As huffy as he may first look - by the end of his training, chances are that Kerreth will make for an excellent pony~...
Story by guardian-hawk
"Hey there, cutie." The anthro gryphon smirked at him, leaning casually over the rail of her porch, and he could feel her gaze roving over him.
Kerreth growled. Prior to being caged, nobody would have dared call him cute--well, maybe the occasional dragoness--but ever since he'd been locked, it seemed like he couldn't intimidate anyone anymore. Ruffling his wings and leaving them slightly unfurled, he took a few steps closer, claws digging into the grass, and tamping down his temper to reduce the rumble in his voice he said, "I'm Kerreth. Are you Gwendolen?"
"Just Gwen is fine," she said, trilling, and her eyes wandered towards his belly for a few more moments before returning to his snout. "What can I do for you?"
Everyone always stared at his chastity, but her interest was far too amused for his taste, and he ignored the little throb he felt in his sheath. "I'm told you know a powerful wizard. I'd appreciate it if you could point me in their direction."
Gwen tilted her head to one side. "Is that so? Why would you like to meet him?" Her attention flicked back to his hindquarters for a moment, and he knew she could probably guess, but there was no reason to sidle up to it considering how much she was staring at him already.
Still, he hesitated for a moment before saying, "this chastity cage is sealed with magic. No key--just a spell. I've been searching for someone capable of getting it off for me."
"Awww, but it looks so good on you!" She clicked her beak. "If you ask me, I'd say just wear it. Trust me, convincing Matthias to give you any help with your situation won't be easy."
Kerreth had heard that compliment and that suggestion far too frequently for his taste, and his cock pressed against the cage in rebellion; the ache of it made him stamp a hind paw and growl at her, no matter how important it might have been to be polite with this wizard's friend. "No. It needs to come off, and the sooner the better."
"A little pent up, are you? You poor thing." She giggled at his expense, making his snout flush hot and his trapped shaft pulse again, and he bared a few fangs at her as he fought the urge to squirm or paw at the cage.
"Just tell me where I can find him."
Gwen clicked her beak and came down off the porch, approaching until she was only about a dragon's-length away from him. "I could, but my friend doesn't take kindly to uninvited guests--heck, he's only willing to put up with me once every couple of weeks, and we go way back. If I just point you to his house and send you on, not only is he virtually guaranteed to refuse your request, I wager he'd seal you into a few more restraints before making you leave him alone. So unless you fancy sporting a muzzle or some shackles as well, I wouldn't recommend it."
That time he did squirm a little: not only would it be a further hindrance, it'd surely make it even harder to find help, when any wizard he tried to persuade found him wearing the handiwork of more than one of their fellows. That'd just make them think he deserved it! Which... no. No matter what he'd accidentally done to that witch Kira's field of crops, this much time caged was excessive! But unless he wanted this lead to be another dead end... "I see. So, what would you recommend? Aside from not trying to get it unlocked," he added with a snort.
She looked him over again, from his snout to his paws and, once again, to that gently aching cage. Her head tilted one way, then the other, she clicked her beak and swished her tail a few times while he stood there trying to look stern and serious and not cute, and when he was about to lose patience and prod her for a response she finally said, "it's possible that I could help you persuade him. If I, as his friend, were to tell Matthias that you are a gentle, kind, well-behaved dragon who doesn't mean us bipeds any harm and deserves to be unlocked, I'm sure he'd listen to me. Of course, for me to do that for you, you'd need to convince me that's true first."
It was true--well, excepting the Spinetail incident that got him caged in the first place. "It is!" When she raised her eyebrows he said a little more earnestly, "no matter how frustrated I might feel sometimes..."
"And yet, you found yourself locked in chastity for some reason, hmm? Despite being a perfectly harmless and innocent dragon?" Her head tilted again. "I mean, considering how sexy you look, maybe I'd believe you if you said you didn't do anything to earn it, but something tells me that's not the case. You are a dragon, after all."
Somewhat reluctantly, Kerreth recounted his tale of the fateful hunt that had led him to inadvertently destroy such a valuable crop, and how the witch cultivating it had chosen to punish him for it--and then vanished before he could agree to make it up to her. "So since then I've been exploring, looking for her or for some other magician who can help to free me," he said, sounding a little more plaintive than he'd intended.
