nintendo and etc created by notkastar
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"Titan or not, Can't let the battery go dry, Ya know?"

Artist Note:
Holding out for a RegiDark Or RegiPychi but,
Electricity in it's purest form is pretty cool too
if not a bit shocking, Dood.

Though I'm always open to biz being built on,
Like the Legendary Titans getting new titans,

Doodle Notes:
Electricity and Specialization, Dood!

While Water flows with very smooth lines, Electricity
is the total opposite! While still a line, It's jagged, rough,
jets out, and all that jazz; it 'flows' everywhere!

Now when it comes to showing that be sure to give it
your unique flair! Like the doodle above, My flair
was to make the outlines themselves the electricity! Spicing
up what would have been just spikey yellow legs. Deets
like that bring doodles to life, Dood!

So when you get doodling be sure to not only have fun but,
think of ways you can give your special spin to biz!

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