An outstretched hand, searching index finger closing in on the new mark present on the Incubus' stomach made him gulp in anticipation of the expected but unknown feeling. The effect was sudden, a flush warmth that rose gradually the longer the contact remained - downwards to those loins was worringly exciting, but more prominently the feeling travelled upwards to his chest and made his lungs sear with each breath.
The contact ended and a considered smile came with the question, an idea of what the answer would be before he spoke "How does it feel?"
It has long been the past-time of Demons everywhere to go to the mortal world and seek out those obsessed with deities and holyness to tempt with offers of pleasure, desires and lust - forever claiming their immortal soul should they succumb. This hobby has entertained those of the realm below for millenia, tales of victories over bishops, ministers, nuns, and acolytes were passed around like the trophies they were - the more the individuals resisted the greater the tale. A hard worn victory.
Nelis was no different in his desire to join the ranks of every demon before him in his conquest of mortal devouts - tradition was for the most part wholly boring to most, but this one had it's merits for all to enjoy,one way or another. However, Nelis was different to most other demons, he just didn't know it yet.
A Priest, entirely not free of sin, would be the bringer of the ephiphany to him - a svelte visage of blue dressed in holy robes had become his first target. Flattering words, flirty smiles and the barest of contact enough to rouse and inflame the purest of deities. Eventually, his efforts won out.
That night the demon Nelis found out two things: Why Resine was not free of sin and that holy things hurt in a good way.
MemberIn the name of the gay, the homo, and the less-than-straight, may you live your life in peace and cum, in the name of our daddy dom
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