banjo, kazooie, laylee, and yooka (playtonic games and etc) created by bassybefuddle
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Cold Feet No More, Figurative and Literally

The cool breeze coming from the open window did little to distract Banjo from the bacchanal that had become of his bed, now being shared by his fellow platforming adventure pals, just as moany, sweaty and engaged in podophilic debauchery as he was this moment.

"I'm inviting Yooka and Laylee for a Tarantino party. Feel welcome to join in if ya like!" Kazooie had announced earlier that afternoon. Banjo had accepted the invitation, thinking it'd be nothing more than a movie-watching marathon of the epynomous filmmaker's work. How had he forgotten how creative that breegull could be when it came to naming her group depravities.

With the bird deepthroating on his toe, his manhood riden by the bat and halfway inside the chameleon’s rear, the bear looked aside for a moment, wondering to himself just how kept getting himself in middle of these lewd situations. Hard to imagine that once upon a time, he and her avian companion would get hunting for jiggies from dusk til dawn.

And now, it seemed like every other weekend, he would somehow end up part of yet another shameless sexual escapade along with his fellow kleptomaniac buddies, his sister or sometimes even guest characters as well. It was amazing, really, having experienced so many diferent and contrived ways that could lead him to an orgasm, when all he needed back in the prime of his adventures was a quick rub-out during during the pause menu.

Yet no matter how reluctant he felt in each and every time, he couldn't deny the immense, satisfying relief he experienced after he had let out his exceptional load each and every time. He was in no position to complain, really. It wasn't exactly the lifestyle he had envisioned himself having, but he had to admit it kept every day interesting. And him being a video game character, there were no diseases to worry about, making a healthy way to bond and spend time with his friends out of every blowout he was dragged into.

So who was he kidding? He actually liked this. And judging by the rising tingling in his crotch, his mind wasn't going to change anytime soon now.

"Good God." He chuckled out loud as his breath intensified. "We're such a bunch of freaks."

"Yeff, we arff!" Kazooie and Laylee, their mouths full of foot, agreed out loud, the poor Yooka too much of an ecstasic, panting mess to participate the conversation.

Letting out an ursine grunt, Banjo let himself loose and busted one of the biggest nuts a video game bear could feel equal parts ashamed and proud of.

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