mittens (nintendo and etc) created by panapoliz
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Story by Ominous_The_Unknown

There was a resounding explosion that bloomed into a colorful light show deep in the forest. The ground shook as the laboratory deteriorated from the raw energy that it failed to contain. A radiating rainbow beam shot straight into the night sky, parting clouds and scattering primal birds from the distortion of energy. From within the geyser of malevolent energies both scientific and arcane, creatures began to scurry out into the world, birthed into a life they knew little about but with a singular burning passion deeply ingrained in them.

Some lumbered forth, others moved with the grace of dancers, others floated on like ghosts in the night. Tiny, big, beautiful, terrifying, it was a reverent menagerie broken loose and set free on the world. Some looked similar to one another as they shared some kind of strange evolutionary line, whilst others walked alone as born solitary hunters. They even varied in the materials they were made up of as well. A few of them walked on, their bodies made of soft fabric and stuffing. Others squeaked by as their bodies shimmered in the light of their destroyed birthplace.

What made these newly birthed beasts even more terrifying was the fact that they didn’t even “look” menacing. They all took on the forms and figures of beloved creatures known by many throughout the world. Electric rodents. Aura seeing canines. Tough as rock wolves. Fairy-like foxes. Seeing them would bring out innate joy from the people that knew them. It would lull them into a state of safety with their guards all but lowered. That’s when they would strike. That’s when they would show their true colors.

Far off and away from the blast zone some of the predators were already eager to get to work.

The sleepy small town was far away from the lab that they didn’t even notice its cataclysmic destruction. By the time the news broke, it would already be too late anyway. For the black cat named Mittens, he lived in a world of ignorance as he simply enjoyed a night at home by himself. His house was on the outskirts of town and nestled right on the edge where suburbia met the fresh pine trees of the forest beyond. It was an idyllic location that gave the tomcat a great view of the surrounding nature and provided a wonderful perch whenever he wanted to draw on the outside porch.

Even during the night, the location was outstanding as the town itself was placed so deep into the woods that pollution was nearly nonexistent and the sky would oftentimes grant the citizens a glimpse at the starry night above them. Some nights Mittens would do just that. He would brew himself a nice warm drink and lounge near a window with his drawing tablet in his hands while his favorite playlist played from a nearby speaker. But on that night he wanted to indulge himself in some other recreational activity.

Deep within his room, bright colorful lights played off of the darkness of the dark walls as the cat’s PC monitor displayed a plethora of exploding particles. The only sound that accompanied them was the rapid clicking of Mitten’s keyboard coupled with aggressive clicking as the cat controlled his virtual avatar through the game he played. Even though he was by himself, he still opted to game with his headset on, just so he could fully immerse himself in the game as he strafed, shot, and outmaneuvered the enemies on his screen.

But even in his deep gamer-focus, Mittens was still aware enough to hear the shattering of glass coming from another room deep in the house. Maybe it was his cat-like acute hearing or just blind luck that allowed the tomcat to hear the cracking glass, but as he did he immediately paused his game and lowered his headset. He looked at the door to his bedroom with an eyebrow raised suspiciously For a brief second he figured he may have just misheard an effect in the game, but there was something so real about the noise that it merited a serious investigation.

With a nervous gulp, Mittens slowly got out of his seat and carefully padded over to his door before he cracked it open slowly. The tomcat’s heart beat rapidly in his chest as he scanned the dark hallway for any signs of an intruder. As he looked around the only suspicious thing he could see was the light to his living room was open. Mittens contemplated whether or not that was just an accident on his part or evidence of a burglar and it stressed him out greatly trying to decide what course of action he would take.

There was a moment of hesitation in the cat before he let out a disgruntled groan and finally pushed the door open. He figured it was better to just move forward and turn off the light instead of staying holed up in his room like a scared little baby.

Sometimes it was hard to get over the slight nerves that came with innocent noises in a house. A dirty dish clattering in the sink, a sweater falling over onto the floor, all things mundane could instantly be taken as paranormal or signs of intrusion. Mittens refused to let that paranoia paralyze him. As the cat started walking, he immediately started to feel a bit colder though, and once he entered the living room he could see why.

