Story in Fa source
The Mansion on Drone-Hill
Several minutes had passed since Quillu had left the plane and rented a rockethorse for the rest of the way.
These rockethorses were fast jet powered hovering bikes that, like real horses, could partially think on their own and find a safe way to the destination.
Quillu’s shining horn cut through the air, emitting high pitched noise, but the visor she wore muted all irrelevant outside noises effectively.
It would be easy for the dark unicorn to talk to someone over her communicator, but right now she just enjoyed the speedy ride through fast changing terrain.
It didn't take long to get to her Hotel. A simple one, but it had all she needed. All she was allowed to have.
Her orders were clear and she was not supposed to make a holiday trip.
Her Master kept a close eye on his possessions, so a bed, a hot shower and two meals a day would have to be enough.
Once quillu arrived, she ate one of those meals, then went for a long shower.
She was expected to be clean and elegant when meeting with the drone company's chief of operations.
The dark unicorn had her outfit chosen for her, but she actually liked it very much.
It was casual, yet sexy and a bit kinky. Tight and shiny magenta colored latex engulfed her forearms, lower legs and her belly.
Soft and flowy black silk covered her upper legs up to the latex top. More silky fabric was mostly hiding her breasts and changed into a wide hood that even had holes for her ears.
A wide silver metal collar with a sturdy ring on the front as well as ankle and wrist cuffs rounded off her outfit.
She was quite pleased and in her thoughts thanked the master for his great choice.
Then she elegantly walked out of her room, the hallway and finally the hotel to grab a Taxi.
The taxi was faster than Quillu expected.
It arrived only a few minutes after she left the hotel and didn't give her any chance to work out how she wanted to greet the CO of the drone company.
She only remembered her name. Zrihangou.
When the taxi passed the giant gate that opened just as they arrived, Quillu couldn’t believe her eyes.
They passed through a high Hedge that seemed to be a few meters thick.
This hedge ran all the way around the property with only a few exceptions of smaller gates and doors.
The taxi kept driving towards what almost seemed like a castle to the unicorn.
There were several buildings. Smudging her nose against the window, she could see Fields being worked by people and drones.
There were feral horses pulling machinery and wagons.
Everything felt surreal and like this was an oasis of the past, meticulously cared for.
After all, real feral animals were rarely used for work these days.
The mansion itself consisted of a huge main building with at least two big wings to every side, while multiple smaller buildings seemed to be added here and there whenever needed.
Quillu made out the stables to the far left of the building as there were several horses looking her way from many windows.
The unicorn giggled a bit, took another look at everything, then inhaled deeply as the taxi was about to stop at the main entrance.
“okay. that’s it I guess…”, she mumbled as she stepped out of the taxi, the black silk of her outfit immediately flowing in the mild breeze while the latex felt like a tight hug.
Quillu admired her outfit for a second, then looked over to the main door, where an anthropomorphic dragoness was leaning against one of the two door wings smiling wide at the unicorn.
The slim greenish dragoness was wearing a black harness that was somewhat similar to what quillu had seen on anthropomorphic ponies.
she wasn’t close enough to see what material it was, but she guessed it was thick leather, as it seemed a bit matte compared to the dragoness scales as well as her slick skin.
Some thin red fabric that was fixed to the harness covered her breasts as well as her crotch was flowing in the wind.
A rather high collar with many beautiful gems and some similar cuffs around ankles, wrists and the tip of her tail finished off her beautiful outfit.
Quillu was a bit stunned and almost forgot to walk over to the lady waiting for her.
“Greetings Lady Zrihangou. Thank you for allowing me to inspect and hopefully buy one or two of your well known drones.
My name is Quillu.”, the dark unicorn said as she had climbed the stairs, then bowed down a little bit.
“No need to be so formal, my dear Quillu. Welcome to Drone-Hill, one of my favorite projects.”, Zrihangou answered and gestured at the whole area.
