might actually seem suspicious. That was obviously not the point of the animation but I'm pointing it out here because if a similar situation were to happen in real life, that is a possible scenario that can play out in that situation. Then if someone notices he's staring at the one black guy in the car they immediately start thinking he's racist when in actuality he could just be wondering "why's he hunched over, and making sure not to make eye contact...kinda wierd. Wonder if we've got something on him...?" Reiterating this is a hypothetical real life situation with nuance I'm presenting rather than an animation with obvious intended messages.

    Also kind of disappointed in the amount of backlash people are getting for pointing out things that don't make sense about this whole situation. The attacking and looting of businesses in the name of fighting racism when the racists aren't largely affected by the McDonalds or the Target burning down. Burning neighborhoods doesn't quite do you much good either, unless you know your target is in a specific house. In fact people are being put out of work, and the national guard is being called to take the abuse from a disenfranchised populous that doesn't seem like it even knows who it's target is, seeing as several blacks have died in the name of stopping racism by people who claim to be on their side. It's not a good look and I'm left wondering what's going to be on the other side of this with fear... I hope to God my fears are unfounded.

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  • I could debate for hours over this and what I approve and disapprove about the message but bruh, this is mostly a porn site. I come here to unwind, occasionally giggle and for the most part, spank the monkey, not look at this political shit. I go to this site to get away from this, man. I respect your opinions and whatever but it really doesn't need to be here.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    I'm not sure what you mean by race playing a bigger part in this than we think, when so far most of what we think is that a white man killed a black man while on duty as a cop in a rather horrifying way due to what seems to be negligence and power tripping. I mean it feels like the real issue was the fact that the police force in Minnesota was an incestuous group that didn't hold it's problem officers accountable for their actions. Race is a big part of the riots, because flloyds death was mischaracterized as a race fuelled killing and it gained momentum. But race has yet to be proven to be a large part of the killing itself. So from what I gather you're referring to the riots and protestors, who disinegenuously use George Floyds death as a catalyst to spring forth a call for police reform, a call that should have been answered years ago of course, but they're citing racism rather than just general police brutality. Otherwise, so far in reference to the killing of George Floyd, race hasn't been proven to be bigger than what we see on its face.

    If you could it'd be great you clarified your statement so I and others could better understand what you mean by "Race plays a bigger role than you think."


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  • kanye said:
    this is cool and all but all i wanted was to jerk off at some porn

    Then why did you click on something that is clearly designated as both not porn and with the 'politics' tag?

    I get that coomers can't think about anything but jerking off regardless of its importance, but like, you'd think it'd be functional enough for something that would actively HELP them in that pursuit.

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  • I have so many questions, I'm from Mexico and I have to know about this more, please don't take my questions out of line I'm not trying to make this topic less bad o even worst. I just want to be more inform about what is happening out there

    - first is there actually racism in all states in USA? cause from what i have heard it depends but idk I'm not from there

    - Does the USA's police have so much power that they can do whatever they want without consequences? or is it just a thing that you see in TV shows?

    - Having a president that gives racism to your neighbors isn't a sign of stop already? Don't you think he is giving racist people a sign of "don't hide it anymore, he understand us"

    if you answer pls do it to inform, I just want to know what is the situation that is going on more clearly and I hope everything change for the better to everyone over there

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  • hexcat said:
    I have so many questions, I'm from Mexico and I have to know about this more, please don't take my questions out of line I'm not trying to make this topic less bad o even worst. I just want to be more inform about what is happening out there

    - first is there actually racism in all states in USA? cause from what i have heard it depends but idk I'm not from there

    - Does the USA's police have so much power that they can do whatever they want without consequences? or is it just a thing that you see in TV shows?

    - Having a president that gives racism to your neighbors isn't a sign of stop already? Don't you think he is giving racist people a sign of "don't hide it anymore, he understand us"

    if you answer pls do it to inform, I just want to know what is the situation that is going on more clearly and I hope everything change for the better to everyone over there

    1) there is racism everywhere if anyone says "there is no racism in our country" they are full of shit or don't get out much.
    2) no just what you see on tv and cherry picked by the news media. that being said the police unions tend to throw their weight around too much.
    3) wanting to stop illegal immigration is only racism if you want it to be.

