kaahla created by brolaren
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Kaahla has escaped her settlement and now asks for entry into the domain of druids in the nearby forest, two eager zebra smore than willing to grant her access if she doesn't mind having some fun first.

Read the full chapter here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/zebraddiction-2-32112826
Kaahla didn't sleep, not when she was next to such a self absorbed ass as Braak. It was like music to her ears to hear the heavy drawl of his snore.

Stirring for the first time in an hour, the lioness expertly maneuvered herself away from her mate while gingerly lifting the arm that was around her. She had done this enough times that it was practically second nature.

With the grace that her species was known for, she swiftly got to her feet and stood up. Darkness had consumed her settlement and barely any other body stirred among the other tents aside from a few that enjoyed the crackle of smoldering cooking fires. It allowed Kaahla to do what she wanted under the cloak of complete anonymity. But just in case...

From among her few possessions, the lioness produced a long, flowing cloak that was big enough to cover her entire body behind a veil of uninterrupted darkness. The hood that came with it was enough to conceal her features to the point of being unrecognizable if anyone of her tribe saw her sneaking out.

After draping the clothing over her shoulders and tying it about her neck, she pulled the hood over and grasped her scabbard and sword. The weight that her weapon offered grounded her in the moment and she took a soft breath to ready herself for the long journey ahead of her.

Slipping out from the entrance of her tent, she began down the path towards the outer edge of the settlement at a hurried pace. She kept to the shadows as best that she could, her keen eyes and ears picking out the crackle of camp fires and voices interlocked in conversation. It was easy work, her skills honed as a hunting instructor aiding her to choose foot placements that would hardly leave a rock overturned.

When she came to the outer edge of he settlement, she was faced with the vast openness of terrain that separated her old home from her new one. She had come out between groups of patrols, just as she had planned, and so now nothing kept her from breaking out in a dead sprint across the Savannah.

The half moon and stars gave off all the night that she needed. It might as well have been day for how easily she picked her way across the vast expanse of grass and sparse trees. The magic inherent in her kind allowed for an almost unending supply of energy to run. She barely grew tired even as her dead run kept the same pace for two whole hours.

Finally, on the horizon rose a dense jungle of millennium old trees. Their boughs extended hundreds of feat into the air and some were so thick that twenty barbarians could stand fingertip to fingertip with arms out wide and still not match their width. The treeline approached fast and the lioness slowed her running as she eventually came to be in the late night shadow of the colossal flora.

Kaahla stared up at the higher branches as she began to casually skirt the edge of the treeline. There was a reason that she didn't just go in, as the entire jungle was a dangerously protected space. If a hostile party were to step within its green confines the very trees themselves would attack and tear them to shreds. No, she must wait for an invitation. One that she was sure was already on its way.

There came a slight rustling from a great trunk near her. It caused her to stop and turn towards the sound, her stance still relaxed and her intentions laid bare so that she didn't come off as aggressive. If anything, she was quite pleased by the quick response that she had garnered.

Seemingly out of nowhere, two figures stepped out from the bushes that guarded the jungle entrance. They came casually, dressed in flowing cloaks made out of leaves and carrying long staffs made of twisted wood and capped with green jewels. The plants that were in their way actually shifted to accommodate their steps, allowing an uninterrupted path right to the lioness.

Their visages were concealed by similar hoods to what Kaahla was wearing, which reminded her to draw hers back. When she did, the two others did the same and she was able to recognize their faces right away.

Bael and Sinoa, two well trained, male guards of the druid order that resided within the jungle. Their faces were marked with the familiar black and white stripes of their zebra species, their eyes glowing faintly as they were under the influence of the magics of their order. Upon coming closer, the lioness eyed them both up and down.

Compared to the barbarian, the druids were about a head shorter than she was, and her shoulders were obviously twice as broad as hers, along with her arms and legs. But that was to be expected, as the power that the zebras held was within their affinity for nature and the magic they cast that allowed them to command the very ground beneath their feet.

“Good evening, Kaahla,” Bael said happily, a wide smile splitting his face as he and his companion came within arms reach of the lioness. “Dowe told us you'd be coming around tonight. I hope you weren't waiting too long.”

“Not long at all, actually,” Kaahla replied and stepped up to meet the two. She fanned her arms out wide and the males did the same so that the three could embrace in a tight hug. Kaahla took a deep breath of the earthy scents that always accompanied the equine of the jungle. It sent her heart into a flurry and she shuddered as warm memories flooded her mind. Her paws lovingly stroked down the silky leaves on their backs and accompanied by a rumbling purr. “It's so good to be back.”

“It's good to have you back,” Sinoa replied. He was a bit shorter than his companion though some might say he was a bit more muscular than Bael. After all, they were loyal companions that often took guard duty together. “If you want to follow us, we can take you right to the head researcher.”

The druids turned away from the lioness, intent on walking back to the forest but they were suddenly halted by Kaahla's tight hold on their arms. “Not so fast,” she giggled, her purr making her voice roll with a husky tone.

“Something the matter?” Bael asked and tilted his head.

“I'd absolutely say so. I come the long distance here and you two don't even offer me something to drink. I'm parched,” she explained and let go of them. The two druids glanced at each other with confused stares, as they knew that not only were there watering holes between the jungle and Kaahla's settlement, but barbarians could go days of hard campaigning without food or water.

Kaahla giggled as the misunderstanding silence stretched on and she suddenly dropped down to her knees between them. The motion had caused her cloak to spill open, showing off her bare breasts that caught the two males off guard. Much differently to barbarian society, the zebra druids were much more modest, and such displays were surprising to say the least.

Her paws reached out and slipped within both druids' cloaks at the same time. Her deft fingers found the hem of their pants and quickly undid the lace that held them secure at the waist. Kaahla's insinuation soon became apparent to the druids and they exchanged grins. While they both mentally kicked themselves for not catching on, it was further adding insult to injury as this particular lioness actually had a reputation among the zebra society.

Neither druid flinched out of the way as their pants were pushed down, exposing their well endowed manhood to the hungry lioness. She eyed the ebony shafts and licked her lips while turning both paws so that she could cradle their limp heft against her palms. Even without being hard they were of an impressive size, which was to be expected of equine males.

She leaned into Bael's groin first and placed a gentle kiss on the flat tip of his member. Just from being so close she could feel the blood starting to draw into the thick meat. From the other male, Kaahla began to gently squeeze and pull on the spongy girth, encouraging it to grow as well.

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