digby the goat created by unknown artist
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Digby the Goat's current profile picture, because why not.

If anyone has a higher quality version or knows the artist, feel free to add it or post a better version.

  • Comments
  • I've never seen a Digby video in my life, but from what I've gathered so far, he's:

    - A bit of an underrated YouTuber despite being on the platform for nearly 11 years.
    - Gets decent views despite only having relatively few subs.
    - Does those commentary readings about anything and everything.
    - Is semi-active.
    - Is controversial(?) or at least has been in the past(?)
    - Is a furry.

    All in all someone worth checking out if you're into readings and what not I'd say.

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  • dirtyratmatt said:
    I've never seen a Digby video in my life, but from what I've gathered so far, he's:

    - A bit of an underrated YouTuber despite being on the platform for nearly 11 years.
    - Gets decent views despite only having relatively few subs.
    - Does those commentary readings about anything and everything.
    - Is semi-active.
    - Is controversial(?) or at least has been in the past(?)
    - Is a furry.

    All in all someone worth checking out if you're into readings and what not I'd say.

    he also has good taste in music

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  • dirtyratmatt said:
    I've never seen a Digby video in my life, but from what I've gathered so far, he's:

    - A bit of an underrated YouTuber despite being on the platform for nearly 11 years.
    - Gets decent views despite only having relatively few subs.
    - Does those commentary readings about anything and everything.
    - Is semi-active.
    - Is controversial(?) or at least has been in the past(?)
    - Is a furry.

    All in all someone worth checking out if you're into readings and what not I'd say.

    I've seen his antifa video and he's a far right troll. Even did black face in a few of his cringeworthy videos

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