Story by PirateEagle
After another hard week on the beat patrol officer Carl was eager to receive his paycheque full of credits earned from busting perps and stopping crime from all over his sector. His hands were shaking and his mind was buzzing with the thought of what he was going to end up doing with it as he looked at the numbers on his wrist computer, if anyone at his workplace ever found out he knew he would be finished...he might be imprisoned by his own coworkers even, but somehow that intrusive thought in the back of his mind only made that tight chastity cage he was locked in even tighter as he beelined for the seediest part of the arcology.
Most people, even cops, have their vices. Some drink on a weekend, some spend their money on getting high or partying with easy girls to wind down after a hard week’s work...but the officer’s vice was him. The one who broke his heart, the one who does nothing but abuse him, the one who he stupidly crawls back to every single time. He didn’t even go home to change, ignoring the strange looks he got from the people as he was still wearing his police flightsuit even as he went down the dingier and dirtier alleyways where the sight of a cop was a rarity. It didn’t matter to him though. His Master would be waiting for him, where he would drain the cop’s account, and if he was lucky he might let him drain his Master’s balls in return.
He couldn’t even remember how it started. The clearest memory he has was the first time he met him...he was coming home from a long shift to find his girl in bed with some ugly Philippine eagle guy that he swore looked familiar...he couldn’t get too much of a good glimpse though, as the pheagle evaded Carl’s shots and ran out the door with the cop in tow firing away. He chased the guy down to the end of an alleyway and was just about to put the guy down when Carl’s pistol clicked empty. Those wild, angry shots used up his ammo, and without a weapon the smaller bird was quickly overwhelmed by the brutish pheagle and was forced to suck his cock at gunpoint, still wet from when the pheagle was with his girlfriend, and he could taste it...but after that, all Carl can remember what a blur. He remembered that it was the most pain he felt in a long time, and yet, simultaneously, it made him so turned on that he came in his flightsuit hands free just by being facefucked by the pheagle. Then he remembered the pheagle mocking him for it, saying he recorded the event, Carl’s pleasured moans and all, and that if he didn’t pony up some creds each week the file would be sent to all of his friends, coworkers, and family. After that, the pheagle had him by his balls...and knew that the cop liked it that way. He did more and more depraved things to the guy, each time he would record it and accrue more blackmail to keep him on his toes, all the while still fucking his girlfriend sometimes while Carl was just about to come home only to force him to watch. It was disgusting, depraved, so wrong and so dirty...and it was the best feeling he ever felt. The more the pheagle toyed with him and abused him the more the pain thrilled the cop, the sick irony of his Master being none other than a notorious spaceship raider making it even better. As he approached that very same alleyway to do the same thing he saw Pirate Eagle standing there waiting, decked out in bullet scarred armour with his arms crossed. He was hesitant to step forward, and as soon as he did all the pheagles had to do was click his fingers and point at the ground and Carl immediately obeyed, grovelling at Pirate's exposed talons as he unzipped his caged cock and heard pirate take off the crotch plating of his armour.
“Look who came back grovelling for me t’ ruin him again. Better have brought me some nice big numbers this time, faggot.” he said, lightly slapping the side of Carl's face about. “look at you. Fuckin’ pitiful. I can just slap you like a bitch and you look up at me with desperate little eyes. Nasty little piggy, you know what I'm gonna spend these credits on?”
Carl wondered for just a moment on what a criminal might do with a sizeable amount of creds like this. And yet, here he was at this very moment, furiously tapping away at his wrist computer, his fingers trembling with pure excitement as he typed in the numbers. 1000 credits...almost the entirety of his paycheque for the week, with just a few hundred being left for his bills. All that money that he could spend on himself, and he was coughing it up to the very same type of criminal scumbag the officer spent his weeks combating. He set up the transfer and his finger hovered over the payment button, his eyes wide with adrenaline pumping through his body. He was reveling in the moment.
“Hurry up boy. You’re not sucking this cock till you pay up.”
Carl pressed the transaction button and felt a familiar chill deep within him as he saw his bank account drain to just enough credits to scrape by for a week. The rest, given up to his abusive Master to do whatever he felt like with. He couldn't hold back any longer with Pirate's thick cock so tantalisingly close to him, so he buried his nares into Pirate’s crotch and looked up, his eyes begging for attention. “Please, Sir, please let me suck you off...I’ve been waiting all week for it!” he shamelessly begged the pheagle, his words shaking and stuttered. Pirate sighed and said “Fine. Go on then.”.
Carl didn't waste any time and took the pheagles cock straight into his beak, eagerly servicing his Master while Pirate just tapped away at his own device, barely giving the cop any attention except just to insult him. “Ugh, look at you. What a pathetic faggot. And that tiny cock dripping in its little cage, no wonder your girl was coming t’ me for satisfaction. She could barely feel that thing.” Pirate was right. Carl needed both hands to get a grip on the pheagles thick, tapered meat, while his own cock was pitifully small, locked away in chastity for the past few weeks. Pirate even made it a pink cage, just for that added bit of sissification, and Carl had to try and hide it whenever he changed in the locker rooms at work lest anyone catch a glimpse of it. He would’ve cum already just from this if he wasn’t locked, but even then he felt like he was about to go over.
“Hold on a second, what th’ fuck is this?” Pirate growled, looking at his wrist computer. “I fuck your girlfriend, I let you suck my cock, I even keep it a secret, and this is what you pay me?”
Carl stopped and whimpered, the cock lodged in his beak muffling his words into a pitiful mumble: “I’m sorry Master! I’ll get more next week, a bill came in and I had to-”
He was interrupted when Pirate pushed his meat deeper into his throat and demanded more. “I don’t fuckin’ care for the excuses, boy. Either pay up or every pig in the ‘verse is gonna know your secrets!”
Carl tried to talk back, but suddenly his beak was filled with a rancid taste as Pirate emptied his bladder into Carl’s mouth. He gagged at the taste but still kept it in even as it spilled out his nose and soaked into his uniform.
“Now hold still, toilet. You don’t deserve my cum. You get this instead. I said it goes up by 100 creds a week. I don’t care where you get th’ money from, you fuckin’ get it for me or your life is over. No dick on demand any more, either. ”
Pirate pulled his cock out and kicked him onto his back, pressing his bare talons onto Carl’s face and spilling the rest of his musky piss all over him, all the while mocking him. When he finished up he demanded more. “You better pay up. I don’t care if you go int’ debt, if you steal for me, if you get another job, you get me my money, whore. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes Master, I will get you it, I p-promise!” Carl mumbled, under the huge dirty talons of the pheagle. With that, Pirate zipped up and walked away without another word as Carl was left in the dingy alleyway in a puddle of piss. His uniform was soaked and stinking, his mouth burned from the taste. He was used, degraded, humiliated. His life could be over any time. And yet all he could think of was what he could do to get Pirate the money he deserved....maybe a loan or another job. Or he could go hungry the next week. It didn’t matter, lying in the alleyway and rubbing his sore caged cock he could only smile…
It was worth every credit…
MemberHe's literally named Carl Powerless, nice
MemberI already do not enjoy most of your so called art. AT LEAST put cuckold tag you degenerate bitch
user 692844
Memberi already do enjoy most of your so called art. but yeah please tag cuck stuff, i have it blacklisted for a reason
MemberYou call him that but your favorites consists of ferals and plus you are on a porn website.
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