The gryphon's apparent sympathy was undermined by a smothered giggle as she said, "aww, you poor dragon." She clicked her beak and thought quietly for a few moments, considering the caged dragon before her, then said, "follow me. I have a proposal for you."
Not a dead end after all! Kerreth had to hold himself back from leaping eagerly to fall into step beside her as she walked towards the corner of her house, a rush of hope filling him with energy--and making his sheath throb more earnestly against the cage. Maybe, finally, he was close...
He'd noticed while approaching her house from the air that there was a newer section at the back, looking almost like a shed that shared a wall with the home rather than an actual connected addition, built in plain, well-joined but unpainted wood with a window on each side and a large door at the rear. She led him towards it now, saying, "as it happens, Kerreth, you aren't the only dragon I've met. There's a dragoness from the mountains who visits me every winter; she likes to share the warmth of my house instead of staying in her cave. The first year she just squished herself into the living room so she could curl up by the fire, and with little else to do when it's so cold out, we spent a lot of time just chatting."
She made another amused trilling noise, and Kerreth gave her a questioning look.
"It turns out that she's quite the kinky, submissive dragoness, and when you talk to someone long enough--or, really, not long at all in her case--you tend to learn such things about them. So we took some measurements, she gave me some coins to help out, and every winter since, she's flown on down to spend the season in pony tack in this little stable I built for her." She smirked up at him. "Aside from the chastity belt, which you don't need thanks to that lovely little cage of yours, I bet all her tack would fit you just as nicely."
She hadn't said it yet, but he could guess what she wanted easily enough, and he growled a little more loudly, despite or perhaps because how the thought made his sheath strain a little harder still. "You're not serious."
"Sure am!" She lifted the handle and flung open the broad doors of the little stable. Its interior looked just as cozy as her tale suggested: there was a comfy-looking pile of pillows and blankets to sleep on, up against the side of the house, plenty of light from the windows--and a windowed door into the house--enough room for a dragon to be able to move around a little... and a well maintained, carefully organized collection of bondage gear. As his cage throbbed, she said, "so here's my proposal: she'll be moving in for the winter in a few weeks, and I'd like you to be my pony-dragon until she gets here. I'll be training you, riding you, and finding work for you to do around my property, and you'll be staying in your tack the whole time--and in return, once Barrassa's here and had a chance to meet you, we can go visit Matthias and I'll be able to tell him with full honesty that I know you're a good and well-behaved dragon who doesn't mean any harm, and that you do deserve to be let out of your cage."
The audacity of it made him growl again, his tail lashing and his cock aching fiercely. "You want to keep me tied up and make me obey you--for weeks? Just to meet your wizard friend?" Stomping a front paw and lowering his snout, he put his bared fangs barely a paw's width from her face and hissed, "or, instead, I could just make you take me to him now."
To give her credit, she didn't seem worried in the slightest, no matter how much bigger and stronger he was, no matter how easy it would have been to hurt her or worse. "And then when we got there and I was safe--because trust me, he's stronger than you--he'd probably just make you my pony for good. Although considering you listened to everything I told you and only just now decided to threaten me, it makes me wonder if you'd want that."
Right--the whole point was to get on her good side, and he'd been so surprised by how much she'd asked of him that he'd lost his temper. Blame the chastity cage keeping him so pent up and making him grouchy. He backed off, grumbling, only after a moment snorting and shaking his snout in denial--he did not want all that tack locked on him just as hopefully-not-permanently as his chastity! "I do not."
A little more gently, Gwen said, "sorry--you don't have to play along if you don't want to, and keeping you here against your will wouldn't actually be as fun, for either of us. That said, if you want my help, you've got to earn it, and you've heard my offer."
"What, be your slave so I can get this cage off? Not much of an 'offer' when you might as well have fangs at my throat when you make it."
"You're the one who wants out of that cage so badly. Remember, my suggestion was that you just stay that way," she said, giggling and giving his belly another admiring glance. "And besides. I can see how tight that cage looks right now, and you wouldn't be straining that hard if thinking about my proposal didn't excite you... Don't be shy."