“Please come inside. Let us talk about what kind of drone you would like to buy. Oh, and I just got some nice cookies, if you want some.”
Her tail was swinging from side to side, almost hypnotizing Quillu, as she was walking through the rather big entrance hall.
“oh uh uhm… yes please. cookies sound really good, Lady Zrihangou.”, she answered once she realized she had zoned out a bit.
“Please, I prefer just Zri. I do have to say, I never had the chance to meet an anthropomorphic unicorn before.
You look quite stunning, especially in your beautifully shiny outfit.” She stopped and turned around,
“With these temperatures around here it is quite lovely to have thin silk offering some airflow. I like how you combined that with some shiny latex.”
The dragoness smiled wide, turned around again and continued on her way towards a small visitor lounge.
“Thank you, Zri. your harness is quite stunning to be honest. It is beautifully crafted and a great combination with the fabric and gems…”
>>Ping ping ping..<<
Suddenly their attention was caught by a loud noise of something dropping onto the floor.
Both the dragoness and the unicorn turn over just to see a drone in an anthro pony look kneeling down to pick up a broom it dropped.
“TCPD-CE! What was that?! you’re ordered to clean this hall, not stare at me and my visitors!”, Zri shouted at the drone,
pushed a hidden button on one of her wrist cuffs and watched how the drone struggled against something invisible to Quillu.
“My latest prototype. It still has some flaws I need to tend to. Come now, Quillu, we have much to discuss.”
Still staring at the pony-drone, quillu slowly started following the dragoness.
“What kind of flaws does it have? It looks pretty much perfect…”
Punishment for disobedience
The electroshocks made it impossible to stand up or even move one bit.
Pain surged through the drones most intimate parts as vision, hearing and the ability to smell faded.
The arousal that had just rushed through his body when he saw the two beautiful women in sexy outfits was flushed away within the first seconds of the electroshock punishment.
There was no pleasure when the shock ravaged through his balls as well as his prostate.
If he could, he would have screamed, but it had been long since he even was able to make sounds at all.
The thick canine-horse-penis dildo that was knotted behind his fangs and went deep down his throat was most effective in blocking every attempt.
All he could do was breathe through the tubes in his nose.
In and out.
In and out...
in… and out…
The shocks stopped.
In… and… out…
His ability to smell returned, just to prolong his punishment.
Instead of the neutral fresh air, the scent of salty pre-cum was added, letting him know that he just avoided a much more severe punishment.
The vision slowly returned next. From pitch black, the screens in front of his eyes slowly created the wireframe of the immediate surroundings.
It was like the early stages of a Program. only showing basic forms, no details.
But it was enough for him to navigate and do his job of cleaning the room as the screens started highlighting dirt and areas he needed to clean.
A path was marked with arrows on the floor, directing him to where he should be cleaning next.
Every wrong step was instantly punished with a small electroshock in the neck.
Once he was finished with a cleaning task, the counter “areas cleaned: 5/ 100” was raised. But there was no way for him to tell what the program counted as an area.
Sometimes it was just wiping a single tabletop, sometimes it was cleaning the floor and furniture of a whole room.
Whenever he needed a new tool or to change the water, the program automatically maneuvered him into his drone-room.
There all the tools he needed were stored and there he could find his charging station.
It was a very hard job, but he had no choice other than following every command.
He was glad that the special latex suit absorbed all the sweat and kept being comfortable all the time.
The metal chastity belt as well as the metal chest harness and other accessories made it even more exhausting as they added weight he had to deal with.
Long mechanical dreadlocks on his helmet actually helped to balance the weight of the pony mask, but just like the dreads of the tail they added more weight.
“areas cleaned: 16/100”
“Ladder and feather duster needed”
The drone stopped for a second. scared to climb a ladder with the hooves on his paws.
The drone was shocked and quickly started to move again.
“ see, we are able to produce the perfect drone for your needs.
TCPD-CE is completely different though. It is the beginning of a new line we might explore more, given the right circumstances.