One of the back windows had been shattered open as a cold draft stirred up the nearby curtains. Thankfully the hole wasn’t large enough to permit a full-size fur to get inside, but it could definitely allow entrance for an animal…

A loud clattering then came from the kitchen across from the cat as he saw his trash can fall over. Mittens immediately figured some kind of animal had broken into his home and judging by the size of the hole in the glass it wasn’t big at least. He was at least glad his fears that he may have a malicious home invader were quelled as he silently made his way to the kitchen to see what he was really dealing with.

“Hopefully nothing deadly,” the cat muttered to himself as he peeked around the corner.

What the tomcat was greeted with was the sight of a hunched over, light blue-gray body. Instead of fur though, Mittens was perplexed to see that the animal seemed to be made of shimmering latex. Its blue-gray body caught the light of the kitchen as its small movements let out a tiny rubbery squeak. The black cat couldn’t see what it really was, but somehow it seemed strangely anthropomorphic as it looked like it was bent over and sorting through his waste. Confused, Mittens tried to get closer, but as he stepped forward, the wooden floorboards beneath the carpet creaked a little bit, alerting the animal.

Immediately Mittens could see the hair on the animal’s back straighten up as it quickly withdrew its head from the trashcan and turned around.

“AH!” Mittens let out a loud yelp as he jumped back, but once he could see the animal in its entirety, his eyes widened in shock. “W-wait… what?”

Stood in front of him was a shimmering latex Alolan Meowth. It stared at Mittens with a nonchalant expression and a smirk as if it knew exactly what it was doing even though it was literally just headfirst in a trashcan. Its features flexed and moved a bit as every bit of its body seemed to be fluidly animated like it was a sentient thing rather than some small person cosplaying. Mittens was dumbfounded by the sight of the life-sized latex pokemon. It was surreal at how it moved so naturally, but it was also just strange how it was just...there. For a moment the black tomcat believed that he was maybe hallucinating the creature ahead of him.

“Ummmm, hello?” Mittens waved sheepishly. Unsure what the proper code of conduct would be for the situation.

The Meowth variant just tilted its head curiously before it raised one of its paws to wave back.

Just seeing that made Mittens’ heart melt in adoration. He had been a fan of the dark-type pokemon anyway and at the very least it did seem friendly. Mittens did feel a lot more at ease after seeing that the Meowth didn’t just fly into a frenzy at him, so he felt brave enough to slowly approach it.

“Uhhhh, hi there,” he greeted awkwardly once more as he knelt down in front of the cat-pokemon. “Where did you come from?” he then asked in a gentle tone.

The pokemon tilted its head again, perplexed by the question.

“Come?” it said.

Mittens recoiled in shock as he didn’t expect the rubber pokemon to speak. But then again he had no idea what to expect anyway. He pushed on with his questioning though.

“Yeah! Where did you come from?” he asked again, hoping that maybe the pokemon could speak more.

There was another strange pause between the two as the Alolan Meowth stared at Mittens for what felt like forever. The tomcat was about to repeat his question once more before the pokemon made the decisive move.


In a blur of motion, the rubbery pokemon leaped onto the black cat’s face and held on tightly. The sudden pounce caught Mittens off guard as he staggered backward. He could feel the rubber monster’s body hugging his head but thankfully it didn’t seem to try and scratch him or anything. When the black cat reached up to try and pry the smaller creature from his head, he was surprised to find that his hands seemingly sunk into the meowth’s backside as it started to melt.

“Wha-ahhhh-MMMMPH!” Before Mittens could even do anything about his strange predicament, the Alolan Meowth turned into a tacky steel-blue liquid that ran down the cat’s face and red.

The liquid latex was sticky as it gummed up Mitten’s mouth and smeared all over his eyes but to his horror, he could even feel it spreading. Blind and panicked, the black cat tripped and fell backward onto his butt as he managed to wipe off some of the rubber from his eyes. When he looked down he was shocked to see more of the rubber sliding all over his body, coating him in a shiny layer of latex that matched the Alolan Meowth’s fur.

“Come?” the rubber meowth’s voice somehow invaded Mittens’ mind as he looked around for the creature. It sounded like it was speaking directly into his brain.

“MMMMMMPH! MMMMMPMHM!” Mittens cried out in terror as he had no idea what was going on.

