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Commission for Judy Reinard on FA featuring their character Edith Vaughn

There is also accompanying backstory for this piece written by the owner, here:


Meet my new OC: Edith Vaughn, the 47th and current President of the United States.

President Edith Vaughn privately meets with a senator in the Oval Office to talk about further stimulus package, with her own “tactic” of negotiation, she is sure she can get the results she want.

She is initially just a genderswap version of Eddie Vaughn, but decided to make her a completely new OC, her universe however is separated from my other characters' universe.

As of August 2028, her biography in the White House website reads:

Edith Vaughn is the 47th and current President of the United States. The first woman to be elected as president, her main priority as president is to make the United States a more perfect union for all Americans. She previously served one term as a United States Senator from North Carolina, and five terms as member of the United States House of Representatives from North Carolina's 4th congressional district. Her presidential campaign slogan was "She's With US" and this is her main philosophy while serving in the White House.

Born on December 15, 1977, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, President Meredith Evelyn Vaughn (née Miller) is the youngest of six wolf children of Simon Miller and Karen Miller. As a daughter of a carpenter and a nurse, President Vaughn understand how it feels like to live in a middle-class family. Her parents told her to dream big and believe in her ability to make the world a better place, they also taught her the Southern hospitality which formed her personality.

With hard work and diligence, President Vaughn graduated from the University of Chicago and Duke University School of Law. She met the love of her life, future First Gentleman Isaac Vaughn in Duke Law School, they married in 2005, and President Vaughn resided with her husband in Raleigh, North Carolina. Edith Vaughn and Isaac Vaughn are blessed with 3 children, David, Eleanor, and Michael.

After graduating, President Vaughn became an associate attorney in her father-in-law, then-Governor of North Carolina Walter Vaughn's law firm. As an attorney, Edith Vaughn helped to ensure North Carolinians' legal rights in their cases, and she saw firsthand the struggle of ordinary Americans. This motivated her to enter politics so she can help more people.

President Vaughn’s first run for a political office was successful, she was elected as a Republican to represent North Carolina’s 4th congressional district in the United States House of Representatives in the 2010 midterms.

Aged 33 during her first inauguration in 2011, Representative Edith Vaughn was the youngest female member of the Congress at that time. She was reelected four times, in 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. She served in the House Committee of Homeland Security, Committee of Armed Service, and Committee of Small Business. Representative Vaughn fought to keep the American people in control of their healthcare, protect the second amendment and the right to open carry, and reject unnecessary tax raises.

Following the rise of far-right extremism, anti-prey, anti-minority, and anti-immigrant sentiments after the 2016 presidential election, Representative Vaughn vowed she will not stand by as far-right extremism threaten the American dream and democracy. Representative Vaughn recognizes the United States is a diverse country with numerous species from all walks of life that makes the country more unified and stronger, and she believes America has always been great. During the coronavirus pandemic, Representative Vaughn urged for a better response from the executive branch.

On May 6, 2019, Representative Vaughn announced her candidacy for the United States Senate. She campaigned to reduce the influence of extremism in Washington, D.C. and protect prey and minority North Carolinians. Representative Vaughn won the 2020 United States Senate election in North Carolina with 51.7% of votes.

Edith Vaughn was inaugurated on January 3, 2021, as the junior United States Senator from North Carolina. During her time in the Senate, Senator Vaughn served in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate Committee on Finance, and Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Senator Vaughn voted for stimulus checks and supported nationwide mask, testing and vaccination mandate. She voted against national assault weapons ban, tax raises, and she did her best to prevent the federal government takeover of healthcare.

Senator Vaughn spearheaded the bipartisan Prey Assistance Act, a landmark legislation to help prey Americans recover from financial problems from the coronavirus pandemic. She was regarded as the most moderate Republican in the Senate, and she was the first Senate Republican to support same-sex and inter-species marriages, and she also supports abortion rights.

Senator Vaughn launched her campaign for President of the United States on July 10, 2023. One year later, Senator Vaughn won the Republican nomination for president, becoming the first woman to do so, she defeated five other candidates in the Republican primaries.

