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Happy Pride Month! πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ
We’re all in this together and many people are still discovering themselves.

  • Comments
  • pls tag if you know which flag the one above the lesbian flag and next to the agender flag is. i assume it's the genderfluid flag, but it looked too different to the one i used as reference

    also e6 is not exempt from this post's target, if anything y'all need this the most

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  • nekotyto said:
    Can i just be gay without all this

    Sometimes it is always better to just be yourself, and not adhere to what others want of you.

    So simply, yes. Just stay far away from the discourse and it won't affect you.

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  • refresh said:
    Warning: Don't go to Twitter on pride month

    Nah, I'm pretty sure LGBT folks need all the support they can get, go on twitter and call out the bigots, thats what ive been doing all morning.

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  • theratling23 said:
    I agree. I'm bisexual but I don't I want this to be glorified. In fact I despise the lgtb community for being so self-centered and egotistical that they feel the need to push their beliefs on those that don't want to. They're basically doing the same thing as Christianity and Catholicism which they usually disagree with... if this gets downvoted I know I hit a nerve

    Sexuality is not a "belief". You got downvoted because you are wrong.

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  • practicingwarlock said:
    just looked it up, what the hell is two spirit?

    "two spirit" is a pan indian umbrella term to refer to certain ceremonial "third gender" practices in certain native american tribes.

    this isn't ment to be a catch-all term to surmise all practices, it's inclusion in the extended LGBTQIA+ acronym is simply an acknowledgement of genders outside of a western context and a display of solidarity with indigenous folks

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  • cat1778 said:
    Sexuality is not a "belief". You got downvoted because you are wrong.

    Sexuality isn't a belief, but the LGBT movement is very political and carries some beliefs as a result. I think that's what they meant.

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  • bdg said:
    Sexuality isn't a belief, but the LGBT movement is very political and carries some beliefs as a result. I think that's what they meant.

    I hate pride month. I hate being treated like I'm special or something. My sexuality means nothing, its nothing to celebrate, its nothing important in any way shape or form. There is no value in your sexuality beyond what you offer as a life partner and lover. We're all just people, the semantics don't fucking matter.

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  • Ello cutie, dis is the happy comment you were searchin' for -Uwu-) here is no political stuff or arguments just wishin' ya a happy pride month❀

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  • mintwinterbloom said:
    I hate pride month. I hate being treated like I'm special or something. My sexuality means nothing, its nothing to celebrate, its nothing important in any way shape or form. There is no value in your sexuality beyond what you offer as a life partner and lover. We're all just people, the semantics don't fucking matter.

    You said it! Every other person I know that is gay/lesbian, trans, etc. has said they don't want to be put on a pedestal. They just want to live their lives.

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  • mintwinterbloom said:
    I hate pride month. I hate being treated like I'm special or something. My sexuality means nothing, its nothing to celebrate, its nothing important in any way shape or form. There is no value in your sexuality beyond what you offer as a life partner and lover. We're all just people, the semantics don't fucking matter.

    While I agree in how you hate being treated as special, I myself am lgbtqia+, you seem to have the wrong view of what Pride Month is about.

    It's not about treating lgbtqia+ members better for the month, it's a reminder about all of the discrimination and prejudice people had to face, the hardships, undermining, and societal binaries to beat, it's to celebrate the fact that we can be who we truly are, to celebrate our identity. If the people around you are just treating you special in Pride Month, they don't know what Pride Month is about, and they should be treating you that way all the time anyway. Otherwise they're just fulfilling a quota rather than being good people.

    Like big corporations.

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  • With a phrase as simple and non-political as 'Pride Month' (conveniently leaving out the G word) people often conflate that with their own 'Pride' in telling people that the way they live and think is wrong.

    I wonder if that was the point....

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  • mintwinterbloom said:
    I hate pride month. I hate being treated like I'm special or something. My sexuality means nothing, its nothing to celebrate, its nothing important in any way shape or form. There is no value in your sexuality beyond what you offer as a life partner and lover. We're all just people, the semantics don't fucking matter.

    I agree. It is omnipresent and means nothing.
    On the other hand, anything fun should be celebrated. ^^

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  • qirtev said:
    No need to remind me, all company logos have the rainbow on them.

    Except for their Saudi Arabia divisions, of course.

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  • maskednavajo said:
    While I agree in how you hate being treated as special, I myself am lgbtqia+, you seem to have the wrong view of what Pride Month is about.

    It's not about treating lgbtqia+ members better for the month, it's a reminder about all of the discrimination and prejudice people had to face, the hardships, undermining, and societal binaries to beat, it's to celebrate the fact that we can be who we truly are, to celebrate our identity. If the people around you are just treating you special in Pride Month, they don't know what Pride Month is about, and they should be treating you that way all the time anyway. Otherwise they're just fulfilling a quota rather than being good people.

    Like big corporations.