Ugh. The thought of having to obey the little anthro ground against his pride, but he didn't have any other leads, and the steady, pent up ache between his hinds just encouraged him to find a way with every little throb of need. It'd be a long few weeks, but at the end, surely-- At last he might actually be close to finding relief, and relief was what he needed so, so so badly! Just the thought of potentially being free of chastity at last--free of his sheath, able to get hard, able to get off--made him quiver, his wingtips shivering, and with a deep breath and a grumble of resignation he settled down. "All right, fine. I wear your pony gear until she gets here, and then you tell your wizard to get me out of this thing."
"There's a good dragon!" she chirped, hopping up and down a couple of times in excitement. "Shall we get you dressed up?"
Her enthusiasm made him wonder if he'd made the wrong choice, but he'd folded his wings now, and he was committed to the dive. "I guess we may as well."
"Awww, don't be grumpy! This will be fun." She bounced over to the neatly laid out pony tack, where a hinged steel chastity belt lay on top. "Barrassa always has a great time. Especially with the chastity belt, she's always so pent up and eager to please by the time spring rolls around... Don't worry, I'll make sure she's chaste too before she meets you. She'll need it when she sees your cage!" Ignoring Kerreth's strained huff, she put the belt aside and carefully unfolded something much larger, black and reflective: latex? And lots of it! "Her catsuit should fit you, I think you're about the same size. Except between the legs, but there's a hole there anyway! Give me your paws."
Another long huff, and he flexed his claws and snapped his tail reluctantly, but at last he picked up a forepaw, carefully keeping his claws tucked in as he pushed it through the sleeve; soon his paw popped out the other side, and she smoothed out the rubbery material from ankle to shoulder before doing the same with his other foreleg. His tail came next, the whole long flexible limb encased in latex, and then his hind legs, one at a time.
Of course she moved more slowly here, with the feathers atop her head repeatedly tickling at his balls and the underside of his cage; he flinched and grunted and squirmed enough from the gentle caressing sensations--and how extremely tight they made his cage!--that she stopped and looked up at him, her beak mere inches from his throbbing, trapped length. "A little sensitive, big boy?" she tittered. "How long have you been locked up in here?"
He knew precisely how long it had been, down to the day, but he rather than count it out he downplayed it to, "a couple of years..." only to moan and flinch away in surprise when she reached up and fondled his balls with both hands! "Rrrnn--! Hey!"
"Mmmmm! You've been locked in here that long? And not a single orgasm? Mmhhh. It'll almost be a shame to let you out when you've managed to last this long..."
He tried to back away, but he had to step carefully with the rest of the latex suit hanging off his limbs, and she just moved with him, continuing to stroke his sack, ignoring or perhaps encouraged by his groans, and the uncontrollable little thrusting motions he made, and the protest of, "nngh-- stop that!"
She let go, to his relief. "You're right, we should get the rest of your gear on first. Got to stay on task, no matter how sexy you look, and right there in grabbing range..."
Kerreth could only grumble back at her, trying to stop his hips from rocking any more, or groan in frustration from how hard he was aching against the cage--and how fast and how eager she'd been to do that to him! His snout only flushing hotter when she giggled, "and you're drooling already!"
He didn't need the reminder at how much easier it had become over time to get the tip of his sheath to drip prefluid... but as long as she teased him, he also couldn't make it stop, just grind his teeth from the steady futile strain and twitch as she continued to oh so gently graze against him while she guided the latex up his well-muscled thighs to his hips. True to her word, there was a gap in the rubber from just ahead of his sheath to just past his butt, and she had him crouch down so she could get his wings through the gaps for them, get the suit pulled tight around his body, and at last shut the zipper that ran along the spine of the suit from hips to neck. "There! How're we doing, anything feeling pinched or squeezed? Move around a bit."
Kerreth took a few experimental steps, and stretched his paws in different directions. He didn't really know how it was supposed to feel, but while it felt awfully snug, it didn't seem to be catching anywhere or really limiting his range of motion. "I think it's good?"
"Perfect! Bend down a moment." He did so, only to flinch when he heard a little snap between his shoulders, and he squirmed when he twisted his snout around to see she'd used a padlock to join the two pulls of the zipper!
