leto and reth created by grimart

What could go wrong.
~10 high res pages early release on https://patreon.com/grimart

  • Comments
  • hinikon said:
    Oh shit. That kid sure had no dopamin throo his early childhood. And now he found a way to make himsalfe happy when hen wants to be.

    Ps. !IFACKINGKNEWIT! (I Hope(for sake of the story, not to say that it is right for this to happen{Even tho im on this site i still have some humanity and common fucking sens left}) that the kid will become another fox, that he will never understend that his ""friend"" Does anything wrong, and he will try to be more like her.

    Why would you hope for something like that unless you were a pedo? You also comment alot on cub art...........

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  • onegai said:
    Why would you hope for something like that unless you were a pedo? You also comment alot on cub art...........

    Cub art is pixels so speaking personally I wouldn't care if that's all someone indulged in, better those pixels get hurt than someone irl. However it's when people actually endorse what happens in the art where it becomes a problem.
    For instance, thinking the kid in the comic will finally be happy now that he has a way to contact his pedophilic, grooming furry friend just because he hadn't seen her for such a long time. He doesn't understand she's a bad person because of her actions thanks to said grooming. I wouldn't say that he'd be better now that they're in contact, not by a long shot.

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  • hinikon said:
    Oh shit. That kid sure had no dopamin throo his early childhood. And now he found a way to make himsalfe happy when hen wants to be.

    Ps. !IFACKINGKNEWIT! (I Hope(for sake of the story, not to say that it is right for this to happen{Even tho im on this site i still have some humanity and common fucking sens left}) that the kid will become another fox, that he will never understend that his ""friend"" Does anything wrong, and he will try to be more like her.

    There's a time and a place buddy, thos is definitely not the place. There is no way that would fit in the story, this isn't meant to be happy, these characters are all put in very dangerously real situations that result in nothing but harm.

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  • jayfiregrowlithe said:
    Cub art is pixels so speaking personally I wouldn't care if that's all someone indulged in, better those pixels get hurt than someone irl. However it's when people actually endorse what happens in the art where it becomes a problem.
    For instance, thinking the kid in the comic will finally be happy now that he has a way to contact his pedophilic, grooming furry friend just because he hadn't seen her for such a long time. He doesn't understand she's a bad person because of her actions thanks to said grooming. I wouldn't say that he'd be better now that they're in contact, not by a long shot.

    The enitial post did not meant to be negative in any way shape or form, nor to protect pedophilic behavor. I sumply aknowlage that this comic will be wached by adult(+18) vewers and that in adult comicks ther does not have to be "happy" Ending. For instance, autor would have to stand on his facking head to fix family problems in kid's famili, to make the kid aknowlage what is going one requarier a panel of sex-ed in school to fix that but at the end the kid might get depresed do to finding out thqt even his best friend did not care about him.

    Allso I like to imagen what if shit hit the fan each second of my life, and if it did. You may say that I'm pesymistic but i think that from my perspective im optimistic always ready for the warst and all in betwin. Sych way of thinking and aknowlaging that non of this might and surly will not happen lets me live low stres life.

    I'm not evil, I just like to ponder how the story might go, and create conversations around this topic.

    To all that misanderstood enitial post
    I'm sory that it was not clear enoth that I did not hope for such thing to happen in RL/to anyone.

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  • amberlance said:
    There's a time and a place buddy, thos is definitely not the place. There is no way that would fit in the story, this isn't meant to be happy, these characters are all put in very dangerously real situations that result in nothing but harm.

    "Happy"- happines is nothing more then brain reaction to not stimuly but to enzymes released by it under specific conditions(so stimuly does not "make you happy" It lets feal happines) , one of which is sexual stimulation(masturbation to be clear)(it is one of many posible stimuly and many others like fealing warmth/creating conversations/singing/lestening to music can work as stimuly) .

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  • As unfortunate as the situation is, you gotta hand it to the guy for having the perseverance to look for porn on an old-ass flip-phone, navigation would have to be a pain in the ass...

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  • onegai said:
    Why would you hope for something like that unless you were a pedo? You also comment alot on cub art...........