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  • jakxxx3 said:
    You can add politics to your blacklist if you don't want to see this kind of stuff.

    I mean yeah I can see where your coming from, simply adding something to your blacklist can help but to tell the truth I had no idea politics was even a thing that was on here to begin with. I'm pretty sure me and that other guy aren't the only ones who where thrown off by seeing it. your opinion is valid but not everything can just be brushed off by telling someone to "just blacklist" especially when they never even knew something exist in the first place. It can make someone come off as a dick, and I know saying that makes me sound like a dick, sorry if that came off as offensive somehow?

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  • caesarczarson said:
    Imagine thinking that white people are not privileged LUL

    Please learn to read. You will look less like a d.a.
    When you can, you can come back and explain to me how "we all have problems" translates to "white people dont have privilege".

    blk23 said:
    1. I was talking about the particular instance that caused the Black Lives Matter movement to rekindle itself hotter than before. Not in general.
    2. More white people get killed than black people because there's more white people than black people in America.
    3. Get your damn filthy words out of my mouth. I never said that y'all don't get to have victims, so don't you even think about coming in here with all that.
    4. I wasn't trying to play race wars, and I never said it wasn't affecting everyone. Did you not read the part of my comment where I said that "cops going on power-trips have something to do with it"? But by all means, go ahead. Choose your tanks, and I'll stay here with my sign.
    5. I know I didn't show you saying this, but the comment is still alive and well for all to see, so I should be fine. Generally speaking, black people don't have PTSD when it comes to law enforcement. We're just being cautious. I mean, given our background with the authority figures of America, we should be.

    Despite the stupidity that streamed from your mouth, I think I'll take a phrase from you and leave you with this: "Oh get bent."

    I will take your word word that you just phrased it wrong, so i wont argue back. Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious of law enforcement given the nightmare policing is in the USA to begin with. There is a reason why everyone gets told to never say or answer anything without a lawyer, and thats still the best case scenario where you are asked questions and not beaten down.
    If its a misunderstanding, i also respectfully apologize.

    hexcat said:
    I have so many questions, I'm from Mexico and I have to know about this more, please don't take my questions out of line I'm not trying to make this topic less bad o even worst. I just want to be more inform about what is happening out there

    - first is there actually racism in all states in USA? cause from what i have heard it depends but idk I'm not from there

    - Does the USA's police have so much power that they can do whatever they want without consequences? or is it just a thing that you see in TV shows?

    - Having a president that gives racism to your neighbors isn't a sign of stop already? Don't you think he is giving racist people a sign of "don't hide it anymore, he understand us"

    if you answer pls do it to inform, I just want to know what is the situation that is going on more clearly and I hope everything change for the better to everyone over there

    1. Racism exists everywhere, its like asking whether or not country X or Y has hetero or homosexuals in it. They do, but its on the individual and not on the system. To see how racist america is you just need to take a look at what happened in these riots. People of color got upset, went to riot, the government allowed them to burn and loot cities, murder 10+ people, beat hundreds to a bloody pulp, then the police and law decided to start dropping charges against everyone, took a knee and started washing the feet of the protesters.
    Anyone who thinks that america is an example of systemic racism is on a koolaid diet, and it inflated their ego instead of their liver. Now they roam the world in search of things that they can somehow bend out of shape to support their bs new age religion of victimhood.
    If america is racist, then a lot of places on the rest of the planet need new definitions for racism.

    2. Its a Mafia type problem. You cant give up your own and you cant snitch on them. If you do, you will have a bad time. So its not really about power, but a lack of oversight and evidence.

    3. I have absolutely no idea what you refer to here. Trump might be a clown, but he is not racist. Blacks could enjoy the economic growth entire america has enjoyed. Unemployment was at a historical low. His voting base has its problems, sure, but even if you look that up, whenever there is an atrocity committed due to a difference in politics, the pro-trump guy will be the victim 9 times out of 10. The net is full with all these poor victims and social justice heroes beating elderly and children over wearing make america great hats and what the sh*t not.
    Never trust the left on anything.
    They will be talking morals, empathy and peace. Too bad they are also the world's largest, most unhinged hypocrites and never hold themselves to the standards they preach.


