krystira created by twinkle-sez
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Scouting uncharted star systems always carries a certain degree of risk, but Krystira had always managed to avoid any serious trouble thanks to skill, caution, a fast ship, and a healthy degree of luck... which seems to have just decided to run out in dramatic fashion! Ambushed by pirates almost immediately after exiting FTL, the fight was over before it even started... though that didn't stop her from trying, and disabling one of their fighters in the process! Though, that might have been a mistake...

Supposedly, they were just after a quick payday - force her to dump her cargo, then let her go. But.. survey data doesn't sell for much, and they were getting desperate for credits even before they unexpectedly found themselves down a ship... And they claim they looked into trying to ransom her, but unfortunately, they could hardly find anyone who knew her, let alone could afford to buy her freedom. "Fortunately", however, if no one would notice she was gone, that makes her a perfect candidate to sell into slavery...! But despite claiming it was their last resort, they don't exactly seem bothered - they had already tagged, pierced, and collared her, and the crew seems rather eager when the captain mentions they'll "sadly" need to break her spirit... She tries to protest, of course, but as one grabs her head, holding her still as they force a gag into her mouth and buckle it tightly into place, it's obvious their minds are made up...

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