anza shattergaze and sherri mayim created by jay naylor
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Server Downtime (aka the reason why your internet takes forever to come back online!)

Story Excerpt

The quiet hum of a server room was hardly comforting to a gecko who had been robbed of her beautiful Saturday morning extra sleep in. Patches. Updates. Emergency shutdowns. All sorts of words that drew ire from a girl that had quickly grown jaded with her new position as a systems administrator. It was a job she had longed for after years of schooling and certifications that were paid for by various jobs beside the industry working night shift security. She was finally on track to making that El Dorado promised land of a six figure income but like her old job working night time security she often found that the inconveniences left her without time to enjoy her new riches. She’d dropped a dime on her favorite hobbies when she cashed her first check and this weekend she had planned on spending all day at her favorite game store with her bounty of gaming fortunes.

With her state of the art fifteen hundred dollar company issued tablet in hand, Anza stepped along the lonely halls of the server room monitoring the transmission of data packets that sped across the intranet of the corporate building that employed over a thousand in that building alone. A single smooth fingertip spun the list downwards glaring at all the sections of the page that tracked each individual server and the packets of data it sent. Each section holding a bubble of green light that recognized the device as running properly and without a single red light it meant two things.

One, there wasn’t any problems that she’d have to fix. The second was that if there wasn’t any problems then she shouldn’t even need to be there. She should be at the game store cracking booster packs!

“Hard at work huh?”


Continued on Patreon

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