From source:
That Big Maw's Not Just For Show - by Sparkythechu - by Charem
Crocodiles have some of the longest maws of any creatures. Naturally, it's a fairly-clear wanting sign that they rather enjoy eating whatever they can fit in those jaws - which happens to be quite a number of things!
I'd had a run-in with a Krokorok before, but this one was...significantly larger than I'm used to seeing the species. ^^;; And if I could be eaten by one that was the same size as me, then one that was much larger than me...
Well, let's just say I wasn't surprised when the big croc forced my arms to my sides and started to pick me up off the ground. Well, this was certainly an inevitable outcome... I grinned a bit as the Krokorok's large maw parted, the glistening interior practically beckoning me inward... Well, there was no point in fighting; I knew how hungry reptiles can get sometimes - being one myself. I might as well enjoy it!
The larger Pokemon wasted no time in shoving the upper half of my form into his jaws, his throat parting casually to accept my head and chest. Already the crocodile had let go of my body - his long and powerful jaws could independently support my weight, after all. I squirmed my chubby legs about, shivering as I brushed against the multitude of teeth that lined his long jaws...
This Krokorok wasn't one to savor his I soon learned when he threw his head back fast enough to make me dizzy! His guttural gulps and glurps soon picked up their pace as the active digestive system channeled me down, lower and lower... Even deep in his body as I was, I could clearly hear him clap his jaws shut behind my tail, entrapping me completely within the Pokemon's tan hide...
The Krok sat down with a Thump! as I settled completely into his cramped belly. I could barely make out his 'compliment' to my taste as the stomach gurgled and churned about me, tumbling me about eagerly. Well, fatty meals like me ARE delicious, I suppose - but he'll need to watch his figure if he keeps this up! :P
Hmmm! <3 This ish a totally fun comic that was drawn up by Sparkythechu! Krokoroks are probably my favorite 5th gen Pokemon, so I'm quite happy to be eaten by them...well, repeatedly! xD
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