It is a lot more expensive and time consuming than all our previous models and we are still in concept-phase.”,
Zrihangou explained after the two women sat down on one of the bigger balconies overlooking the mansion gardens and eating fresh cookies.
“Why is it more time-consuming? you seem to be able to produce the other drones rather quickly.”, Quillu asked and was trying to wrap her head around all the information the Dragoness had already given her.
The whole trip turned out to be much more than she had expected.
“The TCPD, which is short for totally controlled pony drone, can’t be programmed like the other purely robotic drones.
You see, editing code and getting the right programming for every situation the drone might encounter is impossible.
With the TCPD we are using different methods and training for drones to become what we and our customers need.
Drones, but intelligent enough to learn and do their jobs in a perfect and individual way.”, Zri happily explained as she brushed over the harness she was wearing with her left hand.
She took a bite from the cookie in her other hand and continued with a bit of crunching sound: “This first prototype you just encountered is actually a dear friend of mine who… volunteered… for this line of drones. He…".
She stopped when Quillu's jaws seemed to drop to the floor.
"You mean there is a person inside?", she almost shouted and quickly wrapped her hands over her mouth.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to Interrupt. go on please.", she quickly added while her cheeks went really dark in shame, making her bright spots show more and more.
The dragoness giggled and started to laugh, making some of the people under the balcony try to look up to them.
Of course they couldn't see the two women from this low.
"Well yes. Ferolux went through extensive training under my supervision ever since I met him decades ago.
He can be quite the submissive type if you know how to poke the right spots.
And trust me. there are many!", Zri laughed some more and had to brush away some tears of joy.
She then looked at the unicorn to check if she got the pointe.
"Poke! get it?", she laughed once more as Quillu was obviously confused.
"Oh!", was the only word the unicorn could utter as she realised Zri talking about a guy getting fucked.
She blushed as her thoughts went to that guy being pegged by this beautiful Dragoness in front of her.
She zoned out a bit as her brain started showing her all the ways this could look.
She thought about how the dragoness would fuck that guy.
How she would laugh while doing it and pulling on the reigns of his bridle-gag.
She imagined how the flowy silk moved in the air while the dragoness was thrusting her hips into the other ones butt.
No! it was her butt!
In her thoughts she saw the bright dots in the fur and the thin strings of her lubrication that slowly dripped from her vagina.
wet... so damn wet!...
Why was this chair so wet?
Her mind slammed back into reality with so much force that Quillu sprang up from the chair with one of her hands still touching her wet Lips.
Unexpected openness
"Oh my god! I am so sorry! I am so sorry, miss Zri. I…", she quickly mumbled as she pulled away her hand and tried to hide her sex with it.
"My my, what a horny unicorn you are. Please be so kind and sit down again.
I assure you there is nothing to excuse. To be honest I liked the show!" Zri slowly answered while giving her most erotik smirk.
Quillu sat back down, crossing her legs to hide her crotch, while ignoring the wetness on the chair.
She wasn’t sure how to interpret the smirk, but somehow deep in her body she knew it probably meant nothing good for her.
She was sure the dragoness would use this incident to raise the price of the two drones she was ordered to buy for her master.
Master would be very mad at her if she messed this deal up.
Quillu dropped her arms onto the armrests and tried to get back to serious business.
“Sorry. please excuse my indecency. You were explaining how you trained this Ferolux person inside the TCPD?”, she directed back to the topic.
The dragoness smiled very wide at Quillu before she leaned back and started talking: “You are excused.
But it will not be forgotten. You should know that dragons hoard knowledge just like we hoard other valuables.
It is fun to observe and learn. and even more fun to use the knowledge. But I digress. Back to the TCPD-CE.”
She looked at the unicorns crotch for a second, then continued with a smile.
“The CE stands for ‘cat edition’ because Ferolux is actually a melanistic jaguar. You could say we made the Predator live as his own prey.
