Mud and dirt
“Oh no!” The otter opened her eyes wide.
A towering figure lifted from the depths of the marsh water, showing a canine visage, with its pointy ears and long, stubby snout: a wolf, covered in every green thing the swamp could get, shook his fur around in drizzling splashes.
The otter girl tried to run away, but as soon she turned around, the muddy floor of the shore made her slip and fall with a squishing noise. The ears of the wolf twitched, so it only took a split second to gaze where the female fell.
The poor otter girl looked at the huge predator approaching her closer and closer, almost doubling him in size, making her breath more erratic and faster, her heart was racing… everything a smaller creature would be afraid of was, as usual, running through her body. The wolf licked her lips, showing his pearly white teeth. The fear, the presence of that hunter, could only make her stay still, knowing if she tried to run away, she would fall again and get injured. There seemed to be no other escape for her, being so exposed and naked upon a big wolf like that could mean the end for her.
As the shadow of the hunter crawled upon her, the otter girl could only close her eyes and make her lay on the sticky mud. To eat or be eaten, as they say. In the darkness, she felt the warm breath of the beast across her neck, expecting that bite any prey expected as the cease of their life. Instead, she felt that same breath closer to her chest, and soon began to feel a firm grasp on one of her breasts, while a sturdy, firm hand caressed way beneath her belly.
She soon opened her eyes and felt how that huge beast was groping her breasts and gently massaging her belly, before went between her legs and felt the fingers of the same wolf assaulting between her legs.
The wolf hushed at the girl as he noticed her open eyes staring at him. “good girl…” he added.
The otter girl blushed and let a small moan. She could feel the claws of the wolf rubbing against each crease inside her vagina.
“You are on heat, are you? You seem far away from your tribe.” The wolf smiled and gave a quick lick on her forehead.
“Why?” she asked. The wolf didn´t give any answer, but instead made a show of his strength by turning the girl face down on the floor and get her in all fours.
The wolf quickly took his member in one of his hands, extending in quite a large size. The female trembled at such girth ‘That thing will split me in half!’ she thought. The wolf pushed his tip between her legs and soon let her natural moisture to get inside her body with ease. The young male wolf kept pushing inside the otter with relentlessness, gritting his teeth for how small but slick that tight small hole felt. With each thrust, the otter girl let her eyes close and instead her moans became louder, like if she watched the huge size that was thrusting inside was doing its purpose. She could feel her own vaginal walls split apart by that wide, fleshy rod, ramming as deep as it could. She rested face down and let her knees and hips to sustain the raw thrusts over and over again.
As those two stranger beasts kept mating with each other, all they could feel was warmth, comfort, bliss… the need with being each other. A fulfilled purpose. Each ramming motion from the wolf’s hips ended up crossing through the otter’s body like lightning.
And then, the final push. The wolf howled, while the otter girl let one final squeal of pleasure. The wolf had released his thick seed deep into her womb, but due to their difference in size, it didn´t take long for her belly to bump out and ooze outside. Their fate was now in the hands of life and its mysteries.
Some say the wolf and the otter still meet at that same spot, others say that she ran away with an otter male from another tribe, far away across the Great Basin, but her own tribe says she wasn’t seen anymore after that day. Who knows…?
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