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  • Comments
  • Walls of text with black screens, 15 seconds pauses... Damn, do you really think someone will click "next-next-next-next-next-next-", just to see THIS?
    I think, it could have a chance, if you'll make it faster.

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  • All the self-boasting and massive build-up for absolutely no pay-off.

    Also: No skip intro option, or mute music option?

    I have a strong feeling about half of the people who watch this will get bored and quit before they even get through the basic dialogue at the start. Lucky them!

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  • Yeah, just clicked like mad to get over all the intro text, and was left in disappointment. The music just INSTANTLY turned me off, it's like a bad 70's porno.

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  • TwilightStormshi said:
    writing are actually pretty good.

    I can't agree - I got tired of reading this pointless stuff after three or four textboxes. There is just no useful info in there.

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  • I liked it. And no, the Character design doesn't suck, it just unique, and I like that. As for the music, just mute your computer, honestly, who watches porn for the music?

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  • You may or may not like this flash. Me personally, I like this flash and the anthro look on it. However, this really does need a skip text option, but other than that, I don't see a problem.

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  • MyDigitalHazard said:
    I liked it. And no, the Character design doesn't suck, it just unique, and I like that. As for the music, just mute your computer, honestly, who watches porn for the music?

    i think you will be my new favorite person on this site.

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  • I disliked that it forced you to go through all the different "phases" and that your character could not achieve orgasm by staying in one "phase" the whole time. Otherwise decently made.

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  • The elf ears got me at first but after a few moments I found this faptastic. I nearly cried when I didn't get to see the next part.

    I only have one reservation, there should be a skip button for the story. I read through it the first time, and although it was cheesy and dumb the story arches to these things usually are (just look at all the crap in the sexkitten series). I didn't realize it ended where it did and I didn't feel like going back through the story.

    The rest is merely suggestion. I appreciate how much work you seem to have put into this. I for one thing you deserved all the gloating you did in this because it was very well constructed compared to all the flash loops and short animations you usually see. I would work on the animation just a bit more. Look at the artwork of jasonafex and washa, the way they portray the action of flesh very well and adding a little jiggle and volume to breasts and butt could improve the overall appearance. My other suggestion is that when she is sucking show a little crevice in her cheek so that it looks like she is sucking. What all this really does is it helps the artwork breath a little and makes it feel more life-like and less dry.

    Overall I liked it, hope you keep it up

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  • They ARE human... than they're weird looking. Stick to the model sheets. If I wanted to read this much I'd pick up a book..

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  • Goodness gracious... not even talking about the other issues with this, those eyes. They're horrifying.

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  • the story is great to me some reason . i will like him to make a story of him being at the school ( just calling it for short ) and see how it is living with the girls and that.

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  • this isn't awful. mass effect 3 was awful. i'm not sure what this is, but they both suffer from trying to shove in story that i don't give a fuck about. i don't care who lance is, i just want to fuck fluttershy. i don't care why this is happening, if i wanted to read a fanfiction, i'd read a fanfiction. i wouldn't care if you made them skippable, but they aren't, i have to sit through a million fucking text boxes. there is more text in this then there is actual flash. I'm not sure why you decided on that design choice, but it was a poor choice. and those ears. good god those ears. i know it's your art ectect, but... christ, who the hell draws elf ears on ponies?! and, my final complaint.... WHY PUT A CUM IN MOUTH OPTION IF THE BITCH SPITS IT OUT?! spitters are quitters bro.

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  • I'll be honest... I've seen worse... The animation's good, if insanely slow. The artstyle is "legible," even though it's more creepy than it needs to be. The story is... well... let's not pretend anyone sane is paying much attention to the story line. I'd say... eh... 5.5/10

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  • How can this be so well animated and well drawn but still sucks ass? I mean... I yawned a couple of times and my boner was no were to be seen. (Sry) But it didn't seem crappy made... Something just threw me off.

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  • Just for the sake of it, checked it out. From the little I bothered to read of the writing, it was rather bad. Generic crap. Then again, I didn't read it all as said, but all and all, it seemed bad. Could barely have had a more bland and generic character than the "submissive porn cockslut". (not to mention the seeming genetic "horny, selfish douche-bag" you were playing) The design overall had a good graphic, but as a whole, was just rather terrible looking. It was well drawn, but it just looked... quite awful as a whole. The design choice and all for the characters just doesn't look all that good tbh. Quite frankly, looks rather creepy. Like some freak elf.