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  • aerensiniac said:
    Please learn to read. You will look less like a d.a.
    When you can, you can come back and explain to me how "we all have problems" translates to "white people dont have privilege".

    I will take your word word that you just phrased it wrong, so i wont argue back. Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious of law enforcement given the nightmare policing is in the USA to begin with. There is a reason why everyone gets told to never say or answer anything without a lawyer, and thats still the best case scenario where you are asked questions and not beaten down.
    If its a misunderstanding, i also respectfully apologize.

    I apologize as well for letting my temper get the best of me. Best wishes to you during this stressful year.

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  • I just tend to forget that so many furries are american and are just so beyond politically fucked there is nothing you can do.
    Losing faith in the furry fandom once again, the issue is really fuckin' simple. BLM, ACAB and white people are born privileged in this current police issue. Its a fucking fact, and if you dont want to agree just leave your house sometimes.

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  • aerensiniac said:
    Oh get bent.
    I cant believe the religion of victimhood that is starting to bubble up today, which is also so retarded that it cancels itself, but nobody cares.
    Fun fact: White individuals are shot at twice the amount and rate by police than blacks are. Guess how your video looks in that context. You just made a cartoon that shows blacks as PTSD infused nuts, and you made whites look like the kind master that puts itself in more danger as he defends the poor black thing incapable of doing so itself.

    Its slowly enough.
    The sentiment is noted, but you are way beyond helping anyone or anything with your unhinged religion.
    You might come from a place with the best of intents, but you are ignorant to facts and do not wish to solve any problems either, just wallow in emotions while fetishizing skin color like a racist.
    I have no idea what is wrong with people who cant say that the police needs to be reformed cause its a public safety hazard to everyone by now, and instead go down on semi racist routes like this one, because they think whites are bulletproof apparently.
    Guess what Kodiyak. They are not, educate yourself and drink less koolaid bs about how you are superior because your skin is white. You are not. You live in the same shait world with the same risks and worries.

    A black man was killed by a white police officer, so your heroes went out to protest it and killed 4 more blacks and 6+ other. To date we are still finding dead bodies cause you know, nothing speaks black lives matter than killing 4 blacks then never bringing their names up ever again.
    Here is the thing: Nobody in their right mind can picture your opinions coming from any position of standard and morality.
    Whites die at double the rate and double the amount to the police than blacks do.
    What will any sane person say?
    This is a problem that affects everyone in society regardless of skin color, and it most definitely needs to be fixed.
    And then there are you and your heroes who are like "BUT PEOPLE WITH BLACK SKIN COLOR DIED. ITS RACISM. YOU DONT GET TO HAVE VICTIMS, THIS IS ABOUT US"

    Sorry no. F off with the race baiting bs.
    Its a problem affecting everyone. If you want to play race wars, it will never have any positive outcome. NEVER.
    Under no circumstance.

    What does white supremacy even mean to someone who thinks that talking about white victims invalidates black ones?
    The only racists are the ones like yourself, who see skin first and everything else as second. White supremacy my ass. The USA is so white supremacist that they allowed blacks to burn and loot entire cities, then took a knee before them and washed their feet.
    Isnt it more that you have it so good son that you feel the need to create your own big issues you can fight against?
    Cause if this is your definition of white supremacy then not only did your school let you down, your genes and brain as well.

    You are a God. Thank you for accurately articulating what I'm sure most NORMAL people actually think.

    In no reality could I have envisioned myself wording that any better than you did. So Thank you.

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  • leo_g said:
    I said it on the other post and I'll say it again: This is tone-deafness on full display. This isn't targeted at cops who might subconsciously profile certain individuals and that's obvious. No, this's targeted at everyone else to make them more fearful, resentful and defensive when dealing with cops, the very things you DO NOT want to be when dealing with cops.

