delilah aurelian created by fiftyfifthfleet
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"During her questing, Delilah happened upon a young man being chased by bandits. Unable to let such injustice continue under her watch, slew the bandits and saved him.
Wanting to repay her for saving his life, the young man implored Delilah take him with. Starved for real human company, she eventually accepted his offer.

While it was no lie that he felt indebted to her, in truth he had become enthralled by her bestial beauty, and his desire to accompany her was not a purely honorable endeavor; it was also spurred on by his lust.
And yet, inexperienced he was, and he didn't know how to approach her, even after weeks of traveling together. His gaze would constantly drift to her swelled sex while walking, and he would have to relieve himself of his desires, to prevent himself from overstepping boundaries.

Meanwhile, Delilah herself began her heat, perhaps spurred on by the rutting male she kept in her company. Unlike her companion, relieving herself of her desires was a far more difficult task to accomplish herself, and it built up until she couldn't think straight anymore. In her desperation, she made a request of her companion to help her deal with her heat. Delilah was expecting at least mild disgust or surprise, yet she was met with enthusiasm. The young man was thanking the gods for his luck.

So, the two rented a room at a nearby inn, to deal with their mutual problem."

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