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Animation - Octavia's games
People have been loving all the Octavia and Small Octavia stuff we have been doing so I thought it would be a good chance to do some animation for her. I think this is the first Small Octavia animation as well, so I hope it was worth the wait.

  • Comments
  • zerrothedragon said:
    this is disgusting, why the site allowes pedo content is beyond me

    Ah you seem to be mistaken friend, that is actually a bunch of pixels in the shape of an owl from an animated series. Artist could have said she was 18 then you wouldn't care, even if she looked the exact same.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    this is disgusting, why the site allowes pedo content is beyond me

    Why you don't bother blacklisting it is beyond the rest of us. Block it and move on, it's really that simple. You enjoy your stuff, we enjoy ours.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    this is disgusting, why the site allowes pedo content is beyond me

    … People like you shouldn’t be allowed to be online. You clearly cannot understand the difference between reality and fantasy. Drawings are just that, a drawing. They don’t give a damn about how you draw them, nor does someone who like a drawing mean they want to do those things IRL. When you watch a horror movie, do you want to kill people? When you play games like GTA, do you want to go steal a car? Or murder someone? Normal people understand the difference between fantasy and reality, people like you clearly have something wrong with them and should seek mental aid. Stop trying to force your stupid ideals on people just because you look at this and correlate touching kids.

    ALSO, there is a blacklist for a reason. If you can’t stop thinking of touching kids when you see this, then blacklist it to save your soul.

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  • sei said:
    … People like you shouldn’t be allowed to be online. You clearly cannot understand the difference between reality and fantasy. Drawings are just that, a drawing. They don’t give a damn about how you draw them, nor does someone who like a drawing mean they want to do those things IRL. When you watch a horror movie, do you want to kill people? When you play games like GTA, do you want to go steal a car? Or murder someone? Normal people understand the difference between fantasy and reality, people like you clearly have something wrong with them and should seek mental aid. Stop trying to force your stupid ideals on people just because you look at this and correlate touching kids.

    ALSO, there is a blacklist for a reason. If you can’t stop thinking of touching kids when you see this, then blacklist it to save your soul.

    exactly this. frankly by the same logic this guy is spouting everyone on this website is a zoophile because, anthro or no we are still looking at pictures of animals doing various NSFW things. so really its ether all just drawings thus who bloody cares or everybody on this website or the furry fandom in total is guilty of something. So lets just all consider it "as long as its just not real art who bloody cares" and blacklist if it isnt in your tastes.

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  • Don't feed the troll. Dude has feral cub content uploads on his own account. Don't waste outrage on people fishing for a reaction.

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  • angelbird said:
    Don't feed the troll. Dude has feral cub content uploads on his own account. Don't waste outrage on people fishing for a reaction.

    Exactly. I just report the comment and move on.

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  • I don't know wtf yall talkin about above, but what I do know is that this is hot af. Always a treat when soul gives us more of little via

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  • poofinator said:
    Funny how everytime I see someone complain about cub porn they always have cub porn in their faves.

    This is, like, the third time I've seen someone who has (or had) cub images in their favorites while also bashing soulcentinel for making young!Octavia/Stolas, and each time this happens I'm just baffled on why they might find those pictures wrong while favoriting something else along the same lines. It might be the incest factor, but their comments seemed to have more of a problem with the age than anything else.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I do know the difference between reality and fantasy, and just as well don't think of such things. I play GTA and other type games all of the time and I haven't ever wanted to kill anyone in real life. I just find things of this nature to be in poor taste as fiction or not it's still a child.

    You don’t call someone who play violent video games or watch violent movies a murderer, do you? You don’t call someone who watches a rape scene in a movie a rapist, do you? How is this any different? Even if YOU think its poor taste, why are you trying to push your views on others? This is not considered pedophilia in the United States, because unless you can show me a real child being hurt in this image, then its just that, a god damn drawing.

    And even after all this, you could have clicked, saw what it was, and quietly blacklisted and walked away… but Noooooo you had to spew your idiotic nonsense at people about how this is pedo content. People like you act like this is new here… bitch, this shit has been posted here from the start. I’v been here since before the site was shut down and bought out by the bad dragon crew and this type of stuff has always been here…. Why? Because there is nothing illegal about this, nothing pedophilic about this. People like you cause good artist to go into hiding or just stop drawing all together over stupid idiotic views that this SOMEHOW equals they want to diddle kids.

    Do everyone a favor, stop posting and just blacklist this if you don’t like it, because saying what you say about it make you look like you can’t tell the difference between this and reality. Get some help.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I'm not a fucking troll so shut the fuck up

    Between this little ruckus you've caused and going on twitter to bother the artist on the replies, sounds to me like you got hit with the art policing mindrot big time. Maybe try taking a deep breath whenever you get offended by cartoon drawings from now on.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I know you've all downvoted me but hear me out, I did upload a few of those images, but that was before my views changed on the whole cub thing. I used to be fine with it but as i've gotten older my stance has shifted to a more negative light. those images i had favorited were from a long while ago, and I'm also not actually attracted to minors irl, which like you all said, learn to distinguish art from reality. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused, I just find that sort of stuff gross now.
    Upload date, two months ago.
    Upload date, five months ago.
    Upload date, about a year ago.

    Two months to a year is too recent to be acting high and mighty on the topic. Acting like it's fine that you were jerking it to hardcore cub in April, that doesn't make YOU a pedo, but other people are when they do the same thing? If it made people into pedos that means you're one too. Either it does and you're also a pedo, or it doesn't and you can't call other people pedos. Either way you don't win.

