nintendo and etc created by unknown artist
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  • Am I the only one pissed that they broke not one, but TWO starter trends?
    1) The Grass starter is always reptilian at the end of its evolution line and I doubt Chespin is going to evolve into one.
    2) The Fire starter is always a member of the Chinese Zodiac and Fenniken isn't.
    In order to remain close to my scalie nature, I will have to settle for Froakie. Amphibians aren't Reptiles, but close enough. That's fine I guess. I haven't had any incentive to pick the Water starter since Gen II. He better evolve into something awesome or I swear to Arceus things will burn.

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  • If that is the forecast for the coming generation I can already tell that two thirds of new pokemon are ugly.
    They used up the good designs in first and second generation, then it went downhill fast.

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  • -Frazzledragon said:
    If that is the forecast for the coming generation I can already tell that two thirds of new pokemon are ugly.
    They used up the good designs in first and second generation, then it went downhill fast.

    I used to have the perfect response picture to that statement. But alas, I lost it when I upgraded my OS.
    Anyways, Pokemon haven't gotten uglier, you have just gotten older. Although they have gotten more complex :/

    The only thing I have against the Gen 6 starters is that they are a bit too cutesie IMO.

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  • Not sure who I'm going to pick this time.
    Blue : Squirtle
    Red : Bulbasaur
    Yellow : Pikachu (obviously)
    Green : Charmander (Emulation FTW)
    Gold : Chikorita
    Silver : Cindaquil
    Crystal : Chikorita
    Ruby : Treecko
    Sapphire : Torchic
    LeafGreen : Bulbasaur; and kept her as an Ivysaur
    FireRed : Charmander
    Pearl : Piplup
    Diamond : Chimchar
    White : Oshawott

    Not sure which version I should get either... the deer legendary looks alright... but the bird legendary looks to be more cool. So, I guess I'll be getting Pokemon Y, and maybe starting with a female Fennekin or a female Chespin. I want to breed me some more Pokemon and fill up my computer's boxes with all of the Pokemon. My choices might change depending on what the evolved forms look like. My bet's on Fennekin becoming an anthro ('cause Pokemon needs more anthro foxes, and while Zoroark is nice, he/she is the only anthro fox).

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  • Bloxx said:
    New Pokemon game (X and Y) will be on 3 ds, and it will actually show the Pokemon attacking in battle. (Link Below),d.b2I

    you simply could have directed everyone to the nintendo direct uploaded on youtube.
    This link will even send you to when the trailer starts.

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  • I for one think these new ones are the best starters ever and all the other starters from all the other regions suck balls in comparison.

    Of course if I mentioned that it would trigger a never-ending genwar ;P

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