    The graphic design as a whole just feels "off" so to say. Heck, the penis doesn't even seem to match the way she's drawn in. Nor does the cum really. It's 3 different styles in one. If not more. There was a bit "lazy" designs here and there, like that if going from "suck" to "deepthroat". The anatomy overall felt a bit like a mess. The breasts disregarded quite a few anatomy rules, they are kinda keen on doing that in porn, but still. The vulva was about as close to an axe wound you could get, almost no detail to it nor meat on it at all. Not to mention her whole downstairs seemed juggled around or how to put it. Did not look correctly at least. Not to mention those arms that angle is just... I dunno.

    Sounds were the stereotypical ones for porn, albeit a bit worse. (some of them) Only one I found above decent was the "fap" sound. Her voice was plain awful, did not fit with her expression or the pace most of the at all. (not to mention it was an ear-sore as it looped endlessly and high paced.) Music was not annoying per say, but felt cheesy. (not to mention the music and/or sounds can glitch, had it more than once that the music overlapped each other) And yes, glanced at some more text, it really is terrible, classic "Oh master, I got you off numerous times, and you didn't do shit for me, I'm so happy since I have no care for my own pleasure, you were amazing! - I know... I have a dick!" story. Tossed in with some classic "Hey wait a second... derp? - Eeek! Oh noes! you found out something was weird, since this is a totally stupid scenario to begin with!". The sheer amount of time spent writing this boggles me.

    There seems to be hints to a somewhat decent story idea somewhere, and their seeming effort impresses me, but almost all is just worked to death with norms, like someone spending hours building a life size fort of nails, earwax and pubes... like, yes, it is impressive in a way, but why did you use such bad material to build with? Could barely had a more boring theme than "thing with dick gets ALL the bitches since... well, he got a dick!" plus the added "heat" thing. Yes, totally logical that sentient beings would turn to sluts that only care about pleasuring anything with a penis with no regard for their own pleasure, despite they are supposed to be 'horny', wanting to get off." makes perfect sense... I'm not saying all porn has to be good, logical, anatomically accurate or aimed to more than one single narrow audience. But it should not be the standard of porn. (or have people really managed to become that dull that they can't handle anything that doesn't exactly follow all the generic norms? Do you really prefer "popcorn movies" over like... the Avengers and such?)

    While "Fluttershy" seemed mostly based of Fluttershy, making Dash a seeming sub "master!" cockslut is however (likely) way OOC for her, if basing her of Dash. But no, gotta fanwank and make all girls fit for generic porn. Rambling a bit, but eh.

    But yeah, those that like bad, bland generic porn, this flash probably is really good. (or ones that can deal with it ever now and then) If you also happen to like freak-elves. I really have no idea what the creator of this had on their mind, or if it was a commission. But in either case, I really do hope they find it awesome. Since otherwise this would have been a quite plain waste of time. I would have to say that the tags ought to be edited though to remove "horse", since there's NOTHING on these characters that are equine. If you say "the tails", I'd like to point out that about anything can have a tail, so at the most tag it "neko" or some shit. I think that's what it's called. In either case. I really hope this is not going to be a series. If it is: PLEASE take some time and try to make it a bit more properly in said case. Study some anatomy, improve your design style so it all blends better together, don't waste time on some crappy generic story that a seeming perhaps, ~5 % would bother reading and actually get "immersed" in.

    The ones catered to here seemed to be the stereotype, and they do not watch the 10 min intro to their porno's of "Hey, did someone order a pizza?/I have a package here for miss Huegh Tiits..." (that is actually a real name) As said, if you goal was to cater to the 5 %, then great job, really. I am all for catering to minorities. But if you actually meant for this to be "overall good", then I'm afraid you failed quite horribly. Then again, I can decide that all on my own. Would have to see what others say. But yes, all and all, this is a great terrible (going with "content quality". Much like a summer blockbuster can be a good "crappy" movie, aka: popcorn movie. In that context) game with very narrow design choices. And going from a quick glance at your NG, it seems you manage to cater well to the generic audience you had in mind, so grats I guess. Personally, for me it was a huge dissapointment though, or well, can't really call it that as I wasn't really aware of, or looking forward to it, but I could call it a big let down. (story, character and overall wise. I was as said impressed by the content as a whole. even if I found it to be terrible.