    You never hear the message that you need to be polite and cooperative when dealing with the police, which *should* be the message here...oh, and don't do illegal things. But yeah, tone deaf. How often do you get the message of the cop's side? The crap they have to deal with to protect law and order, constantly being vilified as racist for doing their job. Ever though those cops aren't being racist at all? Or how about racist people that go after cops? Ever hear about that? Because there's always 2 sides of a story...

    even when you do cooperate black peopel liek me are more likely to be shot and killed by cops then white people like you and why? because color of skin. sorry for using the race card but I believe it is you whom are the tone-deaf one sir

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  • malikfoxen said:
    As a black man, I never really understood why the all lives matter hashtag isn't seen as a noble pursuit. I find it concerning that there have been so many people bashing people who use the hashtag, assuming they're trying to minimize the violence on blacks when other people are attacked by police every day and we should be concerned about all of them.

    Some other strange things I see are people who claim they wish to have equality yet are constantly putting one race or another on a pedestal, bowing down and apologizing profusely for some inherent racism or on behalf of their own race, incorrectly labeling their own entire race as bigoted or racist when America is a place where many people are raised in different situations around different people and circumstances are always different from the man or woman next to them, making blanket statements about any one race definitively wrong.

    One thing that upsets me about the constant victimization of Blacks and minorities is the idea that I'm always deserving of some handicap to stand with whites or others be it special grants or scholarships for my skin color or special recognition because I achieved something many people have before me but since I'm black everyone else needs to cheer from the rooftops because I guess it's not expected that I can perform on equal footing with white folks.
    Then we have special groups for black (insert literally anything here, gamers, scholars, musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, you name it) where largely whites are not invited to attend or be a part of outside of a guest capacity on occasion for some of those groups. Like it's odd how people feel like we need to separate ourselves from the others all the time like that.

    I had a conversation with someone the other day complaining about a past experience with a customer that was difficult once and the first questions out of her mouth were about her skin color and she began talking about how some people can just be so racist and she apologized. That didn't make me feel good, that made me feel pitied. The constant pity parties that follow me around when I just want people to ignore my skin color and just hire, fire, congratulate, ridicule, attack or defend me based on my merits, not for something I can't control like skin color.

    Also someone put it well earlier. I'm not a fan of the idea that people think they need to defend me like I'm some precious possession with no agency of my own. That actually does seem like a racist viewpoint and I'd caution those people to evaluate. The "black" dog staring down at his feet while cop stares at him is a shitty representation of how a usual traffic stop goes and honestly to literally any cop, someone who tries to make themselves smaller or less conspicuous during a regular traffic stop might actually seem suspicious. That was obviously not the point of the animation but I'm pointing it out here because if a similar situation were to happen in real life, that is a possible scenario that can play out in that situation. Then if someone notices he's staring at the one black guy in the car they immediately start thinking he's racist when in actuality he could just be wondering "why's he hunched over, and making sure not to make eye contact...kinda wierd. Wonder if we've got something on him...?" Reiterating this is a hypothetical real life situation with nuance I'm presenting rather than an animation with obvious intended messages.

    Also kind of disappointed in the amount of backlash people are getting for pointing out things that don't make sense about this whole situation. The attacking and looting of businesses in the name of fighting racism when the racists aren't largely affected by the McDonalds or the Target burning down. Burning neighborhoods doesn't quite do you much good either, unless you know your target is in a specific house. In fact people are being put out of work, and the national guard is being called to take the abuse from a disenfranchised populous that doesn't seem like it even knows who it's target is, seeing as several blacks have died in the name of stopping racism by people who claim to be on their side. It's not a good look and I'm left wondering what's going to be on the other side of this with fear... I hope to God my fears are unfounded.

    I agree with you malikfoxen.

    TBH I am disappointed in a lot of people here because I am a closet furry but I have always thought that furries are above race and even sexuality but still have the respect on peoples opinions and views so long as they do not take away the freedom of others or harm others that if some idiot thinks a certain race is better than another then that is their opinion so long as they dont try to take away freedom or hurt others then they can carry on thinking that way.

    I have hated the Woke, PC, SJW because they are racist and sexist but act as if they are not and that they fight against racism and sexism and they have taken away peoples freedoms of thought and opinions just looking at the whole thing about Cyberpunk 2077 can point that out.