    As I whrote earlier ""I Hope(for the sake of the story,not to say that this is right to happen{even tho im on this site i still have some humanity and common facking sens left}....)... ""

    So again as i wrote erlier I did hoped for it for sake of the story. (If i wher a pedo i would not even take my sweet time posting stuff and instead would go to deep web or spying on kids from naigbourhood{I have very vivid imagination and could list of things that i would do instead of comenting if i wher to be pedo, if you are a pedo to whomever reads me then you know thatyou are a a lovely person that groow to people calling you pice of shit, in under such condidions i hope that you will keep your f up kinks to yoursalve lake moste of the people do[don't fuck kids kids]})

    Ps. Cub art is good, that is whyI I'm here I just like it. If you ponder what art stiles I preffer then whach "moss" From cCosmic Shelldrake all versions.

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  • hinikon said:
    As I whrote earlier ""I Hope(for the sake of the story,not to say that this is right to happen{even tho im on this site i still have some humanity and common facking sens left}....)... ""

    So again as i wrote erlier I did hoped for it for sake of the story. (If i wher a pedo i would not even take my sweet time posting stuff and instead would go to deep web or spying on kids from naigbourhood{I have very vivid imagination and could list of things that i would do instead of comenting if i wher to be pedo, if you are a pedo to whomever reads me then you know thatyou are a a lovely person that groow to people calling you pice of shit, in under such condidions i hope that you will keep your f up kinks to yoursalve lake moste of the people do[don't fuck kids kids]})

    Ps. Cub art is good, that is whyI I'm here I just like it. If you ponder what art stiles I preffer then whach "moss" From cCosmic Shelldrake all versions.

    pedophilia is the sexual attraction to minors, fictitious or real. Ergo, you're a pedophile.just because you say you won't touch kids irl doesn't change the fact that you get off to kids. therefor, youre a pedo
    you have cub art in your history and you just said cub art is good and that you want Leto to be groomed by the fox

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  • jayfiregrowlithe said:
    Cub art is pixels so speaking personally I wouldn't care if that's all someone indulged in, better those pixels get hurt than someone irl. However it's when people actually endorse what happens in the art where it becomes a problem.

    (please don’t take this as an attack on you personally, I promise I have nothing against you, I’ve just seen a couple comments about cub) given the amount of comments I’ve seen on this comic that said something to the effect of “I had no idea this level of grooming went on in the furry community” or something to that effect, I think it deserves to be said that cub art is, actually, part of the problem. you might enjoy it as totally divorced from real kids, but 1. there’s always someone who isn’t going to make that division and 2. kids are likely going to see it. Kids want attention, ESPECIALLY if they’re in a situation like Leto, and they want to be accepted and praised for who they are. when they see stuff like cub, they can understand that what’s being depicted is a child, and they’re a child; if cub is popular, then maybe they should start doing stuff like they see in cub! it’s not weird, because cub is so common, and it’s clearly well accepted. they don’t really have the experience at that point to realize when they’re being used for gratification, and they’re going to think that any attention is good attention, and maybe they’ll figure imitating what they see depicted in art is a good way to do it. even if it doesn’t go that far, it will desensitize a child to those kind of scenarios, and in an age where a lot of people learn about sex through what they see online, it’s going to affect how they think about themselves, their bodies, and their relationships.

    again, not trying to bust down anybody’s doors or nothing, I just think this is an important piece of the full picture to understand the ease with which these things happen. of course, there’s something to be said here about the responsibility the parents have to make sure their kids don’t fall victim to such things! but I don’t think that we can pretend like cub doesn’t have the potential to facilitate kids falling into situations like the one in this comic.

    (I realize I post a lot of long-winded comments, so thanks for living with them. Hope everyone is having a nice day today)

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  • onegai said:
    pedophilia is the sexual attraction to minors, fictitious or real. Ergo, you're a pedophile.just because you say you won't touch kids irl doesn't change the fact that you get off to kids. therefor, youre a pedo
    you have cub art in your history and you just said cub art is good and that you want Leto to be groomed by the fox

    wtf i do not get of to this(like wtf? Wtf! wtf...). Like ok i get that you asume that only people with wired kinks go to this site(the site that you are here as well as i am) but still. I have whached it coz of the topick that is rarly taken and made stories around it, especly in comic like form(the topic beaing furry pedophilia and grooming in fandom). I am here for the story not for my kinks.