    Might have rambled a bit much, but wrote this late, which sadly is when I write most my stuff heh xP But yeah, really doubt the Dash will by anything but disappointing character wise. Might have been a bit harsh, but overall; take everything I say with a spoon of salt. Personally found the style and mix of "detail" within it to be too much of a weird uncanny valley to really get into. And said uncanny valley seems to have thrown quiet a few off.

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  • Hot, but really slow. Also the animation is great but drowing is kinda meh. It it really inconsitant. What I mean is that like "oh yeah sexy curves" then BAM sharp as fuck chin/eyes

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  • I suggest to everyone that instead of looking at this as oddly drawn pony anthros, look at it as elves with the MLP color scheme applied :)

    I thought it was fine overall. I admit I did expect a more pony like style but this works just fine.

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  • The intro is alright and the sounds are okay, I actually thought after reading the first comment It was going to be bad, The first impression is pretty good, although then Flutter appears, The character Is a pony and should stay a pony, making it an anthro is just creepy (in my opinion) Though the sounds when flutter gives the blowjob are getting worse, As soon as I clicked "Cum out" I clicked the game away too.

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  • I don't understand why so many people dislike this. this is AMAZING!! Great animation, love the art. Amazing detail. I hope they make round two!

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  • Ok, I am gonna throw my two cents into the jar, take them or leave em.
    Ok over all I liked the game, I think you got the acting of fluttershy down, though my only comment on what could be changed about Fluttershy is her eyes, they look far too dense and feirce to belong to a girl like her. Her sounds where good, though I do not know if it is just this P.O.S laptop or the game itself but it ran way to slowly for me, even when I turned the quality to low.

    Music it was good at first, but..after the first loop I was really hoping for a mute button, though the BGM slider was good thought on your part.

    Dialog: Great that you fleshed out who we are watching the POV from but sometimes he says a little too much about how cute fluttershy is, he never really says anything about her body, her actions, etc. I also agree that a skip button for the dialog would have been a plus.

    Character body styles: They were not bad, the male was not overly hung or sported any other equipment, not that it bothers me, your body type and overall style of fluttershy is very good, I might be picking at nits here but, her finger nails look like they belonged on a stripper or a hooker. Rainbow dash I felt you had spot on and her eyes fit her personality to a T, though I think her breasts should have been a cup smaller and had barbells instead of rings...unless your planning to get kinky with those rings...just saying...

    Thats about what comes to mind right now, hope to see more from you later on down the line

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  • You can tell that a lot of effort went into this flash, which I definitely like, but that doesn't stop it from being rather terrible.

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  • TwilightStormshi said:
    it's a shame the character drawing sucks so much cuz the backgrounds and writing are actually pretty good.

    also, typo:
    Flutters: "Oh! I see... that's a releif..."

    Really? Wow. You are so fucking blind if you think good art is shitty and shitty dialogue is good.

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  • I would've preferred if 'Shy wasn't so easy/slutty. Lance showed at least some character, but that means little if the other party has no character. If visual and character design go out of the window, little motive remains to use an established character at all.

    I don't want to be overly critical, since you've obviously put a whole lot of effort into it, but the 'yes master, harder' character is more saturated in porn than oxygen is on this planet.

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  • Ronnoc_the_Owl said:
    Can't wait for the sequel when Lance sleeps with RD

    who said it be just R.D. good chance it be both of them...maybe

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  • Kattlarv said:
    Just for the sake of it, checked it out. From the little I bothered to read of the writing, it was rather bad. Generic crap. Then again, I didn't read it all as said, but all and all, it seemed bad. Could barely have had a more bland and generic character than the "submissive porn cockslut". (not to mention the seeming genetic "horny, selfish douche-bag" you were playing) The design overall had a good graphic, but as a whole, was just rather terrible looking. It was well drawn, but it just looked... quite awful as a whole. The design choice and all for the characters just doesn't look all that good tbh. Quite frankly, looks rather creepy. Like some freak elf.

