"Just give it up, lady, I'm invincible - the sharpest glass in like the WORLD isn't going to cut me!" the perky redhead pointed out.
"Oh, my dear DuraBelle, do you think I need to cut you? How very unimaginative." the elegantly-dressed feline purred.
After busting up a smuggling operation right in the heart of the city, the unbreakable bunny chases the mastermind behind it into a nearby alley. Tall, sophisticated, and utterly certain of her superiority to most everyone - Steklo is a snow leopard who can control any form of glass with a whim. Much of the time she's been known to use it to slice and batter her opponents, but of course that can't work against an invincible lop.
When the villainess vaporizes her uniform with a hailstorm of razor-sharp glass, the luscious lapine is undeterred. It's only when all the discarded bottles and bits of glass that are plentiful in any dark alley start to float around her that Izzabelle realizes Steklo might not be as cornered and helpless as she thought. Glass forms itself around her wrists and ankles like floating bonds, spurred by Steklo into bending and moving however she likes. A few spins through the air end with the superhero floating upside down, stretched taut, and waiting for her eyes to stop rolling as the snowy smuggler only gets more inventive. Controlling Belle like a puppet, without any strings!
All too quickly the rabbit finds herself being ravished in every hole by lengths of smooth glass pistoning and pressing at the villainess's command! Overheated hare honey flying everywhere as DuraBelle finds herself once more outwitted, and brought close to orgasm, by a foe with years of superior experience - "MMMMPPPHHHH!!!"
"As if some common wanna-be hero RABBIT could ever defeat THE MISTRESS OF GLASS?!" the leopard laughed. "You tiresome creature, you should have stayed in school and out of MY business. My glass is going to work you until that invincible figure of yours melts, and then you and those lovely tits are going to make a fine exhibit for my PRIVATE collection. It's really too bad that you were all body, and no brains, my little bunny."
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