    Ps. Think what you wanna think about others, I will not stop you for ther is no reason for me to do that.

    onegai said:
    pedophilia is the sexual attraction to minors, fictitious or real. Ergo, you're a pedophile.just because you say you won't touch kids irl doesn't change the fact that you get off to kids. therefor, youre a pedo
    you have cub art in your history and you just said cub art is good and that you want Leto to be groomed by the fox

    ????????????? What????????????
    ? Is this a joke?
    ? Huh?
    I never whrote anything, throo my entire life, anywher about having ateaction towords girls/boys or even kids(srl wtf?)
    I did not whrote about...how you whrote it "" ...You{ here 'I' coz I read that from my perspective} want to be groomed by the fox"" Ah yes. .. . Me wanting to see grooming...
    Lad..or..Lass.. Idk what you think of me but im here for the story and NOT for my kinks.

    If you whanna debunk pedos just sherch for young in tags(it is disgisting that this tage even exists) .

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  • hinikon said:
    wtf i do not get of to this(like wtf? Wtf! wtf...). Like ok i get that you asume that only people with wired kinks go to this site(the site that you are here as well as i am) but still. I have whached it coz of the topick that is rarly taken and made stories around it, especly in comic like form(the topic beaing furry pedophilia and grooming in fandom). I am here for the story not for my kinks.

    Ps. Think what you wanna think about others, I will not stop you for ther is no reason for me to do that.

    ????????????? What????????????
    ? Is this a joke?
    ? Huh?
    I never whrote anything, throo my entire life, anywher about having ateaction towords girls/boys or even kids(srl wtf?)
    I did not whrote about...how you whrote it "" ...You{ here 'I' coz I read that from my perspective} want to be groomed by the fox"" Ah yes. .. . Me wanting to see grooming...
    Lad..or..Lass.. Idk what you think of me but im here for the story and NOT for my kinks.

    Your comment history suggests you like to look at images of cub and/or images where their bodies look prepubescent.

    hinikon said:
    Cub art is good that is whyI I'm here I just like it


    hinikon said:
    (I Hope(for sake of the story, not to say that it is right for this to happen) that the kid will become another fox, that he will never understend that his ""friend"" Does anything wrong, and he will try to be more like her."

    You literally wanted them to be groomed. the more you talk the bigger hole you dig

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  • camkitty said:
    No one cares about your crusade and the site does not give a shit, in my experience :)

    What can I say to that but cubfuckers love to support each other, don't they?

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  • alto1 said:
    (gets deleted from e621 for just being a human in a fursuit)

    The swift hand of the law.
    I feel like I would consider this comic more appropriate to e621 than pictures of Link jerking off, but I'm far too irresponsible to be a moderator, so that'd never be up to me.

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  • kinkykitty22 said:
    Whoever went to the trouble of flagging every page of this comic needs to get a life.

    Considering the reasoning only applied to Reth as a partial fursuiter even though arguably the appearances of Furry Reth, Furry Leto and Furry Howl are furry (what’s there in the rules about being “canonically in universe anthro”?)Heck, the fact she’s a partial but still resembles an actual anthro with the animate face could argue that it’s just a furry-head TWYS (there’s anime with chars like that) You never see Reth remove the head, nor is it stated in universe that it’s a partial, so for all intents and purposes she’s legit a furry head.

    I’m guessing it was only one flag for the entire comic. >_>
    Idk how flags work, eh.


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  • bluemoonstruckwolf said:
    Considering the reasoning only applied to Reth as a partial fursuiter even though arguably the appearances of Furry Reth, Furry Leto and Furry Howl are furry (what’s there in the rules about being “canonically in universe anthro”?)Heck, the fact she’s a partial but still resembles an actual anthro with the animate face could argue that it’s just a furry-head TWYS (there’s anime with chars like that) You never see Reth remove the head, nor is it stated in universe that it’s a partial, so for all intents and purposes she’s legit a furry head.