    This is how the art police always are. Rules for thee but not for me.

    If you actually disliked it it would be on your blacklist and you wouldn't be here. Not browsing cub art then commenting on cub art with more cub art in your favorites. That just makes you look like a closeted cub lover poorly covering up his own guilt.


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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I used to be fine with it but as i've gotten older my stance has shifted to a more negative light.

    Sounds like you might have dealt with some bullying? People telling you that you're gross maybe? The correct response is not to copy those types of people. You need to stand up for yourself, and know that your kinks, all of them, are okay. You don't need to be ashamed. And you don't need to attack others for theirs. It's okay to like cub art. You haven't hurt anyone by looking at it. We haven't hurt anyone by looking at it.

    It might be hard to see it with everyone calling you stupid messages out as stupid. But this is how you gotta be. When someone tries to make you feel bad for no reason, without any logic or reason, you push back! I wish you luck in moving past this problem. Hope to see you on the other side!

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  • beautiful I just love to see daughter and father bonding time can't wait to see more of this awesome artwork

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  • minus said:
    Sounds like you might have dealt with some bullying? People telling you that you're gross maybe? The correct response is not to copy those types of people. You need to stand up for yourself, and know that your kinks, all of them, are okay. You don't need to be ashamed. And you don't need to attack others for theirs. It's okay to like cub art. You haven't hurt anyone by looking at it. We haven't hurt anyone by looking at it.

    It might be hard to see it with everyone calling you stupid messages out as stupid. But this is how you gotta be. When someone tries to make you feel bad for no reason, without any logic or reason, you push back! I wish you luck in moving past this problem. Hope to see you on the other side!

    You're right, thank you for your message Minus, i'll keep your advice in mind

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    to be fair none of those actually include cub nsfw

    All three of these are involve cubs and are extremely nsfw. Anyone who can click those links can see that.

    But I agree with minus. Copying your abusers isn't going to get you anywhere in the long run. Including harassing people on twitter, which only assholes do.


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  • horsemonger said:
    All three of these are involve cubs and are extremely nsfw. Anyone who can click those links can see that.

    But I agree with minus. Copying your abusers isn't going to get you anywhere in the long run. Including harassing people on twitter, which only assholes do.

    to be fair, he has good taste in cub images at least. two of those were quite nice

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  • Why is it that lately it's always the Octavia images from this one very specific artist that seem to attract these "cub art = pedo shit" types of comments? I'm so confused on so many levels

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  • variabley said:
    Why is it that lately it's always the Octavia images from this one very specific artist that seem to attract these "cub art = pedo shit" types of comments? I'm so confused on so many levels

    Twitter fandoms breed that particular type of crazy. Alt-right puritans and transphobes like using twitter teens to spread hate, specifically by building fear about pedophiles. When the mob is sufficiently frenzied, they then use it to target gay or foreign or neurodivergent people by accusing them of being pedos. Helluva Boss is popular on twitter. You can do the math from there.


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  • horsemonger said:
    Twitter fandoms breed that particular type of crazy. Alt-right puritans and transphobes like using twitter teens to spread hate, specifically by building fear about pedophiles. When the mob is sufficiently frenzied, they then use it to target gay or foreign or neurodivergent people by accusing them of being pedos. Helluva Boss is popular on twitter. You can do the math from there.

    This is the world's furthest stretch I've ever seen. It could also just be idiots. No alt right movement and mob rule and conspiracy. Could just be plain and simple young idiots.

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  • chelinka said:
    This is the world's furthest stretch I've ever seen. It could also just be idiots. No alt right movement and mob rule and conspiracy. Could just be plain and simple young idiots.

    my vote is on simple idiots and adult children who can't distinguish reality from fiction

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  • sei said:
    … People like you shouldn’t be allowed to be online. You clearly cannot understand the difference between reality and fantasy. Drawings are just that, a drawing. They don’t give a damn about how you draw them, nor does someone who like a drawing mean they want to do those things IRL. When you watch a horror movie, do you want to kill people? When you play games like GTA, do you want to go steal a car? Or murder someone? Normal people understand the difference between fantasy and reality, people like you clearly have something wrong with them and should seek mental aid. Stop trying to force your stupid ideals on people just because you look at this and correlate touching kids.

    ALSO, there is a blacklist for a reason. If you can’t stop thinking of touching kids when you see this, then blacklist it to save your soul.

    If only I could up vote you twice.

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I know you've all downvoted me but hear me out, I did upload a few of those images, but that was before my views changed on the whole cub thing. I used to be fine with it but as i've gotten older my stance has shifted to a more negative light. those images i had favorited were from a long while ago, and I'm also not actually attracted to minors irl, which like you all said, learn to distinguish art from reality. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused, I just find that sort of stuff gross now.

    If you find it gross and want to have nothing to do with it then why haven't you already taken out the cub pics from your faves?
    I mean if you actually cared about it they wouldn't be there but yet there they are so either you forgot or you're just a dumbass hypocrite

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  • zerrothedragon said:
    I know you've all downvoted me but hear me out, I did upload a few of those images, but that was before my views changed on the whole cub thing. I used to be fine with it but as i've gotten older my stance has shifted to a more negative light. those images i had favorited were from a long while ago, and I'm also not actually attracted to minors irl, which like you all said, learn to distinguish art from reality. I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused, I just find that sort of stuff gross now.

    And btw those are some good cub pics, you have good taste ngl

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  • i have never seen someone back down from the 'cub is bad bleh' thing before. i feel like im here for a historical event.

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