Which is quite fun if you come to think of it.
It all started with some occasional Ponyplay and he always came back after that, wanting more and more.”
Zrihangou giggled: “At some point it got sexual and kinky for him. But since I am lesbian, it went a little bit different than he had expected.
I prefer not to touch dicks. But I love to build drones and machines which learn how to work their subject in ways no Person could.
Ferolux learned to take more and more. In all the ways you think right now, my dear.
He is not only here as the TCPD-CE, but he also is our main tester for every kinky apparatus we build.
Of course there are some that he doesn’t like and enjoy, but to my surprise he decided to test them anyway due to his unique skills.”
The dragoness suddenly giggled “He once insisted on testing a new machine without even looking at it as a whole.
I bet he was too horny because it had been weeks in chastity. So I got him dressed in a clear transparent latex catsuit.
Really clear, not those yellow-ish ones. I put a metal harness and his collar on him and had him step onto a marked spot...”
Quillu could barely sit still. She didn’t expect anything this naughty from the dragoness at all.
Why was she telling her all this? What did it matter to Quillu?
She was here to buy a normal drone for her master, nothing more. Nothing so kinky. nothing so… good!
She was forcing herself to keep the hands away from her nether regions and listen to the pretty sexy dragoness giving her the biggest ladyboner she ever felt.
“The machine grabbed his wrists and ankles as well as the back of the harness, easily lifting the surprised kitty into the air”, Zrihangou continued with joy in her eyes.
“The metal muzzle it put on him looked quite cute until his eyes widened when a copy of his own dick was pushed deep into his mouth.
Of course he could still breathe through the nose-tubes the machine forced deep into him. Probably not pleasant at first, but I now know he loved it in the end.”
She grabbed the teacup and nipped on it while having a good look at the unicorn.
She was very pretty and seeing her being so horny from this topic did not leave the dragoness untouched.
But she was well trained in hiding her arousal. after all it would be unprofessional.
“So imagine already wide eyes opening up even more when the crotch zipper of his suit got opened and a thick knotted and well lubed dildo slowly pushed against his sphincter.
Such a nice view. believe me! The hardest part was to program the machine to apply a cocksheath to his erect dick without hurting him.
I’d say it was a full success that led to a nice firework… ...into his own mouth”, She licked her lips and smirked at the unicorn who had jumped up again.
“Lady Zri. please excuse me for a moment”, she mumbled and rushed off to the closest toilet, passing the TCPD-CE on her way.
Charging time
His eyes felt sore from the wire-grid view he had for such a long time. He wasn’t sure how long it actually was, as he couldn’t see any of the clocks that were in the mansion.
But from all the work he did it felt like at least 4 hours. Beside the initial task of cleaning 100 spots he had to fix things like broken lamps and other facility management tasks.
Thus he had to go back to his storage room multiple times to grab different gear.
On some tasks he was ordered to get his hand hooves on, which also happened in his room, so he had to walk through the huge mansion even more.
Everything was really hard, even after weeks, or months or being trained as a pony drone.
The thick dildo deep in his throat as well as the small breathing tubes that ended in his lungs made it a challenge to keep the oxygen levels just right.
The stiffness of the neck because of the thick phallus and the heavy mask was the bigger problem though.
Looking around without turning the whole body was almost always combined with the challenge of suppressing the gag reflex.
But not only the mask with all it’s additions was challenging. The chastity belt part of the suit was a lot more challenging most of the time.
The feeling of his dick being permanently forced to stay in its sheath by a metal cup as well as the unique catheter design were always a weird feeling, but sometimes it really got painful when moving.
It had been quite weird when the catheter was inserted. It was well lubed of course, but when it somehow split up inside the prostate, moving into the bladder and down the ejaculatory duct felt like a mix of pain and extreme pleasure.
It allowed the catheter to transport urine and ejaculate separately, giving Zri many ways to use the fluids.