    The graphic design as a whole just feels "off" so to say. Heck, the penis doesn't even seem to match the way she's drawn in. Nor does the cum really. It's 3 different styles in one. If not more. There was a bit "lazy" designs here and there, like that if going from "suck" to "deepthroat". The anatomy overall felt a bit like a mess. The breasts disregarded quite a few anatomy rules, they are kinda keen on doing that in porn, but still. The vulva was about as close to an axe wound you could get, almost no detail to it nor meat on it at all. Not to mention her whole downstairs seemed juggled around or how to put it. Did not look correctly at least. Not to mention those arms that angle is just... I dunno.

    Sounds were the stereotypical ones for porn, albeit a bit worse. (some of them) Only one I found above decent was the "fap" sound. Her voice was plain awful, did not fit with her expression or the pace most of the at all. (not to mention it was an ear-sore as it looped endlessly and high paced.) Music was not annoying per say, but felt cheesy. (not to mention the music and/or sounds can glitch, had it more than once that the music overlapped each other) And yes, glanced at some more text, it really is terrible, classic "Oh master, I got you off numerous times, and you didn't do shit for me, I'm so happy since I have no care for my own pleasure, you were amazing! - I know... I have a dick!" story. Tossed in with some classic "Hey wait a second... derp? - Eeek! Oh noes! you found out something was weird, since this is a totally stupid scenario to begin with!". The sheer amount of time spent writing this boggles me.

    There seems to be hints to a somewhat decent story idea somewhere, and their seeming effort impresses me, but almost all is just worked to death with norms, like someone spending hours building a life size fort of nails, earwax and pubes... like, yes, it is impressive in a way, but why did you use such bad material to build with? Could barely had a more boring theme than "thing with dick gets ALL the bitches since... well, he got a dick!" plus the added "heat" thing. Yes, totally logical that sentient beings would turn to sluts that only care about pleasuring anything with a penis with no regard for their own pleasure, despite they are supposed to be 'horny', wanting to get off." makes perfect sense... I'm not saying all porn has to be good, logical, anatomically accurate or aimed to more than one single narrow audience. But it should not be the standard of porn. (or have people really managed to become that dull that they can't handle anything that doesn't exactly follow all the generic norms? Do you really prefer "popcorn movies" over like... the Avengers and such?)

    While "Fluttershy" seemed mostly based of Fluttershy, making Dash a seeming sub "master!" cockslut is however (likely) way OOC for her, if basing her of Dash. But no, gotta fanwank and make all girls fit for generic porn. Rambling a bit, but eh.

    But yeah, those that like bad, bland generic porn, this flash probably is really good. (or ones that can deal with it ever now and then) If you also happen to like freak-elves. I really have no idea what the creator of this had on their mind, or if it was a commission. But in either case, I really do hope they find it awesome. Since otherwise this would have been a quite plain waste of time. I would have to say that the tags ought to be edited though to remove "horse", since there's NOTHING on these characters that are equine. If you say "the tails", I'd like to point out that about anything can have a tail, so at the most tag it "neko" or some shit. I think that's what it's called. In either case. I really hope this is not going to be a series. If it is: PLEASE take some time and try to make it a bit more properly in said case. Study some anatomy, improve your design style so it all blends better together, don't waste time on some crappy generic story that a seeming perhaps, ~5 % would bother reading and actually get "immersed" in.

    The ones catered to here seemed to be the stereotype, and they do not watch the 10 min intro to their porno's of "Hey, did someone order a pizza?/I have a package here for miss Huegh Tiits..." (that is actually a real name) As said, if you goal was to cater to the 5 %, then great job, really. I am all for catering to minorities. But if you actually meant for this to be "overall good", then I'm afraid you failed quite horribly. Then again, I can decide that all on my own. Would have to see what others say. But yes, all and all, this is a great terrible (going with "content quality". Much like a summer blockbuster can be a good "crappy" movie, aka: popcorn movie. In that context) game with very narrow design choices. And going from a quick glance at your NG, it seems you manage to cater well to the generic audience you had in mind, so grats I guess. Personally, for me it was a huge dissapointment though, or well, can't really call it that as I wasn't really aware of, or looking forward to it, but I could call it a big let down. (story, character and overall wise. I was as said impressed by the content as a whole. even if I found it to be terrible.

