alex marx, huilo the dick totem, and tashi gibson created by totesfleisch8
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Story Excerpt

The sound of gentle waves crashing against a sandy shore never got old; the tigress loved it so much. The beach was Alex’s favorite place to go whenever she had the opportunity, and now that she was on vacation in the Caribbean, she wasn’t going to waste it by spending too much time in the hotel room, no matter how high the thread count on those sheets were, there was nothing that compared to a nice day in the tropical sun, sea, and sand.

“Come on! We’re almost there!” the tigress turned over her shoulder to look at her boyfriend who was following behind her. Alex was holding large beach towels, a pillow, and a uninflated bright green swim ring in her hands as she and Tashi trekked along the white sands of the Caribbean Island they had been vacationing on for a few days now.

“Don’t worry, Alex, I’m coming, I’m coming…” the equine chuckled as he readjusted his grip around the beach umbrella in his left hand and the cooler in his right. “Are you sure this beach is nicer than the one in front of the resort?” he asked.

“Yes!” the tigress jumped; her breasts and ass bounced up and down, bringing the horse’s eyes to the bright red bikini that she wore. It was the one they picked out while shopping online together on the couch that day. She looked incredible in them; her breasts popped and her ass looked even better than normal. It was perfect that she was the one who knew the way because that meant Tashi could watch her beautiful booty sway left and right as they made their way to the secluded spot she talked about. A soft smile spread across his lips as he looked at his girlfriend’s butt as she took her steps. Left, right, left, right, left, right; his eyes followed her plump cheeks as they jiggled slightly with each sway. He continued to stare at her ass for a few minutes until Alex suddenly came to a stop and the horse bumped into her butt.

Alex jumped slightly when the large equine bumped into her and she turned her head over her shoulder to look at him. “Aaah Tashi!”

“Oh! Sorry.” The horse put his hands on Alex’s shoulders to hold her and make sure she didn’t fall into the sand from the force of his collision against her. He then shook his head; he felt a bit dizzy after being knocked out of the trance that the tigress’s ass had him in. He gave Alex’s shoulders a firm squeeze and rubbed them gently with his thumbs.

“Watch where you’re going!” the tigress chuckled. “We’re here.” She gestured her head toward the end of the path in front of her that opened up to a wide beach with white sands, clear blue skies, and even clearer blue waters. Alex let out a nice sigh as she looked at the cove in front of them, her tail did a couple of swishes behind her before it curled around her boyfriend’s leg and gave him a little tug to encourage him to take a look and drink it in, too. The Clydesdale looked out in front of them with slightly squinted eyes. It was another perfect day in paradise; the sun was high up in the sky and clouds looked as if they didn’t even exist in this part of the world. But it was so bright that the horse couldn’t really see anything until his eyes adjusted, which took a few seconds. Once they did, his eyes widened and he made an ‘O’ face as he looked to the horizons on his left and right.

“Whoa… There’s no one here…” the horse said in a breathy sigh as his eyes panned around the large cove. He then turned around to look back at the path they came on and looked around there, “Holy shit, we can’t even see the hotel building… How far did you take us?”

Alex turned around to look, too. “I know, right? It’s like a deserted part of the island over here,” she cooed. She peeked her head around her tall horse boyfriend to try and spot the tall main tower of their hotel but she couldn’t see it either. “Huh, the path probably wasn’t a completely straight line… It’s probably on the opposite side of that hill over there.” She pointed at a tall green hill that they had trekked around by following the not-so-path path that brought them to the cove.

“Huh, you’re right,” the horse nodded as he looked at the hill, he then turned around to look at his girlfriend with a smile and shrugged his shoulders. “So, where are we getting set up? My arms are getting tired from holding this cooler.”

The tail Alex had curled around her boyfriend’s calf tightened to give him a squeeze before it unraveled and pulled away as she turned on her heels back to the open beach in front of them. “I know just the spot!!” the tigress hugged the pillows and towels tightly against her chest before she excitedly dashed across the white sands toward the left, to the perfect spot for them to set up. Her pink beans dug into the warm sand and flung it back onto Tashi as she dashed away.

“Hey, hey, slow down! I can’t dash as fast as you…” Tashi said, but it was too late, the tigress had already gone. She wasn’t a cheetah but, oh boy, she was still fast. “Silly little tiger,” the horse chuckled and looked down at his hoof fluff that was now caked in the white and powdery sand. He shook them a little before he realized he’d have to get them sandy anyway and took slow and sturdy steps to follow the blur of orange who zoomed across the beach.

