frogette, dummy, flowey the flower, mopsy, final froggit, and etc (undertale (series) and etc) created by underherteam

Another Under(her)tail fangame update, this time ft. ENCOUNTER sprites for the Ruins cast!

Leave a comment with your answers to some or all of these questions. I look forward to reading your responses : D

  • Comments
  • 1. Which sprites do I think are...
    - the cutest: Peddles
    - the sexiest: Tutori
    - the oddest: Syght
    - the most well-sprited (like the pixel art?): Lilgel

    2. Based on design alone, which character would I...
    - Strip, facefuck, and ravish for hours: Sex Doll (Duh, though second choice would be Tutori)
    - Undress, cuddle, and gently kiss for hours: Blooksanap

    3. Based on design alone, which character would I allow MYSELF to...
    - Be pinned down and dominated for hours: S. Whiz
    - Be gently taken care of for the night: Eclara

    4. Based on design alone, what character makes you think...
    - MUST. PROTECT.: Whiskey, Frogette, and Peddles
    - I want to know her story!: All of them honestly, except Syght. I am sorry, she just looks kind of weird :(
    - Marry me, please!: Tutori or M. Fortuna

    Note: This was difficult, not judging the charters for their personalities but for their looks. Throwing away the entire "Don't judge a book by its cover" saying.

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  • The cutest, Peddles, in the not sexy way. Literally a flower with a blush.

    The sexiest, Tutori, thicc goat.

    The oddest, Eclara. I don't know what it is, but each character catches the spirit of what they're based on, but something about Eclara feels.... Off. Like rather than a pornier version of Muffet, its more like Muffet's sister? Is that a good way to put it?

    The most well sprited, Tutori again, probably due to the extra details and the proportional design.

    For ravishing, If something didn't feel off about Eclara, I know for a fact I'd be biased towards her, but because something feels off, I'd go with Tutori. Shot in the dark here, but maybe its the hair design? Her hair feels shorter than Muffet's DESPITE the lack of pig tails. Perhaps more fluff?

    The cuddle if based purely on design, I'd say.... Tutori again? She actually looks squishy.

    The rest is just Tutori again and again, just cause its such a safe all rounder design.

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  • I really like eclara’s design she’s adorable and a way better muffet then the official muffet’s design in under(her)tail. She’s adorable, and huggable, and I wish her the best of life

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  • dragon_fucker_480 said:
    I really like eclara’s design she’s adorable and a way better muffet then the official muffet’s design in under(her)tail. She’s adorable, and huggable, and I wish her the best of life

    See, this guy basically agrees with me indirectly on the sense that Eclara feels less like Muffet and more like her own character.

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  • 1.
    - the cutest: Frogete
    - the sexiest: Missgosp
    - the oddest: Lilgel
    - the most well-sprited: M. Fortuna

    - Strip, facefuck, and ravish for hours: blooksanap
    - Undress, cuddle, and gently kiss for hours: Blooksanap (again)

    - Be pinned down and dominated for hours: Missgosp
    - Be gently taken care of for the night: Tutori

    - MUST. PROTECT: Whimsley
    - I want to know her story!: Syght
    - Marry me, please!: Missgosp

    (i you couldn't tell i like Missgosp :3)

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  • 1: Cutest is Frogette
    Sexiest is Blooksanap
    Oddest is Lilgel (mostly cause i have no clue how the encounter could work?
    The best sprited is S Whiz

    2:Strip, facefuck, and ravish the M Fortuna.
    Undress, cuddle, and gently kiss Blooksanap

    3: Get Pinned and Dominated by M Fortuna.
    Gently cared for by Whimsley

    4. Must protect Whimsley
    Get to know Eclara's story
    And please marry me Blooksanap

    So far, these sprites are all really well done, if this much effort is being done in the ruins, I wonder how good the game will get further in if it goes that far. You and the group doing the game are all talented and hope that the game goes well without issue!


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  • aight, let's do this...

    cutest: peddles
    sexiest: blooksnap
    oddest: syght/lilgel
    well-sprited: yes (all of them)

    strip/facefuck/ravish: missgosp (she looks like she deserves it)
    undress/cuddle/kiss: tutori/blooksnap (mommy please)

    dominated: m fortuna (if my hips ain't broken you're doing it wrong)
    gently taken care of: tutori (mommy please)

    protect: whimsley/froggette (must keep pure)
    story: eclara (seems interesting)
    marry: blooksnap/tutori/m fortuna/eclara (I will not be elaborating)

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