lei-lani and ludwig bullworth jackson (ludwig bullworth jackson (copyright)) created by twinkle-sez
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Superior version of post #902995

Ludwig and Lei-lani (Ludwig Bullworth Jackson)

The big bull engages into some aquatic eroticism with the lovely Pacific island otter-gal.

Lei-lani appears courtesy of her owner Lei-lani (big thanks to her for helping get this picture made)

Art by the always amazing twinkle-sez .

Hottub Magic (Lei-Lani)

This gorrrgeous piece courtesy of two of my favorite people, twinkle-sez, a gifted artist whom I work with time to time, and ludwig_bullworth_jackson, who insisted not only in getting his adorable bull into a ""50 Shades of Tan entry, but into Leilani as well... *^^*

Hot bull in a hot otter in a hot-tub. What could possibly be "hotter"?

Art by: twinkle-sez
Ludwig appears courtesy of ludwig_bullworth_jackson
Leilani appears courtesy of lei-lani

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