created by tom fischbach
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  • versperus said:
    that you know about*

    Sure all artists started out as absolute hot garbage at some point. But Tom started posting so early in his artistic abilities, that you can watch his progression all throughout.

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  • salemcripple said:
    Sure all artists started out as absolute hot garbage at some point. But Tom started posting so early in his artistic abilities, that you can watch his progression all throughout.

    I agree that there is great enjoyment in seeing the progression of artistic talent, I think Tom has what, 18 years of presence on the internet? 18 years is quite the chunk of time for progression. There are many artists who have gone on to become absolute breathtaking creators in a time period like that, and no offence to Tom but to say he's improved the most in that time period discredits other artists. (Though personally, I think I would rather like it if he evolved to this style in his twokinds series, it would really mix things up)

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  • salemcripple said:
    Sure all artists started out as absolute hot garbage at some point. But Tom started posting so early in his artistic abilities, that you can watch his progression all throughout.

    Tom improved so much that his old art now looks like it was done by a different artist.

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