bandai namco and etc created by tohfu
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An old pic of Tohfu's, Back when he was Arcanewind. A flamedramon wakes up to find he is in bed with a raidramon (after putting on the wrong helmet), and questions him, only to find he is in the raidramons bed instead.

This was the last page of a mini four part comic, but sadly don't have the rest. Maybe someone who sees this might have the rest to upload.

  • Comments
  • Why is Raidramon bipedal and why does he looks so much different than Flamedramon even though their the same character?

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  • henrywong122 said:
    Why is Raidramon bipedal and why does he looks so much different than Flamedramon even though their the same character?

    He's bipedal because the artist wanted him to be?? the comic wouldn't have really worked the same otherwise.

    And they hardly look different at all, the Raidramon's ears just point forward, and the Flamedramons backawrds. Tha's how they actually are in the series, it's a clever little way of giving them all a little unique touch, I believe the magnamon's ears point straight up?

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