More and more of the living latex began to crawl all across the defenseless cat’s body before some of it wormed its way into his mouth and formed a rather large wad to properly silence him. As the rubber multiplied it even began to form a puddle on the floor beneath Mittens, gluing him down and making it near impossible to stand up unassisted. Second by second, the blue-gray rubber overtook Mittens’ black fur before the entire thing seemed to ripple with newfound energy.

“MMM?” The fearful tomcat had no idea what it meant before the effects made themselves clear.

A bolt of pleasure struck Mittens as the rubber began to somehow stimulate his body all at once. He felt like he was wracked with euphoria that made his toes curl and his sex drive rise to ludicrous levels. The more the rubber spread, the more it felt like an army of tiny hands was giving him a complex, intricate, full-body massage. The sensation was so hot, so intense, so completely overwhelming that in his brief state of frenzy the cat reached down to try and jerk off immediately.

“MMM! MMMMPMHM!?!?!?” As Mittens tried to bring his latex covered hands down to his cock, he was shocked to discover that they felt stiff and unresponsive.

When he looked over at them, he could see that his hands were not only forced into balled up fists, they were also trapped underneath a thick layer of poofy latex that made them look exactly like the Alolan Meowth’s paws. The rubber had become so thick that it was near impossible to bend his arm at all in any direction. But even with his lack of physical touching, the spread of the corrupting, teasing living latex continued as his transformation was near complete.

“Come?” was the Alolan Meowth’s voice yet again, but with it came another jolt of mind-warping pleasure.

Mittens’ felt his back arch with ecstasy as his focus was briefly shattered by the sensations forced upon him. During his brief moment of bliss, the blue-gray rubber completed its encapsulation of the tomcat as his tail was the last thing to be coated. The rubber then began to shift around, sliding and hardening in all the right locations until finally, the cat looked like the very same dark-type he was just speaking to. Mittens managed to catch a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror and to his surprise, the suit fit him perfectly even though his arms and legs felt incredibly stiff and unresponsive. He wiggled around uselessly on the floor of the kitchen a bit more before the “suit” initiated its final procedure. With a sudden jolt, Mittens could feel his arms forced outwards and his legs spread at an angle before the rubber began to expand all across his body.

“HMM?! HNMMPOMHMPM!” the cat’s muffled cries filled the room as intense pressure began to squeeze his body from all sides.

When Mittens stared at himself in the nearby mirror once again, he could see that the Alolan Meowth suit was inflating somehow as its features were made more pronounced as it puffed up. The wiggle of his arms and legs faded into minor twitches as the latex expanded more and more. As the pressure increased, so did the pleasure as the legion of massaging hands only intensified. With every passing second, the Alolan Meowth suit began to learn more about the trapped tomcat. It tested his body, seeing what areas made him moan and squirm more before honing in on his erogenous zones. His paws, his thighs, and especially his cock and balls were treated with extra care as he felt the sensations there shift from a pleasant massage to an almost passionate tongue bath that made him squirm with unrivaled delight.

“Come!” the Alolan Meowth’s voice sounded far more jubilant than before as it seemed to make some kind of discovery.

“MMMMMMMPHM!” Mittens’ eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head from the copious amounts of pleasure he was suffering. His body felt like it had been forced into a tight body cast as it wiggled around helplessly on the floor. On the outside he had been turned into a puffy copy of an Alolan Meowth and as he suffered a figure began to rise out of the puddle of liquid latex that he sat in.

Lost in his bliss, Mittens barely even registered the fact that the Alolan Meowth had reformed itself right between the tomcat’s spread legs. With a light tap of its rubbery paw on Mitten’s crotch, the rubber there shifted to allow the black cat’s cock some freedom. Once the trapped feline felt the cool air on his shaft, his attention was quickly reeled in as he looked down with a mix of anticipation, horror, and delight at the dark-type and its devious expression.


It was hard to tell whether or not the cat’s muffled yelling were pleas for release in a physical sense or a pleasurable sense, but it mattered little. The smaller rubber meowth’s paw slowly trailed up the throbbing shaft of its now larger, trapped counterpart as it giggled under its breath.

“Cum!” it then said eagerly.

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