    Might have rambled a bit much, but wrote this late, which sadly is when I write most my stuff heh xP But yeah, really doubt the Dash will by anything but disappointing character wise. Might have been a bit harsh, but overall; take everything I say with a spoon of salt. Personally found the style and mix of "detail" within it to be too much of a weird uncanny valley to really get into. And said uncanny valley seems to have thrown quiet a few off.

    You can:
    A: Make your own damn animation.
    B: Shut up and enjoy the very nice animation.
    C: Stop bitching about every little detail. There is a lot of animations that have worst quality and no one ever says anything, and when someone makes something very well put together, like this, everyone bitches because what they asked for. You people make me sink, the internet rotten, and put down good work. Make your own god damn story and animation you picky child.

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  • Jesus Christ, you guys are that picky!?
    "It's weird, its gross, its a elf, its not fluttershy, to much dialog, terrible art, blah blah blah blah blah!"
    You guys make everything good run away! This is a amazing animation, work was put into this just to get it to run smooth. Do you guys really not notice how nice it is to have this? Would you guys rather have stick figures and jumpy frames? This is a very nice art style and you guys dont like it because its different. I bet your all racist too, dont like some one because they are "different."
    This is a smooth animation, this a unique art style. It's not that long and sorta nice to read and watch over all. It may take some time to load, so STFU and go get a fucking soda! By the time you get back it'll be ready, ok?
    If this is how something great is treated when the worst animations get no bullshit, then god help the artists and animators out there, you dont deserve the bullshit from the picky jerks dissing your awesome work. God help you all.

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  • Vakööta said:
    You can:
    A: Make your own damn animation.
    B: Shut up and enjoy the very nice animation.
    C: Stop bitching about every little detail. There is a lot of animations that have worst quality and no one ever says anything, and when someone makes something very well put together, like this, everyone bitches because what they asked for. You people make me sink, the internet rotten, and put down good work. Make your own god damn story and animation you picky child.

    A: I have. Several.
    B: What very nice animation? You mean the mix of a generic, attention-whoring trainwreck and a decent bland animation?
    C: If I'd done that, imaging adding around 200-300 % more text. And uh? Do you even know me? Or the internet? There's a TON of negative comments, and feedback on those. I generally get whined on for DARING to critique them. This is NOT a good story. This is NOT good work. At most, it's decent. The story is awful, it's utterly cliche and generic. You have douchy Mcbag being solely selfish. you have cardboard females with no regard for their own pleasure.

    The only thing I can agree with you is that work was put into this. Firstly: It's NOT Fluttershy. The animator just went "hum, what is popular right now? ponies you say? Well, I'll just re-color and rename my character to look like that popular thing to cash in on it!" Taking no effort whatsoever on making them any similar bar from partial looks and names. Only doing it to whore out as said. Hoping pretending it's a "pony animation" will grant them fame and fortune.

    There's cluttered with terrible, bland dialogue of "oh mer gerd! ur deek is so amazing! let me suk it! Im so hurny and I ned plesur, us me to selfishly stimilate only urself, I wunt mind! - oh mai! yes, suk mai deek! I'll neglect yuuu so hard in ordr to jsut get mself off mor tmes!" The style itself is VERY stylized and peculiar, and clashes with itself at times. Not to mention as said: they horrible failed with the female genital anatomy to what I recall.

    And don't pull the "something bad is better than nothing or something just decent." Remember the "amazing" Link we were given? The "excuse me, princess"? were they better than the mute hero? Was the daddy issue Samus better than the silent, resolved hero? I'd rather have decent, good porn than horrible to great bad porn. I don't like it because of several issues in it. More or less, this is similar to when I tell people something is bad because it mismatches genitals, and they whine back that I should "respect the style" or whatever. Then I watch said people wail and flail on the reverse version of what they just said was amazing, complaining how terrible the genital mismatch it. Refusing to give it any of said respect they just demanded from me. Two of the best hypocrite examples on this site is the human dick twi and rarity, as people whine on there being human junk on a pony, and how retarded it is to have human anatomy on a horse. The other being my futashy flash, getting so much flak solely for daring to put the focus on the pussy rather than dick. Whilst the recent hyper futashy only got "murr... cock...", many from those that swore that "no, they'd never approve if this was done with a dick!". I personally could have handled the style if it wasn't so damn boring and flat. It's literally just douche mcbag being a selfish jerk, while both cardboard boxes are generic sluts with no regard for their pleasure. Along with all the style-gaps and lacking female anatomy.