"--a lock? I already agreed to wear this stuff didn't I?"
"You did! But keeping the gear locked helps make it feel secure, and if you have some moment of weakness it'll stop you from doing anything you shouldn't out of impulse. Anyway, that's just the start! We've got lots more to dress you in."
He grumbled. He couldn't help but instinctually hate locks, thanks to the spell-reinforced, keyless padlock currently trapping him in his aching, pent-up sheath... but at least this lock could be opened again, and it wouldn't make much difference, he supposed. "Fine. What's next?"
More rubber was next, this time two big sacks of it, one of which she tugged over each wing and tucked neatly into the gaps in the catsuit, a set of broad straps over each ensuring he kept his wings furled in tight. The feeling made him twitch, squirm, and huff softly, the limbs twitching; he liked his wings and he liked flying quite a bit, as all dragons did, and being stuck on the ground might be the hardest part, after the chastity cage! He didn't get much time to dwell on it, though, as after locking the wing-binders on she proceeded right to a sturdy, bulky harness, the thickest straps going around his chest and the base of his neck, and other smaller straps linking the harness to his torso, the bases of his wings, and his upper fore and hind limbs--each of which he watched her secure with another and another lock. "Just how many padlocks do you have?"
"Enough!" she said cheerfully. "You only have yourself to blame, you dragons have so many limbs that need to be tied up. Speaking of, give me your paw again."
He lifted his paw automatically, and looked down to find her fitting some sort of boot over it--oh. A distinctly hoof-shaped boot, which his claws were now trapped inside, which included a sleeve that came far enough up his foreleg to overlap the sleeve of the catsuit; a strap at the top of the sleeve let her secure it at his ankle, and then, of course, lock it. "Hey-- This is getting pretty excessive! And I need my claws!"
"Barrassa does fine all winter without them, so will you! Anything you need, I'm here to take care of. Except the chastity, of course, you're here to earn what you need there." She winked at him, and he growled in indignation to stop himself from groaning when his sheath throbbed yet again in objection. "Paw number two?" Grudgingly he lifted it as well, and she started on the second hoof boot. "Besides, excessive is half the point! Someone big and strong as a dragon, it's hard to believe they're really under control unless they're really locked down, you know? If I left your claws out, someone might wonder, well, why won't he just claw through the straps? Plus, take away your options, and it reminds you of your place."
That made sense, he guessed, in a typically kinky sort of way, and it was definitely doing its job making him wonder how he could get himself out of this if he really needed to--especially since she had another pair ready for his hind paws! Still-- "Someone might wonder, like who?"
She linked the straps of his front boots with a short chain, then went to work on his hind paws, where he continued to play along. "I mean, if I go into town for something or need something carried home, why would I walk when I've got a pony to ride? Barrassa does it for me all winter, don't worry, nobody will bat an eye."
Kerreth could only sigh in response, his tail twitching restlessly back and forth, peering down at the hoofs on his front paws while she got his hinds equally stuck: two boots, two straps, two locks, and another chain to limit his gait and slow him down. All the gear looked thick and sturdy, and well made; it must have cost no small sum to put together such a collection!
"Besides, one would think you'd be used to such appearances after a couple years, right? I mean, it's not like you're hiding this from anyway you meet." One hand stroked the underside of his chastity cage while the other gave its padlock a little tug, and he stiffened and writhed as her soft little fingers found his sheath through the bars, feeling how he was straining against the cage, how warm and plump and how stuck inside he was, and how that padlock was definitely not going to budge an inch without the right counterspell! He groaned and he writhed, his neck arching and the chains clinking softly as he pawed at the floor; he couldn't hold back a couple firm jerks forward from his hips as such direct stimulation made his sheath pulse, shaft inside aching hard with nowhere to go.
She showed no signs of stopping after a few seconds, and his limbs felt clumsy and heavy with the hoofs and chains now weighing them down; when he tried to sidestep away from her he stumbled and nearly fell, and either way she could so easily follow right along with him! "Quit-- rrnnh-- quit it!"
