It was that time of the year again for James, the constant burning need to breed, to be bent over by some strong top and filled to the brim with seed, the poor leopard was in heat! This year it was particularly bad, a couple of times he caught himself being a lil more friendly than he was supposed to with clients at the café he works at, it got so bad he had to take the week off. He was at home, riding a toy to scratch that itch when he saw the report on the news, a story about how there was some horny creature rumored to be prowling the city park and railing unsuspecting park goers leaving them a mess, and some were rumored to just disappear. Admittedly that last bit did make the snep a little bit nervous but at this point he was starting to not care anymore, otherwise he wouldn’t of been at the park at dusk walking round looking for the faintest signs of the this mythical Slick.
He spent hours checking every bush and under every bench and just as he was willing to give up his search and head on his way back home, he heard a growl from up above, with a gulp and a nervous flick of the tail, James tilted his head up and caught himself eye to eye with the blue glare of a wolf, dripping down from the branches. It was him, The Slick and it found James, and it was about as eager as the snep to play with its new prey. It leapt down on to the cat, pinning him to the pavement under an oily black paw and grabbing the pink feline’s limbs, binding them in the creature’s own legs as it dissolved the clothes James had on, James made no effort to resist, no pleas for help, no struggle as the wolf lined a thick goopy obsidian shaft up with his puffed vag, this wasn’t just what James wanted this is what James needed!
The wolf plowed into the leopard, ramming his cock in up to the knot over and over again as more and more of his black body dripped down James. As the minutes turned to hours, and the Slick had gone from ramming his knot against the cat to forcing it in on every thrust, James had become almost entirely covered in the black goop that dripped off the Slick and on to him, it melting his fur and bonding with his flesh, the line between where he began and where the ooze ended grew closer and closer to vanishing. Hours after this encounter began things finally came to a climatic end, the Slick pushing the knot in one last time with a mighty howl, tip piercing the Snep’s womb as thick rope after thick rope of cum in to him, so much so that the moaning kitten’s now black belly began to expand and swell like a shiny black balloon.
The Slick admired it’s work, particularly proud of this night’s prey, before slinking away, back to the bushes, to rest for another night’s hunt.
A commission for Taji and James
art by Otterbits
story by Melos
BlockedIs she getting rekt by knot and a flare?
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