faru nguvu created by strikersa
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Introducing Faru Nguvu

Meet Faru Nguvu, my new male lion character whom I'm planning to make a partner to Shani for the future.

Now for a bit of backstory

Faru Nguvu was born and grew up in Cameroon. In his late teens a new leader came to power, promising change and a brighter future for the country. Enthralled, like many young males, by this charismatic president, Faru joined the new armed forces with an eagerness to both prove himself and to help build a bright new future.

One of these goals became true, the other not so much.

Faru proved himself quite the soldier and eventually he even became part of the praetorian honor guard for the president with distinction. Unfortunately, over the years the president became more and more authoritarian, breaking apart the country's democracy and turning it into a one party state. Cronyism and corruption became rife, and Faru was caught right in the middle of this vortex. He became a problem solver for the president and his son, often being made to use brute force to serve his masters. Faru became more and more disillusioned with how things were turning out.

It all came to a head when Faru escorted the president's son to visit a town mayor. This mayor, unlike nearly all the others, was an upstanding and incorruptble leader with great popularity. When this mayor refused an order by the president's son to dramatically raise taxes. Faru was ordered to kill both him and his family while the son watched. Instead, Faru whipped around and gunned down the son and all his bodyguards.

Knowing that his own life was forfeit, Faru fled Cameroon before the president's wrath came down upon him. From there, Faru travelled about the world, working as bodyguard, private security or mercenary to keep himself fed. Often times he could only find a job with unsavoury characters, and his cynicism only worsened as a result. He grew inward and quiet, finding little joy in life and simply focusing on meeting his basic needs.

Then one day, he saw an advertisement offering work as a specialised security officer at Relics Reclamations International, a subsidiary of the Big Capital Company. Sensing a chance at doing something positive for once, Faru submitted his CV.

A few days later, he got a call.

He was to meet with Hoggish McGreed, CEO of the Big Capital Company, for an interview.

Drawing Faru was also another opportunity to draw males bodies. I might slowly but surely be getting a better grip on how to do it.

Faru Nguvu © Me

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