The most challenging part of the chastity belt was the huge knotted equine dildo in his rump.
It was already huge when it was inserted all this time ago, but it kept growing ever since, stretching him more and more, training his body.
It featured a fuckable opening, that didn’t allow any pleasure for himself though.
It was time for charging. That’s how his sleep time was called. Within his room there was a huge machine arm with a padded seat and multiple monitors.
When ordered, he would lay down on it. The machine connects to the suit and its many functions.
Checking all kinds of data, feeding and cleaning him inside and out. rewarding or punishing him for what he did over the day.
Today he was punished…
Ferolux felt liquid food being forced through the huge gag into his stomach, when suddenly his prostate was being electroshocked.
He squirmed in his bindings, but the machine arm had him locked in place unable to move one bit. Drones didn’t move while being charged after all.
“Daily feedback: Staring at customers, being horny in front of customers, trying to get aroused, interrupting sales talks, not continuing with tasks automatically.”
The shocks got more harsh and at the same time normal cleaning routine started.
Emptying his bladder, then cleaning both bladder and rump with clean warm water all while having his prostate painfully milked made for a very unpleasant experience.
It got even worse when his ejaculate was pumped directly into the dildo gag and into his mouth through tiny holes.
He tried to shake his head, somehow force the dildo out of his mouth, but like all the times before it was impossible.
The salty taste of his own cum filled his mouth around the knotted gag and he knew he would taste it for a long time. There was no pleasure at all. Just salty taste, the feeling of fullness and total blackness.
Unknown to him, the monitors outside were showing his current status as well as diagrams of his outfit to whoever would enter the room.
The real deal
Quillu sat on a bench in the middle of the gardens. Her silky cloth was flowing in the wind while the sun offered some good heat.
The metal cuffs and collar felt really good when getting warmer and helped her relax.
After she had returned from the toilets, freshened up and with a clearer mind, the two women started discussing the contract of buying two drones.
It took longer than expected and Zri made it quite a challenge to get the lowest possible price.
But in the end Quillu got her down to a price she deemed acceptable.
It took some more time actually getting the contract done and signed.
After that Zri took the unicorn to a walk over the property, happily telling about every tiny detail of it. She was really proud of her dragonhort.
The tour got cut short when Zri got a notice about some problems she had to deal with personally.
Before rushing off she told Quillu to go enjoy and explore some more if she wished to. It was exactly what the unicorn was hoping to do. Well, at least it was part of it.
Quillu got up and walked back to the mansion after about 20 minutes of resting. There was an order she had to execute.
It wouldn’t be easy, but she was very confident. The dragoness had given her more information than she could’ve hoped for.
Enough information to make stealing the TCPD-CE a lot easier than she first planned.
Yes, the two drones she bought were important to her master, but what he really wanted was this special drone.
The unicorn wondered if her master knew there was a person inside. She quickly pushed that though aside as she entered the mansion.
Of course there were no guards anywhere. Nobody would dare to steal from a dragoness' hort. At least that’s what Quillu hoped the dragoness was thinking.
It was easy navigating through the Mansion. The tour she got was really helpful and she even remembered seeing a door that she suspected being the drone’s compartment.
The door wasn’t locked.
“Of course it isn’t”, the unicorn mumbled. After all, the drone had to exit and enter to do its job.
The door opened easily and without the slightest sound. The hinges were well cared for as was everything she had seen today.
She quickly entered the dim lit room and closed the door behind herself, only a silenced >click< to be heard.
“okay. let’s see.”, she mumbled as her eyes accustomed to the dim light.
There was a light panel over a tool rack, but way more important were the dim green screens on the big metal contraption the drone was being held by.
“Wow…”, Quillu couldn’t stop herself from gasping.
It actually looked very comfortable.
Stepping closer, she brushed her hands over the shiny latex and metal parts of the drones body.
It was warm. The latex was soft and where there was no metal, she could feel the strong pulse of Ferolux.