Senator Vaughn chose three-term Utah Governor Jim Sawyer as her running mate, a lion, he is the first African-American and the first feline to receive the Republican nomination for vice president.

In her nomination acceptance speech, Senator Vaughn asked the Republican Party to be more inclusive and diverse, and she called for reform within the Republican Party.

On November 5, 2024, Edith Vaughn and Jim Sawyer were elected as the 47th President and 50th Vice President of the United States. The pair won 50.2% of popular vote and 280 electoral votes. Edith Vaughn and Jim Sawyer defeated Vice President Kamala Harris and Texas Senator Beto O'Rourke in the presidential election.

Edith Vaughn became the first woman to be elected as president, and Jim Sawyer became the second African-American and the second feline to be vice president. President-elect Vaughn resigned from the Senate on January 3, 2025.

President Vaughn and Vice President Sawyer were inaugurated on January 20, 2025. In her inaugural address, President Vaughn proclaimed a new era of American presidency, a presidency of actions and not just empty promises, and bring about an era of gentle, caring, and kind 21st century conservative leadership. She vowed to be an example for women in the United States and around the world.

As president, Edith Vaughn is working hard to realize her campaign promises of revitalize the country following the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 until 2023, by cutting taxes and regulations, achieve a clean renewable energy powered economy, repeal and replace the American People Healthcare Act, repeal the national ban on assault weapons, defend marriage and abortion rights, protect prey, minority, and immigrant citizens, modernize the military, increase funding to NASA and the Space Force, and ensure America’s leadership on the world stage. She is committed to work together with both parties and independents in the nation’s capital.

President Vaughn has fulfilled her promises and delivered exceptional results from her first term in office, because of the historic major tax cuts and regulations cuts, the unemployment rate dropped, inflation went down, and GDP and wages grew.

Under her presidency, the unemployment rate for prey and minority Americans reached its lowest level ever. In just three years, the numbers of prey and minority owned small businesses skyrocketed. The president's pro-growth, pro-middle class, and pro-American economic policies brought unprecedented level of prosperity for all Americans.

President Vaughn successfully repealed the American People Healthcare Act and replaced it with the Freedom in Healthcare Act, putting ordinary Americans back in charge of their healthcare, lowering healthcare premiums, and increasing choice and competitiveness in the healthcare market.

The United States once again achieves energy independence under Vaughn's presidency and the country exported far more oil and natural gas than ever before. This is accompanied by record-breaking investments on clean renewable energy and the construction of numerous new solar, wind, and hydropower stations that creates millions of new jobs.

Having lesser regulations, businesses are more profitable while also maintaining tight environmental protection standards, proving that the economy, jobs, and the environment can be protected at the same time without having to sacrifice one of them.

Using increased fund, NASA landed American astronauts on the moon with the Artemis III mission in June of 2027. President Vaughn ordered NASA to start the Ares program with a goal to land American astronauts on Mars before 2035.

President Vaughn supports the expansion of NATO and EU, replaced USMCA with the North American Trade Partnership, signed new nuclear disarmament agreements, and launched the Clean Ocean and Clean Planet coalition to combat climate change. With her authorization, Navy SEALs successfully killed the Caliph of ISIS in a raid after years of hiding.

She reacted quickly to restore law and order in cities affected by the 2026 species riots by sending in National Guards. President Vaughn recognizes the pain experienced by the prey communities from unfair treatment by police forces, and she led the bipartisan decision to defund certain police forces. President Vaughn believes that prey Americans deserve to be treated better and more equal in every aspect of life.

On July 4, 2026, on the culmination of the year-long nationwide 250th anniversary of the United States, President Vaughn introduced the Prey Prosperity Plan, an executive branch initiative to lift more prey Americans out of poverty, promote affordable healthcare, housing, and education for preys, and protect preys from discrimination and speciesism.

President Vaughn is currently looking forward to serve the American people again for four more years, and she believes she is the best qualified person to lead the United States of America, A Nation Healed, A Nation Revived, A Nation Greater.

Please note that her political views doesn’t represent my real life political view.

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