    I have always thought that the furry community was above race, sex and even species but that apparent illusion has been broken by this comment section.

    Also good animation but I didnt thing it was about racism at first and TBH I though the guys in the car were acting normal and the cop was just doing the "you been naughty?" stare which all police do to everyone and thought that the darker dog? started acting guilty couldnt help but think has he done something? have they all been up to no good?

    A situation like that the cop would of said "You ok? you seem to be nervous." and he would of waited for a response then would decide how to move on from there.

    As for the death of George Floyd I think it highlights a problem with the USA police (I live in the UK) and really I have seen many US Police shows and stuff to know that really US Police just dont know how to restrain somebody as I have seen that knee on face thing loads of times and really there is no need for it.

    I dont think the whole thing was about a racist cop but about how the US needs to look at how to restrain somebody with as little harm as possible I mean for crying out loud US police draw shotguns and revolvers on pretty much every arrest.

    The UK, EU, Australia and other countries dont seem to have the same problems as the US with there police forces, so does that mean they dont have racist cops? I dont think so. The problem is the training and the equipment they need.

    And all lives matter no matter what shape, colour, scalie or furry, bio or synth, Plant or rock all matter. so please everybody can we calm down a bit? Just a suggestion.

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  • hexcat said:
    - first is there actually racism in all states in USA? cause from what i have heard it depends but idk I'm not from there

    - Does the USA's police have so much power that they can do whatever they want without consequences? or is it just a thing that you see in TV shows?

    - Having a president that gives racism to your neighbors isn't a sign of stop already? Don't you think he is giving racist people a sign of "don't hide it anymore, he understand us"

    1. All the states have racist cops in different degrees, because racism exists everywhere in the world. US police can also get pretty violent because they escalate encounters, instead of trying to make heated encounters peaceful. Some states have much higher rates of police violence than others.

    2. Police can often get away with things they shouldn't because police are trusted to police themselves. Because of this, the officers usually don't face charges, since they believe they're partially 'exempt from prosecution.'

    3. The president absolutely encourages a lot of the awful behavior, but he's more of a symptom than the cause. America has had these issues for a long time, they're just becoming more and more obvious.

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  • caesarczarson said:
    Let me guess, you're white? That's usually a white privilege that cops don't immediately throw you on the ground and choke you out. You don't even get a chance to be courteous .

    Yes I am. However I've actually had an officer threaten to shoot me. I learned from that mistake all them years ago and now I support the police.

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  • thekinetic said:
    Yes I am. However I've actually had an officer threaten to shoot me. I learned from that mistake all them years ago and now I support the police.

    You do realize how wrong this sounds? What were you doing that made him threaten you, huh? Did you try to pay with a 30 dollar coupon and they thought it was fake so they murdered you? Sorry, please tell me.

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  • caesarczarson said:
    You do realize how wrong this sounds? What were you doing that made him threaten you, huh? Did you try to pay with a 30 dollar coupon and they thought it was fake so they murdered you? Sorry, please tell me.

    You ever thought that maybe you should learn not to be such a raging racist?

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  • This animation is crapy whiteness.

    It doesn't even communicate its own point

    But hey, let's have this man explain.

    Hell all the black voices talking out against this are called c**ns.

    All Sjws, all of antifa and some small parts of BLM are racist and fake as hell and should be met with contempt in the polls.

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  • "Hmmm how can I make people take this political issue seriously? Oh, I know! I'll make it about furries and post it to a porno website!!" -Nobody Ever

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  • kyosei said:
    You ever thought that maybe you should learn not to be such a raging racist?

    How am I remotely racist? Like, seriously im baffled what do you mean? Im asking what would a /white/ person do to a cop to threaten them to shoot them.

