fan character and murana wolford (legend of ahya) created by kammi-lu
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'Tail on Your Feathers'

So I met this person named Parabellum online who had taken a real liking to Murana and wanted to know more about her. As we got to talking over the months, he expressed genuine interest to get to know her more 'intimately.' After much discussion on how best to go about this, I decided it best after commissioning this lewd piece with him that he be the one to write the story. I came in after to polish up the writing after and here is his background story for our pic.


After a long grueling day in the office and the coming of the weekend, Murana decided to go to her usual spot of evening comfort: a bar only a couple of blocks away from her dwelling. As she opens the door to the establishment, the strong and not surprising smell of alcohol hits her nostrils. She scans the counter to find an empty seat. Sitting down, she flags the bartender to give her favorite drink, a tequila sunrise. After a couple sips, her acute senses detect a presence near her that wasn’t originally there.

“I’ll have a cinnamon moonshine please.” A deep rough voice says near her.

She turned her head slightly and beheld a dark avian gentleman, completely black physically and fashion wise. While the avian was staring into space waiting for his drink. She further examined his features. She normally wasn't looking for anyone in particular when going to the bar for relaxation, but for whatever reason, she found him to be quite fine. She honestly needed some relief and this particular bar had exclusive booths that were 'off-the-record' typically used for this purpose.

His feathers were pitch black yet sleek to the point where it reflected light. Having not seen many avians in her life, Murana had to admit, he just had all these handsome features meant to draw in females instinctively. Murana decided to bite the bullet and scooted one seat over to him. He noticed this thanks to his 180 degree avian vision.

Ordering the same drink that the raven was nursing. “A fine night isn’t it?” She asked not looking at him.

“Indeed it is…” The raven said slowly, already suspecting that she is on to him, trying to hide a smile.

“So what brings you to this place at this time of day?” She asked curiously.

“Probably the same reason as you are.” The raven responds as he takes a sip of his drink.

“Hmm quite clever, I don’t see many men think that way.” Or maybe they did, but very bold of him to be throwing out the possibility like that straight from the get-go.

“Why thank you for the kind compliment.” The raven finally turns his head towards her, revealing his large glowing blue eyes that seemed to stare into her soul, giving her a shiver.

“In case you were wondering, I’m Roland.” He says hesitantly as his attention was also brought by the fine feminine features of Murana.

“A pleasure, I’m Murana.” She smirked, sensing that she managed to catch his attention. If he was any more obvious about his admirations, he would have already been beak first into her breasts.

“Would you by any chance like to go to a more 'private' area? There are a couple of booths at the back of the bar just for that.” She asked, smiling at his obvious gawking, but enjoying the attention.

Roland’s expression dropped into surprise. “Um...sure thing.” Wow, this would be easire than she thought.

Although the 'hunt' had already been won, she did not let that deter her eagerness to relief her stress. Taking his hand and leading him over to one of the back rooms without any resistance from his end, she sat down only a couple of inches from him in the comfortable lounge booth, shutting the curtains to avoid prying eyes. Roland was starting to heat up from nervousness, as well as excitement. She could smell it from him.

“Tell me...have you ever had experience with wolves?” Mura asked as she rubbed one of his thighs close to his groin.

“I...uh…” He now seemed at a loss for words, her presence dominating his senses.

“Hush, say no more. I know the answer already.” She interrupts him. “However I will admit, I have no experience with avians either. So perhaps we can both educate ourselves…” Murana says in a seductive tone as she slowly began to lift up her shirt to reveal her large breasts. Roland stared at them intensely while his member rose like a missile getting ready to launch.

“Heh, you look like you’ve never seen breasts before.... Is this your first time?” Murana was surprised. How did this fine hunk of a specimen go for this long without anyone taking interest?

“I guess you can say that…” Roland replies in a slightly stuttered voice. He had officially managed to give Murana control of his mind.

Murana seemed a bit put out. "Well, if you are unsure, we don't have to do anything."

Roland shook his head vehemently. "No, no. It's fine...just nervous. That's all." He gave her thigh a small squeeze to help coax her to continue.

“Well then, that's about to change.” Mura gave an cheeky grin and slowly took off her leg wear and panties, revealing her slim figure and the prominent scar on her lower belly. “It is your turn.” She motioned Roland to strip himself as well.

Only removing his bottoms, he revealed his long avian member which was fascinating to Murana, having not been with an avian before.

Murana’s tail started to wag intensely at the sight of it. “Aren’t you a big boy?” She crawled over on the booth and straddled him, rubbing her butt across the plumage of his feathers, feeling it grace her bare fur. "Oh, you're so soft! This feels great!"

Roland continued to stutter, "Um...Murana, I think you're putting me in the wrong hole."

Murana wrapped her arms around his neck and licked his beak. "Mmm, I think once you're in, you'll agree that it is the right one. Now, you be a good boy as I’ll teach you some things while riding.”

Art Done by: Kammi-lu - FurAffinity Account:

Bird OC owner:

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