johannes (patreon) created by zackary911
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  • unlike most artists, this guy actually tries to (if not he does) improve on his work other than most artists who uses the same formula over and over again for years, finally I'm glad to see such change and talent from a person like zack.

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  • So, funny story about this image. So, I had saved this images link to my clipboard, so I can post it on my discord later. So, a few days go by, and friend of mine sent a link to me leading to a merch shop. I figured my parents would like to browse the shop, so I "copied" The link and sent it to my parents... Unfortunately, I didn't copy the link, and sent my parents the link to this image. I didn't realized I had done this until my mom sent me a message. So, yeah, moral of the story is, please look at what you're sending before you send it.

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  • askabane said:
    So, funny story about this image. So, I had saved this images link to my clipboard, so I can post it on my discord later. So, a few days go by, and friend of mine sent a link to me leading to a merch shop. I figured my parents would like to browse the shop, so I "copied" The link and sent it to my parents... Unfortunately, I didn't copy the link, and sent my parents the link to this image. I didn't realized I had done this until my mom sent me a message. So, yeah, moral of the story is, please look at what you're sending before you send it.

    ahhh, yes...that awkward moment.

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