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  • i dont know why people keep trying to put people in boxes black/white it is nothing to do with that, ofcorse there are bad cops out there just as there are bad people out there but the majority of police dont care what you look like its the actions of indervisuals that matter so lets stop making everthing abot race.

    and just to comment on some other people statements if you look athe the facts the majority of police killing are on white people then black people then Hispanics and cops arnt just white so to say that all cops are racist is quite a thing to say as well as the fact that cops matter as well so if there life feels threatened why shouldn't they take action to save there lives and others but some cops do do bad things like george floyd for instants, all im saying is look at the facts and whats acctualy going on befor making assumptions.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    And white men are killed by black police.

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  • thekinetic said:
    Yes I am. However I've actually had an officer threaten to shoot me. I learned from that mistake all them years ago and now I support the police.

    This sounds like Stockholm Syndrome

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  • That's not the 'white cop-black guy' gaze. That's a "This is the family emergency that canceled our dinner date?" gaze

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  • kyosei said:
    Will the US ever stop acting like they're the only place on Earth?

    Maybe when every other Western country pulls its head out of the United States' ass and starts addressing their own issues. Trust me, it's more uncomfortable for the U.S. than it is for everyone else. When asked why every other nation is so obsessed with the U.S., they say "because the U.S. is important." With responses like that, you can't blame brainwashed people for thinking their country is so important.

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  • This to me sounded like the dobberman is a well known bitch-boi in the community and the cop was eyeing him like:
    "Really Rex? 3 at once this time?"

    Then the dobberman remembered all the people that he had sex with in the past and the cup being lose in there was an analogy for how his boi pussy has already been stretched

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  • albinefox said:
    This to me sounded like the dobberman is a well known bitch-boi in the community and the cop was eyeing him like:
    "Really Rex? 3 at once this time?"

    Then the dobberman remembered all the people that he had sex with in the past and the cup being lose in there was an analogy for how his boi pussy has already been stretched

    This interpretation is fucking GOLD.
    lol XD

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  • On one hand, differences in people are kinda neat. It adds variety to boring everyday life.

    On the other hand, being different is just another reason for others to think of you as inferior.

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  • nenado said:
    On one hand, differences in people are kinda neat. It adds variety to boring everyday life.

    On the other hand, being different is just another reason for others to think of you as inferior.

    Trust me, if humans were all clones of each other, I'm 100% certain they'd find a way to feel superior to one another

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  • kyosei said:
    Trust me, if humans were all clones of each other, I'm 100% certain they'd find a way to feel superior to one another

    Oh you can rest assured of that
    Its the easiest thing in the world to find a reason for hating someone.

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  • Just the whole situation here is messed up. It's also always been like this.

    There were black police chiefs before. But it doesn't matter. Having diversity is not enough. Giving more resources to the police is also not an answer.
    Other country's require law enforcement to have a bachelors degree and much, much more training. I think that would help us more.

    Many reforms will need to take place and it will be a long process. Having a quite and short answer is not the way to go.

    Being in the Oregon nation guard is stessfull, even though my unit is not doing anything right now. I can't stop thinking about my brothers and sister across the country. The military situation is not great as well. and in my perspective a lot of us don't want to partake in this, this is not our main job. A lot of us just came out of basic training then were told to be face to face with police and protesters. With no to little experience dealing with the public and handling these types of situations.
    Yes there was a few of us that didn't make good choices, but ultimately the whole of us feel like we're making sure the police don't do anything extreme.

    It's hard for us because if we don't handle the situation, and keep things under control. Then our commander in chief will deploy the 82ed airborne and possible other over sea's units. these soldiers are trained for combat with the enemy directly over seas. We REALLY don't want that... no one does, so it feels like we're being forced to be aggressive, because if we don't theres a chance we'll have to deal with hardened combat vets... Trust me, I don't want that, no one will. It's not a good idea at all.

    The issue with the photo shoot after police clears the crowd over there, so our president could get pictures at the church was bad... because military officials should not be involved in politics, however, no one told those officials that was ever going to happen, and I can confirm they didn't want to be there for that reason. Only to evaluate the situation.