The chest was raising and lowering a bit too fast for him to be in sleeping state.
She finally looked up at the monitors and this time gasped louder than she would have liked.
This was way more kinky than she had expected.
“fuck…”, she mumbled as she noticed how her thoughts drifted away and made her horny again. “Concentrate Quillu! you got a job to do!”, she said to herself and looked at the screens again, hoping to find some useful information she would need.
She saw the huge gag and dildo, the tubes that went to many places and the torments this jaguar had to endure.
Apparently a punishing cycle had just stopped, showing her that this poor kitty would only be allowed to have a pleasurable orgasm in 65 days and 13 hours.
She felt really sorry for him and was lucky that her master never put her into chastity.
After watching the screens for a few minutes with her thoughts drifting all over the place, she finally turned towards the extra console close by.
There should be a way to interrupt whatever program was going on and release that drone for some tasks manually.
The console was a maze of buttons, knobs, touchscreens and displays. But after some time Quillu got to a screen that asked for the drones password.
The Unicorn already had an idea for a possible password the dragoness could have chosen.
When she explained what she had done to train the jaguar she had laughed a lot when calling him >surprised kitty<.
It was only a thought that crossed Quillu’s mind, but apparently she was right with this one. The Screen turned blank for a second, then presented many options to the unicorn.
The first option she chose was >silent mode on< as she didn’t want the drones hooves to make too much noise when walking it through the mansion towards the exit.
Just like she hoped, the machine applied rubber pads to the drones hooves and a >mute< sign appeared on the screens above the drone.
“okay. good. hm. let’s get you going then… somehow.”, the unicorn mumbled as she was looking for a release option.
She found >Remove DC< on the screen. “Ah. Remove Drone clamps. perfect!”, she mumbled and clicked on it.
A mechanical arm came up from below the drone, clamped onto the crotch plate of it’s chastity belt and with some clicking noises removed it, then disappeared again, leaving the Jaguars balls and sheath in her plain sight.
The main chastity device was still in place. she could see a metal cap barely poking out of the sheath, held in place by multiple steel and rubber parts. Multiple tubes came out of the tip and went through the legs to the still covered parts of his body.
“what a mean device!”, Quillu thought and pushed the button again.
The dick cover was reapplied and the unicorn kept looking for another way of getting the drone to move while her body rewarded the short look onto the jaguars crotch with some unwanted wetness.
There was no release button anywhere. The Unicorn had checked all she could think of. The new plan idea was just brilliant though. At least she thought so.
A simple task for the drone to do outside the main gate would do the trick.
She had just put in the order on the console, when the contraption sprung to live, getting the drone back on its hooves.
The task was a simple >move and wait< option she had found somewhere in the endless task-menu. It was perfect.
When the drone left the compartment, she just followed it watching it carefully.
Hopefully whoever she would pass on her way would think she was observing it at work, which kind-of was true after all.
It worked like a charm. Quillu was smiling all over when suddenly the TCPD-CE stopped moving just a few meters away from the front gate of the property.
It didn’t make any sound at all, just shook on the whole body for a second, then bent down and got on all fours.
The unicorn tried to pull it up, but the drone resisted and apparently was breathing strongly.
Wondering what happened, Quillu tried to lift the whole drone up, but even for the strong unicorn this jaguar with all the rubber and metal on him was too heavy.
She panicked. She was so close to success. there had to be a way to get this drone out and get going.
Looking around she noticed the cab was already waiting for her outside the gate. “At least the driver knows how to be on time!”, she said and opened the unguarded gate waving to the driver afterwards.
The driver had just opened the door of the cab when a jolt of pain rushed through Quillu’s body.
Something had hit her just between the spine and shoulder blade making her take a step or two forward.
It was suddenly hard to focus and she also had to go down to her knees to not fall over. When she reached for the spot on her back, there was only a small needle there.
“Fuck…”, was all she could mumble when she felt her mind drift away. When all was suddenly sideways she realised she had fallen over.
