eloise corduroy and monica corduroy (thanksgiving and etc) created by gnaw
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Thankful Gathering

As Thanksgiving approaches, Monica and Eloise reenact a scene from a favorite erotic novel of theirs "Giving of Passion".

The relationship between settlers and Natives were actually quite civil, all things considered. One such pilgrimess, a maiden by the name of Lutessa always enjoyed making a feast for all to enjoy. This day, she met with the chieftess of a local tribe of Native Americans, though she could never pronounced her tribal name, but she translated her name as Moonshadow. Day by day, Lutessa would brink food she made to Moonshadow's tribe as a peace offering between the tribe and the settlement. What no one knew was that Lutessa had a forbidden affair with Moonshadow's daughter, though Lutessa herself was married to a loving husband. Not only that, but Moonshadow herself offered herself to many of the handsome men of the settlement, though she was far from being defenseless as she and her tribe knew how to use resources to keep themselves safe.

In the end, both Lutessa and Moonshadow's friendship blossomed and prospered to the day they passed, and then some more...

Right when their reinactment was finished, Monica and Eloise would make Thanksgiving dinner to the whole family; just like old times.

Happy Thanksgiving to all Yanks (Least some that are able to celebrate it)

  • Comments
  • You really gotta appreciate the artist finding the exact Fresnel angle coefficient to calculate the shading that ass

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