    Out defence secretary also was on the streets with the soldiers speaking with them about how the felt and what there thoughts were. I don't believe he wanted to have soldiers out there in the first place.
    Me I'm glad we're out there showing our loved ones we want what they want and what you want. I want to be there to mediate. The rifles and armor are standard issue, it's apart of our body. we're trained to always carry our gear. We can't help with rifles in this situation, but we must have them.
    We're really open to invasion right now, and we are weak and scattered. By the chance of being attacked, by anyone who wants to do everyone harm.
    Also of us don't even have licences to drive this armor. and there was a big miscommunication on permissions for this. including the incident with the helicopter. we're all human.

    It's a vulnerable time for all of us and I want to make sure we're not attacked by terrorists, because it can happen, and the chances are higher then before.

    The 1000 cadets (Jr officers) who just graduated from west point also "shamed" (My own word) higher officials at the pentagon for not protecting the constitution. Signed from them. not one. many. People caring more about advancing their own careers then wanting to up-take the oath they took. (Not all of them)
    There are a lot of us who forgot and never cared about our oaths or wanting to really protect us. but there are also a lot of us that do care, and ultimately are "In-the-right" (Military saying) and plenty of us are In-the-Wrong. You don't want to In-the-wrong.

    60% of our military is black/brown as well, but again having diversity is not the only answer, that alone is not good enough. people need to change the way they think and perceive. including the military, but there is one thing we all have in common, we try to share one mind, we uphold our values and keep our oaths. It is in-the-right and anyone else not doing this, is in-the-wrong.

    Idk what my unit is going to do, but I have the strong feeling to do good, and challenge my leaders to do the same and refuse anything else.

    Hope this gave perspective on my situation. I know the furry community is doing good at confirming facts and checking them. We need to keep on being positive and putting right info out there for everyone and show everyone we mean good.
    Try to be un-biased as much as possible to a certain extent. Find good values and stand by them. Don't let the military scare you yet.The situation called for haste and lots of us are learning how to handle this, and gain experience, a lot of us want to be there with you, for you.
    The time to be scared: is if active duty troops in deployed. We don't want that.... fight to prevent that. show them we can handle the situation as is right now.
    If any of you live in Oregon, please don't throw bricks at our legs or face... or attack us. my unit in particular feel very chill. And I'll do everything I can to fight injustice and everyone in the wrong. uphold my oath and refuse anything else otherwise.


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  • All I saw was two dogs locking eyes with no pretense upon whether they knew each other, had something specified against each other, or any background that would give the blatant hint.

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  • considering all the blm stuff I've seen which is really just screaming, or giving white people shit for not understanding, this does a lot to actually show the fear someone goes through just being in a scenario like this. Which does a lot more to help someone understand what someone is talking about than just posting *angry OC*. Well done overall, and smooth animation.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    Sorry, the BLM movement is just a racist facade. Stats don't lie, blacks are not getting 'gunned down' by cops at a disporportinate rate compared to any other race. It's a cop problem, and there's a lot of countries with shitty power tripping cops; ours included. They don't hold them accountable, they get off on so many complaints and charges it's not even funny. There's more hate/racism against white people than there is black people, which is kind of funny given things.

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  • how come everyone can argue over this, but im just like ''cartoon doggos''
    i mean i dont wanna argue, but like, i cant think anymore

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  • critanium said:
    Jesus christ, what fucking bomb went off in this comment section?

    About the normal when an issue that affects everybody differently is discussed by individuals who can't actually see how it affects everybody else because everybody is yelling at each other on the internet.

    edit: the video is well done. Artist knows their cinematography.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    Considering the number of whites killed by white police officers, even while begging for their lives and holding their hands up... Yeah, it's a power trip more then race.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    This happens to every race. By supporting just one you end up losing a battle and hurting yourself. ALM

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  • All live matter. Idk why people think it's only non whites that get fucked. Statistically whites are shot unarmed, and targeted more. No one gets up in arms about whites being btfo'd by cops. Funny, really.

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  • kanye said:
    this is cool and all but all i wanted was to jerk off at some porn

    u r at the wrong website buddy if u want to jerk off to some porn u ned to go to e621 not e926

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  • cheemsdoge said:
    All live matter. Idk why people think it's only non whites that get fucked. Statistically whites are shot unarmed, and targeted more. No one gets up in arms about whites being btfo'd by cops. Funny, really.