Still facing the open gate and the taxi, she could see that it wasn’t the driver exiting, but the dragoness herself. As far as Quillu’s clouded mind could tell she didn’t seem angry at all.
It was more like she was giving the unicorn a really happy smile.
Her eyes acted on their own and closed on her, letting everything fade to black and her mind drift away.
The dragons hort
He was back at his compartment, the contraption had just grabbed him and put him into position. He didn’t understand what was going on. He did as ordered.
Of course he knew it was unusual to get a simple task like that, especially outside the Property, but it wasn’t like the program would let him do anything else but go there.
The jaguar knew exactly how rough the program, or the dragoness herself, were when it came to being disobedient with tasks.
His vision was put on wireframe mode all the time and he didn’t see anything unusual before he got zapped in front of the gate.
His body had rebelled against the suit, but those electroshocks quickly got him to get on all fours. Only then they ended, leaving him panting strongly while both gag and dildo started growing.
It was one of the ways the program would keep him in place when not using electroshocks. The dildo and gan expanding made it very uncomfortable to move because only a relaxed body could take such big toys.
It took a long time until they shrunk again and he was ordered to go to his compartment.
“I won’t punish you, Fero. Regarding your programming and training you did everything right. I doubt you even knew what was or is going on as apparently you were in silent mode all the time.
Let’s just say someone tried to take you away from here. Away from my hort, away from your place, away from your dream. I know I know. this sounds weird, but I know you like it here.
I’d say I know you all too well. Anyway. I digress. I decided to let you have a pleasure orgasm once I have dealt with some things. After all it has been over half a year since your last one. And we do have to celebrate the new addition to my hort, don’t we?
But for now you will go through your sleep cycle. Have a good night.”
Zrihangou brushed over the metal and latex covered chest as well as his upper legs, giving them a short massage.
Then she left the room to look after the unicorn she captured.
Quillu’s body twitched as she woke up, but it wasn’t able to move much.
She was restrained!
She instantly realized it and opened her eyes, just to see the flared tip of a huge equine dick right in front of her.
No, it was a dildo attached to a machine! It was pulsing and twitching a bit though as if it was real.
She tried to pull her head away, but a wide strap across her head and around her horn kept the head firmly in place on soft rubbery padding.
Actually she could feel and smell latex all over her body.
Apparently she had been put into a catsuit while she was unconscious. She was unable to see anything other than the huge dildo, that was dripping just a bit of lube from its tip.
Something touched her back just above her hips. A hand followed by another one brushed over the latex following her sporty slim curves.
“You know, I really like this dark fur with the glowing blue dots in it. You just look stunning and sexy. I couldn’t hide them under normal latex of course.
This clear suit shows them even better now.”, Zrihangou said with a soft and friendly voice.
“I think it will be your outfit for some years. I already have it locked by password. But just so you know, it is not >surprised unicorn<. I am glad you noticed that part of my story even though you were… distracted.”
Her hands moved down towards the unicorn's tail, then further doch between the latex covered buttcheeks. Everything was covered in seamless latex, even the most private parts seemed to be turned into latex.
“This is a new suit design. Since you were out for quite a long time, I could produce it just for you. partially created with normal seams, partially molded right onto your body.
Or should I say into your body?”, the dragoness giggled and pushed a finger into butt and vagina.
Quillu gasped but wasn’t able to say anything. she could talk just like normal, but there wasn’t any sound coming out of her mouth.
“Oh don’t worry to talk. I am testing a new way of blocking vocal cords on command and using active noise canceling for any leftover sounds.
Since you are new to training and have a long way to go to becoming the new TCPD-UE, the unicorn edition of my newest drone design, I will let you choose which of your two holes gets to be trained by me personally before the machine will take over.
I give you one word only. should you say more, I will punish you.”
Zrihangou pushed a button and teased both butthole and vagine with her other hand.