    And alright, two things: It is smooth. And sums it up right. It might have worked if they didn't do such a lazy job on ripping off a porno. Their first flash AT LEAST had a hidden agenda, a attempt at a meaning in it. Even if a run of the mill, generic porn flash. Look at it this way: Swap the roles. No really, just do it. Put Lance as Fluttershy, and Fluttershy as Lance. Alter the dialogue slightly to fix the gender terms, and slightly alter the poses. Now, assuming you are capable of this. Is this still an amazing flash? Consisting solely of Fluttershy using the obedient little slut Lance to satisfy her needs without ever bothering to even try to pleasure him back? Imo, this could have been something good, but they flunked greatly on this. They overestimated themselves and underestimated their target audience for equally braindead retards that love the "meet and fuck" series. And to be honest? I would not give a single shit if around 50-90 % of all porn animations vanished from the net. Because a majority of it sucks anyhow. It's bad porn. Some of it is good bad porn, but generic, monotone and pointless nonetheless. And yet, I don't mind it. It has it's place. BUT, I do mind it's the fucking norm. Porn doesn't have to suck to be porn. We can have a standard.

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  • Vakööta said:
    Jesus Christ, you guys are that picky!?
    "It's weird, its gross, its a elf, its not fluttershy, to much dialog, terrible art, blah blah blah blah blah!"
    You guys make everything good run away! This is a amazing animation, work was put into this just to get it to run smooth. Do you guys really not notice how nice it is to have this? Would you guys rather have stick figures and jumpy frames? This is a very nice art style and you guys dont like it because its different. I bet your all racist too, dont like some one because they are "different."
    This is a smooth animation, this a unique art style. It's not that long and sorta nice to read and watch over all. It may take some time to load, so STFU and go get a fucking soda! By the time you get back it'll be ready, ok?
    If this is how something great is treated when the worst animations get no bullshit, then god help the artists and animators out there, you dont deserve the bullshit from the picky jerks dissing your awesome work. God help you all.

    I for one have to agree with you.
    I thought this animation was great, yes it had it's rough spots but what animation doesn't?

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  • Good score but so much hate. I personally like the story sure it was milked but it still was good and if you don't want to go through with it take 1-2 minutes to spam the next frame arrows honestly if you have time to fap, you have time to skip through a story to get the pretty pictures that you desire. As for it being elf-like if you like that, bonus. If you don't blur it out with looking at the picture but not focusing on it so your mind makes up the rest of the pic. As for the constant complaints about the background music assuming you actually look at your fucking monitor there is a big BGM (allow me to break it down BACKGROUND MUSIC) volume adjust bar that you can switch off. One more thing, and I can't stress this enough! If you have something negative to say in the comments make sure what you say is original and not just worded differently than the previous comments because it's just plain annoying!

    AmbushBob said:
    Lance is such a tool bag name.

    You're name isn't exactly the best either and Bob is the most tossed around name there is so unless your name really is Bob then I feel sorry for you and if you want to know why my username is 5 Cents is because I gotta (put my 5 cents in)

    PenisFire said:
    They ARE human... than they're weird looking. Stick to the model sheets. If I wanted to read this much I'd pick up a book..

    s1mpleone said:
    Whoever made this really doesn't know the difference between anthro, and humanizd, which is what this is.

    Clearly you both don't know it actually is anthro because humanized is when a character of any kind made up is altered to look human not mythological or fantasy in any way and last I checked NO girl I've ever seen looks like these two except for the breasts and other obvious features but as for being blue and yellow with tails please tell me where they are cus I would like to know

    I know my post is around a year late but I just came across this and this shit needed to be said

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  • ramzon said:
    who said it be just R.D. good chance it be both of them...maybe

    I have to say that was my assumption too

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