    True; the thing is, when a non-white person gets shot by a white cop, the whole "race" aspect of it is the first thing people notice. And what was either sheer incompetence or a power trip on the cop's part becomes perceived as a hate crime, even if the victim being black had nothing to do with the cop's decision to use lethal force in the first place.

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  • fuckyourlogin said:
    Pretty dumb to keep thinking this is about race and not about power tripping cops. But goahead, give the cops an out, help them stay in power.

    As a black man, I get this reaction from more than just cops. Luckily, much less than cops but still, you go'head and stay soundin' ignant bruh

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  • amaroqokami said:
    Then why did you click on something that is clearly designated as both not porn and with the 'politics' tag?

    I get that coomers can't think about anything but jerking off regardless of its importance, but like, you'd think it'd be functional enough for something that would actively HELP them in that pursuit.

    The fact that this comment got downvoted is fucking hilarious.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    So when a white cop kill a white men is because the cop is whiter than the white civilian :0 ?

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  • omniscient said:
    Sorry, the BLM movement is just a racist facade. Stats don't lie, blacks are not getting 'gunned down' by cops at a disporportinate rate compared to any other race. It's a cop problem, and there's a lot of countries with shitty power tripping cops; ours included. They don't hold them accountable, they get off on so many complaints and charges it's not even funny. There's more hate/racism against white people than there is black people, which is kind of funny given things.

    those that do get shot seem to be mentally incapable of comprehending "comply = dont die". at the end of the day its their own fault

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  • Cool animation, but what would be the meaning of the loose cup? Is it because the doberman feels like he doesn't fit anywere?

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  • zakie said:
    Cool animation, but what would be the meaning of the loose cup? Is it because the doberman feels like he doesn't fit anywere?

    The smaller cup is shaking, which I presume, is supposed represent how the doberman was feeling at moment. Scared over what could have potentially happened.

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  • zaviel said:
    The smaller cup is shaking, which I presume, is supposed represent how the doberman was feeling at moment. Scared over what could have potentially happened.

    Maybe. I feel it represents how shook up he is...because he finished his drink. I've been pulled over before and i always need a drink to cool down after.

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  • Remember: White, black, brown, fucking purple, it doesn't matter. Cops will still beat you up (or worse) and most likely get away with it. I hate how its turned into a race thing because all it does is divide people who all want to solve the same problem of police officers using excessive force.

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  • blk23 said:
    But it is.
    A black man was killed by a white police officer.

    I mean, you aren't wrong in saying that cops going on power-trips have something to do with it, because that does. Race just plays a bigger part in this than you think.

    There are hundreds of thousands of videos of white people getting kill by white cops besides de new one of the black guy getting kill by 5 black cops explain yourself

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  • alessio said:
    There are hundreds of thousands of videos of white people getting kill by white cops besides de new one of the black guy getting kill by 5 black cops explain yourself

    Show rn

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  • cheemsdoge said:
    All live matter. Idk why people think it's only non whites that get fucked. Statistically whites are shot unarmed, and targeted more. No one gets up in arms about whites being btfo'd by cops. Funny, really.

    Maybe total, but if you adjust to a "per capita" kind of view, what you're saying kind of doesn't hold up.
    In the United States at least, the reason more white people total are killed by police is they make up such a massive chunk of the population.
    Interestingly, scrolling through this, it looks like Native people get fucked the hardest by the cops.

    I know, I realize I'm extremely late to the party, but I caught myself doomscrolling political posts. These comments are... really something.

    dummymocha said:
    Show rn

    I don't think they can post gore here. It wouldn't really illustrate their point, though, hopping on some NSFL site and digging up shooting videos, what ends up on any given shock site obviously isn't going to be all-encompassing, or wholly represent the statistics, or the nuance of the situation in the US.

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  • Me: Cute doggies and social commentary! Yay!
    Everyone else in the comment section: blah blah blah my beliefs, racist statement, bad stuff in good faith, blah blah blah
    Me: Oh no...

    Joke aside, come on guys. Argue more, I absolutely love reading people arguing over furry art and on a porn site. It's so funny to me.

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