“choose wisely, my new droneycorn.”
Quillu was overwhelmed. not by fear or regret. It felt more like pent up hornyness that was pushed higher and higher over this day. Even though the latex felt weird on and in her, she knew she was being super wet. Knowing the sexy dragoness was going to fuck her did add even more to it and let her mind go all over the place.
“both”, she answered without thinking. It was her pure lust talking.
“now that’s an interesting decision. I can live with that.”, Zri answered and gave the unicorn a light slap on the butt before pushing another button on her brace.
The huge flare pushed against Quillu’s lips and passed them when she opened them up as wide as she was able to.
“Good girl!”, Zri exclaimed as she watched the dildo push deeper and deeper.
“I see you have a well trained gag reflex. It is a good start. I want you to please that dick the best you can.
It will determine how rough the machine will train you. It is always a matter of give and take, you know?”
The unicorn felt something push against her anus. It was warm and slippery and easily passed her sphincter at first, then getting wider and wider as it slid in deeper.
Zri smiled wide as her strapon slipped in. It was shaped like a tapered tentacle with some ribs and texture as well as a swollen base.
She slowly pushed her hips forward until a second, way shorter, dildo pressed against the unicorn's pussy.
Quillu moaned as both her holes were stretched. Zri was being nice and friendly with her so far.
She tried to do the same to the huge horse dick in her mouth, caressing it’s tip with her tongue when it pulled out a bit, letting her saliva drip from her lips.
The material of the dildo felt almost natural and the slight throbbing gave it a real feeling, especially when she closed her eyes.
She could hear Zri starting to breathe faster while she sped up fucking her with the double strapon.
The dragoness had grabbed her by the hips and pulled herself into every thrust, letting the dildos penetrate deep into her rump and vagina.
Quillu enjoyed the tentacle dildo as it went way deeper than she ever tried and easily bent when it had to follow the colon.
At the same time it was stiff enough to really penetrate deep.
The smaller dildo in her pussy had a perfect bend to reach her g-spot every time it was pulled out a bit, massaging it and bringing the unicorn closer and closer to climax.
“You are better trained than I believed. Your master sure can be proud of his training. I’d say you were worth everything I paid. A drone for a drone so to say.”, Zri said while panting heavily and thrusting faster and faster.
She didn’t continue to talk as she herself felt that her voice would break because of the incoming climax.
The dragoness was really speeding up and quillu had trouble concentrating on pleasuring the dildo in her mouth as it also speed up and was fucking her deepthroat.
She moaned loudly as her body twitched from a strong orgasm.
Zri used that as a sign to speed up and bring herself to climax as well.
Pushing harder, further and faster, she ravaged Quillu’s crotch while the dildo did the same with her mouth.
“uuhhh..”, Zri let out a moan even though she tried to keep silent, when an orgasm was shaking her lower body.
Contracting all her muscles because of it, she pushed the swollen part of the tentacle dildo into Quillus butt like a canine knot, while the horsecock shot a big load of fake cum into the unicorns mouth, letting most of it drip out onto the floor as she couldn’t drink so fast.
Zri let herself drop forward a bit, panting heavily and keeping pressure against the two dildos on her strapon.
She took her time to cool down and relax before unbuckling the strapon with both dildos deep inside Quillu.
Then she slowly stepped away to remove the harness from the dildos, revealing connectors the machine could attach to.
Only a push of a button later, the machine did just that, keeping all three dildos deep inside the unicorn while Zri put on some clothes and walked around to the front of the contraption.
“My my. What a mess. By the amount I’d say you did good on the pleasuring part, but girl. You will need to work on keeping it all in.
I think we have our first training goal set then. I wish you a good night, TCPD-UE.”
Quillu felt weak after the climax and with the strong machine blocking her every move.
She could just look up at the beautiful dragoness that had just fucked her to oblivion and accept her fate.
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Holy shit how much pain is this guy in
MemberMy dream how do i become one of these drones
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