    I’m guessing it was only one flag for the entire comic. >_>
    Idk how flags work, eh.

    Me neither, and while I'm not well-educated on the rules, the reasoning seems... flawed. Like, I know for a fact that there are plenty of posts that are non-furry, yet still exist. If I was going to bet money on a "real" reason, I'd place it on conflict with the comic's topic.

    [Speculation ahead, validity is not verified]
    I also think it's rather disrespectful towards the person who opened up and put their real-life experiences into this comic, to educate people about these issues and have their story be heard. That just... sits wrong with me.

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  • kinkykitty22 said:
    Me neither, and while I'm not well-educated on the rules, the reasoning seems... flawed. Like, I know for a fact that there are plenty of posts that are non-furry, yet still exist. If I was going to bet money on a "real" reason, I'd place it on conflict with the comic's topic.

    [Speculation ahead, validity is not verified]
    I also think it's rather disrespectful towards the person who opened up and put their real-life experiences into this comic, to educate people about these issues and have their story be heard. That just... sits wrong with me.

    The rules were looser and lazier before Bad Dragon bought the site in like 2015/2016 (I forget when exactly). When the rules were clarified, they stated they would not be retroactive. So things "breaking the rules" are probably just older uploads before things were clarified


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  • Oh no this is going to be dark AF

    Still will be a good comic tho, even if the story is dark.Keep up the good work.

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  • onegai said:
    pedophilia is the sexual attraction to minors, fictitious or real. Ergo, you're a pedophile.just because you say you won't touch kids irl doesn't change the fact that you get off to kids. therefor, youre a pedo
    you have cub art in your history and you just said cub art is good and that you want Leto to be groomed by the fox

    That's right. I think that the misconception comes from the media, where it's generalized as pedophilia but while not wrong, the more correct and specific term would be child molester/abuser. One despicts a sexual attraction (what you feel) and the other a behavior (what you DO).

    alto1 said:
    [...]1. there’s always someone who isn’t going to make that division and 2. kids are likely going to see it.[...]

    1. These people won't care if we ban cub art. As you said, they know no limits and wether we keep or delete mere drawings is irrelevant to them because they'll go as far as they can to get the REAL thing. That's where the actual law comes in.

    2. That's a reality in today's world. It's the parent's responsability to make sure that their children don't see things that they're not supposed to. Entering this page you have to confirm that you're above 18. Same for any porn page. We could implement more restrictions to prevent the access of minors, but that doesn't solve the problem. A child with no supervised access to the internet will see it's dark side sooner or later.

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  • hinikon said:
    wtf i do not get of to this(like wtf? Wtf! wtf...). Like ok i get that you asume that only people with wired kinks go to this site(the site that you are here as well as i am) but still. I have whached it coz of the topick that is rarly taken and made stories around it, especly in comic like form(the topic beaing furry pedophilia and grooming in fandom). I am here for the story not for my kinks.

    Ps. Think what you wanna think about others, I will not stop you for ther is no reason for me to do that.

    ????????????? What????????????
    ? Is this a joke?
    ? Huh?
    I never whrote anything, throo my entire life, anywher about having ateaction towords girls/boys or even kids(srl wtf?)
    I did not whrote about...how you whrote it "" ...You{ here 'I' coz I read that from my perspective} want to be groomed by the fox"" Ah yes. .. . Me wanting to see grooming...
    Lad..or..Lass.. Idk what you think of me but im here for the story and NOT for my kinks.

    If you whanna debunk pedos just sherch for young in tags(it is disgisting that this tage even exists) .

    That english tho

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  • honest question: some media depicts "laid back" older relatives telling kids "the secret" about porn. Some Perry Bible Fellowship comic strips have this kind of gag, e.g. one where the kids find a ouija board, communicate with their dead grandpa, who tells them where the porn is stashed.

    If that's okay, then is the issue of grooming solely one of intent? Like, it's obvious what Reth's goal is here, but if she hadn't requested the pictures and didn't ever intend to [whatever words idk], would her actions have been okay?

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