Gwen did no such thing. One hand kept exploring the cage while the other followed the ring behind his balls for a moment before returning to fondle them, stroking the sensitive hide that was far easier than access than his caged sheath! He shivered and he writhed and he thrust, dripping pre once again and unable to stifle his moan this time. "Nope! You're just going to have to get used to it, big boy. Besides, how did you think I was going to train you? I mean, I can use a riding crop on your shiny flanks if you really want, but reminding you of how important it is to be a good, chaste pony sounds much more fun. Not to mention gives me every excuse in the world to keep playing with these!"
She rubbed his sack again for emphasis and he groaned, bending his forelegs a little and thrusting impotently. "It's just... nnnhh. So tight!"
At last she showed him a little mercy, letting go of his poor chaste bits, circling back to his head and even giving his nose a couple of strokes. "At least you're pretty used to tight by now, hmmm? One more piece, then you'll be all dressed up. Open up, my locked stallion..."
It took him a moment to realize she was holding a bridle: he wouldn't even be able to speak unless she let him! He shivered, that strident ache of denial still radiating from his sheath, and then gave in and parted his jaws. She pulled the bridle over his head and fit the bit between his teeth, behind his fangs; it was a thick, sturdy thing, made of a heavy, plastic sort of material so it wasn't too harsh on his mouth. When she got the straps into the right places he found it had blinders too, when suddenly he could only look wherever his snout was pointed, those walls of black to either side blocking his peripheral vision. Straps tightened, forcing his jaws shut around the bit, keeping the bridle tight to his snout, and with another couple of clicking locks it was done.
"Oh, goodness, Kerreth," she said in approval, stepping back to look him up and down. "You make an excellent pony!"
He wasn't sure how to feel about that, and he blushed again, looking down at his hoofed paws and shuffling them. Thanks to his bridle, it was a bit of a chore to even get a good view himself, unless she had a particularly large mirror! He certainly felt more than adequately weighed down, under the latex and the heavy harness, the boots, the hobbles, the straps over his wings... Every part of him seemed to be bound in some way, and he was constantly aware of it, even as he stood still! Legs and wings and claws, snout, speech, vision, and of course as always his arousal was locked down so strictly.
And he'd agreed to let her keep him locked up like this for weeks!
"Now I'm wishing I'd asked for some overlap so I could have you and Barrassa both chaste together for longer! Well, a deal's a deal, so that's my own fault. Anyway! It's time to get training." There was more gear left over that she hadn't used; one of the biggest pieces was a saddle, and when she motioned he bent down so she could strap it to his harness, but rather than hop right into it she collected a long strap from the pile and clipped it to his bridle. She went back outside with a tug on the strap for him to follow, but immediately stumbled on one of the hoofs, and then one of the chains, and then the hoofs again! He managed to keep his paws, but he wasn't easy, and he took each step slowly and carefully as he tried to learn how to walk in the gear: with the hoof boot under each paw, his legs seemed just a bit longer than he was used to, and he had to pick his paws up to keep the boots from dragging in the grass and catching on bumps, while at the same time making sure he didn't reach a leg too far forward to snap one of the chains taut!
It was enough to manage that he was more focused on the ground right in front of his hoofs than where she was taking him, but after a little walking the ground changed from grass to dirt and he looked around: she'd led him to a spacious paddock. "As you've no doubt noticed," she said, pulling the lead to bring him over to her, "you've got to move with a little more care in your new outfit! So step one is doing some lunges to get you used to moving around in your gear. It wouldn't do for you to trip and fall and dump me off your back, after all, especially in town! We can also start some learning of non-verbal commands. Hold still."
"Nnhf gmmng nnmmwhrrf," he mumbled at her as she left his limited range of vision, only to flinch and stamp when he felt her touching his cage again! His head came partway around, but he hadn't made it far enough to see his hindquarters past the blinders when she reappeared in his view; he still glared at her, though it wasn't too effective with his snout strapped shut.