After a short moment of digging her paws into the sand and flinging it in a trail behind her as she ran, she came to a stop at a spot that seemed random at first glance. She turned left and right as if she was looking for something and smiled wide when she spotted a small sand sculpture that she made to mark the spot; she was very happy that it hadn’t been destroyed by the tide or the wind yet. She wasted no time and started setting up what was going to be their hangout spot for the rest of the day. The beach towels went down on the sand, along with the big pillow Alex brought for them to take turns using.

Once the horse caught up with her, he put the cooler down and stuck the beach umbrella into the sand like it was Excalibur. He then used his hooves to kick up a pile of sand to cover up a little more of the pole so that the umbrella wouldn’t topple over from its own weight once it got a little bit of the sea breeze under it and angled the umbrella towards where the sun was coming from to give them the optimal amount of shade. When he was done, he took a couple of steps back to look at their little relaxation spot and blinked when he saw the unusual sand sculpture that was next to the beach towels Alex had just put down for them. “What is that?”

Alex placed her pillow down on her beach towel and was just about to sit down when she heard her boyfriend ask her a question. She turned around to face him and raised her eyebrows. “Huh? What’s what?” She looked at her boyfriend for a few seconds before her gaze followed his over to the sand sculpture that she made. She let out a laugh, “Haha, that’s just a sand sculpture I made so I would be able to find this spot when I went back to get you to come too. I thought a dick would be pretty funny to do,” she murmured. “What do you think? Can my work get into the Louvre one day?”

Tashi stepped over the beach towels and squatted down in front of the peculiar sand sculpture. He let out a snort and a chuckle when he realized what it was a sculpture of; a dick. The base consisted of a huge pair of balls and the shaft ran up about seven inches high. There was an uncanny amount of detail and effort put into the cock head, with the tip of the sand dick looking much more pronounced than the rest. That wasn’t all though, the dick even had a face! The tigress sculptor gave the dick a big and smug grin, a very big nose, and two blank eyes made with pebbles. It was slightly uncanny to look at, but luckily Alex and Tashi had set up their spot so that the sand cockstle was facing away from them. “That’s very realistic… I’m sure it will get your art banned from the Louvre, which is probably an equally impressive achievement.” He chuckled as he eyed his girlfriend’s work some more. “Did you model it after that dick totem you bought from that weird voodoo store?” the horse looked back over his shoulder at his girlfriend as she sat down to start blowing up the swim ring.

“Yeah! I had that weird thing in my mind when I was making it, I thought it would look pretty cool, hard to miss!” Alex grinned as she fluffed up her pillow before she leaned back against it and started blowing air into the bright green inflatable. Tashi stood back up, walked over to his beach towel that was directly under the umbrella, and sat down with a happy sigh. He looked at his slightly sandy hooves a bit before he turned to look at the tigress as she blew up that donut.



The tigress inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth with her lips sealed tightly around the little nozzle on the swim ring. It grew slightly with each blow and after around a minute or two it was firm and fully inflated. “Yay!” she pulled the ring from her lips and closed the cap on the nozzle so the air wouldn’t leak out. She then set the ring to her side and leaned back even more against the pillow she had propped against her back. She too let out a happy sigh and looked at her sandy paws, then at her boyfriend who was looking right at her.

Tashi’s eyes wandered as he looked at the tigress adjacent to him. He’d seen her in her swimsuit before, and he’d seen her wearing many different kinds over the few days they had been there, but the one she was wearing right now had to be his favorite; there was just something about the color red that looked amazing on her. Maybe it reminded him of apples, or some hot and spicy salsa, or that sweater she always wore at home all snuggly like. Whatever it was, he couldn’t take his eyes off her, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Those sunglasses she had on really made her look good too. He felt inadequately dressed when he looked at her, but he wasn’t going to wear a mankini, even if they made ones big enough to keep his massive sheath and balls under wraps.

“You must really like this bikini,” Alex said.

Tashi blinked and quickly pulled his eyes back to the tigress’s. He rubbed the back of his head shyly, now that he’d been caught, and smiled. “Heh, yeah… It really looks good on you… I like seeing a lot of your stripes.”

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