"Now! We're going to get you used to moving at different speeds, starting with a walk. Just go around me in a big circle, follow the lunge line," she said, and gave the strap on his bridle a tug. He grunted, but started to walk, snout flushing hot as he carefully lifted and reached out and planted each leg in sequence, starting to learn the limits of the chains and the size of the hoofs. Now that he wasn't distracted by ever-increasing amounts of bondage gear, or her hands between his hind legs, it was starting to sink in: he was well and truly in her grasp, bound and locked and right where she wanted him, and he'd agreed to stay this way--for an unknown amount of time, but weeks at least, if the feeling of the fall air was any indication! Which meant doing as an anthro told him, which meant obedience, helplessness, submission, putting up with whatever she did... And he'd hardly even started to relax after her latest fondling--if he'd calmed down at all, considering how the cage still ached--when a soft whirr right against the underside of the cage made him jump!
He stumbled, and stopped, snout swinging to put her in view for a glare: he found her holding a small pink remote, evidently to the vibrator she'd fixed to his cage when he couldn't see! "Come on, Kerreth, keep moving!" she chirped, and tugged on the line again. "I mentioned non-verbal commands, in this case, that vibrator," she said, and he groaned, but when she yanked a bit harder on the lead he resumed the wide circle, now with his tail slightly lifted and his hips twitching as the vibrations resonated through his cage, teasing his trapped sheath and his throbbing shaft within. "So when you feel the vibrator speed up, that means speed up! And when you feel it slow down, that means you can slow down too. Now let's see a trot!"
Which meant the vibrator jumped up higher too, and he groaned in complaint: he'd hardly grown used to walking, and now she wanted him moving faster, while being teased? "Nnnhhf!" he protested... but the vibe didn't relent, so he walked, and walked faster, and then haltingly broke into a trot, stretching his legs as far as he dared as he paced through the dirt and the pleasure ran through him, hardly giving him time to think about moving carefully or just how achingly hard he was straining against the cage! He moaned and he huffed, trying to find a rhythm as the chains slowed him and he kept wanting to stop, and thrust, and constantly his cock throbbed in protest as it tried and tried and could not get hard! His neck arched, he panted, but he kept moving...
"Very good! Keep going, smooth it out... Master your movements with this tease and it'll feel natural in no time!"
"Mmmhhh! Nnngh..." Kerreth couldn't think while so distracted by the teasing, so he just obeyed, his sheath aching fiercely and drooling with every step. It felt good and it felt like torment, sheath straining between the cage bars, pressed up against the tip that simply would not let him free... Just those drops of pre escaping to land in the dirt between his hind paws as he kept up the trot, panting hard, his breaths misting the air. The padlocks all thumped against his body as he moved, the chains rattled as they snapped taut and went slack again and again, latex creaking and hooves thumping in the dirt. His cock throbbed and he wanted desperately to reach back and stroke himself, cup himself between his paws, make it stop or somehow some way find a way out and finally cum, the pleasure was such a horrible tease and he was so very pent up--but his paws were busy trotting, and the chains would surely get in his way, not to mention the hoofs, and he needed to show her he was a good dragon...
Finally the vibrator slowed back down--not off, just slower--and he stumbled back into a walk, his snout drooping, chest heaving against the harness straps. "That's it, good pony... Just a walk now. You're doing so well." Was her praise making his shaft strain even harder? "We've got to condition your legs up, too, I know you're probably more used to your wings for extended exercise!"
He was too busy walking to even get in the proper hard and futile thrusts his way too horny body demanded; he had to ignore his raging pent-up arousal and just keep walking. "Mmnnnhh...! Rrrhh. Nnnngh. Rrrrrghh..." No matter how strongly ached or how much he drooled or how so very good and tortuous the vibrator felt against his chastity, fuck fuck fuck he just wanted to get out of that cage! That meeting with her wizard could not possibly come soon enough, and if she gave him this much stimulation every day he would be beyond desperate in no time at all, the denial felt so intense...
"Great job--now more trotting!"
"Nnnnhhh!" Kerreth leapt forward to obey, shuddering in lust as he learned his new paces. This had to be worth it. It had to.
"You're doing great! You'll be a perfect pony in no time at all."
MemberDas Bild ist schön aber die Story dar ist mir zu wenig Entscheidung Freiheit und zu wenig absprache und das wichtiges fehlt ein sicher heitz Zeichen oder einwort das sicher stellt das der sub bei Problemen einen Abbruch oder eine genauere absprache.
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