    You know, I can get behind what you're saying. I get it, I really do. But lets be very clear and honest. All its actually about now is a quota. Even if it actually meant something before, it means nothing now because it HAS been hijacked by people that don't actually care. There's nothing wrong with remembering how things once were, its important to remember the past so we as human beings can shape a better future. And while it still means something to individuals as an important milestone in our advancement as a society, now that so many places accept what is a natural and unavoidable blip in our chemistry and biology that makes us a bit different. It has been taken over by idealogues that use this time to bully our fellow non-queer individuals and to make up reasons for outrage when there is no reason. And corporations that try to appeal to us with false support or care only to try and gouge even more money from those of us whom are vulnerable and gullible enough to buy their products because "See look, we love the LGBT+ community, look at this flag we put on our fucking candy-bar wrapper, and oh look at this special version of *insert product here* that we're going to charge a few extra cents more for because its different BUT LOOK ITS FOR YOU :^D"

    You know what I mean? I'm not so much bitter about the idea itself so much as what it has been turned into. This month USES us to allow others try to look better for themselves and only themselves. They don't actually care, and I wish they'd stop pretending they did. Its insulting. At least, it is to me. Lies are always an insult to me. Its an insult to what I feel, what I am, and especially with these corporations making lgbt focused products, its an insult to my intelligence and my worth as a human being.

    Edit: And yes, I understand what you're saying, there are people out there using this time just to do that. Remember, and to celebrate all of us being able to love how we want or.. rather Have to love in our own way. And to those, that's great. Those are the people that are going to be creating a future where we don't even Have to talk about any of this. Eventually it will be unspoken normalcy because of accepting and loving people like that. But in my opinion, they really are overshadowed by people just looking for brownie points with a particular group of people, for only the reason of wanting to LOOK inclusive.


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  • m1n8 said:
    Just do what I do. Hate everyone, eventually you'll be left all alone, lingering in your own thoughts, to the point that one begins to question their own finite existence, and what it all entailed while on this celestial body whose name will be long remembered after your own... What were we talking about again?

    Thats toxic behavior, try being a decent human being.

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  • mintwinterbloom said:
    You know, I can get behind what you're saying. I get it, I really do. But lets be very clear and honest. All its actually about now is a quota. Even if it actually meant something before, it means nothing now because it HAS been hijacked by people that don't actually care. There's nothing wrong with remembering how things once were, its important to remember the past so we as human beings can shape a better future. And while it still means something to individuals as an important milestone in our advancement as a society, now that so many places accept what is a natural and unavoidable blip in our chemistry and biology that makes us a bit different. It has been taken over by idealogues that use this time to bully our fellow non-queer individuals and to make up reasons for outrage when there is no reason. And corporations that try to appeal to us with false support or care only to try and gouge even more money from those of us whom are vulnerable and gullible enough to buy their products because "See look, we love the LGBT+ community, look at this flag we put on our fucking candy-bar wrapper, and oh look at this special version of *insert product here* that we're going to charge a few extra cents more for because its different BUT LOOK ITS FOR YOU :^D"

    You know what I mean? I'm not so much bitter about the idea itself so much as what it has been turned into. This month USES us to allow others try to look better for themselves and only themselves. They don't actually care, and I wish they'd stop pretending they did. Its insulting. At least, it is to me. Lies are always an insult to me. Its an insult to what I feel, what I am, and especially with these corporations making lgbt focused products, its an insult to my intelligence and my worth as a human being.

    Edit: And yes, I understand what you're saying, there are people out there using this time just to do that. Remember, and to celebrate all of us being able to love how we want or.. rather Have to love in our own way. And to those, that's great. Those are the people that are going to be creating a future where we don't even Have to talk about any of this. Eventually it will be unspoken normalcy because of accepting and loving people like that. But in my opinion, they really are overshadowed by people just looking for brownie points with a particular group of people, for only the reason of wanting to LOOK inclusive.

    By the looks of things, it isn't me who's stuck in the past. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the way you look to the past and see things as better feels like how older generations view the 50s as better. Like you're too busy looking at how broken the present is, you have no time to spend fixing it? I dunno, I am a dumbass, so I'm probably wrong. I do understand where you're coming from, I just don't share the same mentality, I guess.

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  • maskednavajo said:
    By the looks of things, it isn't me who's stuck in the past. I'm not sure how to explain it, but the way you look to the past and see things as better feels like how older generations view the 50s as better. Like you're too busy looking at how broken the present is, you have no time to spend fixing it? I dunno, I am a dumbass, so I'm probably wrong. I do understand where you're coming from, I just don't share the same mentality, I guess.

    I neither said you're stuck in the past nor do I think you're a dumbass. You shouldn't put yourself down like that, especially not for wanting to be happy about and celebrate something. Don't let me get in the way, I'm just a bitter fuck that turned 50 in his mid 20s. All I'm really getting at is hating all the politicization of what I do with my reproductive organs as well the excessive, and rather insulting capitalization of it by mega-conglomerates that give out false support to look really good for another 365 days. Celebration is unnecessary and that's just my personal take, who am I to take away other's joy and pride in who they are as a person? My feelings being made here are directed only towards those unlike yourself and the many friends I've made and have, family etc who give genuine support by.. well.. just being good normal people and treating me like I'm no different. The thing is, people during this month of the year take the time to outwardly voice falsehood, bully, and make face-saving crap and it really outweighs the spirit of what Pride Month is actually supposed to be.

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  • There's nothing wrong with remembering how things are

    Alongside with you saying how to remember the past without it being toxic, the implications were there that you said I was living in the past. Barely, like I'm stretching out my muscles kind of barely, but there.

    mintwinterbloom said:
    I neither said you're stuck in the past nor do I think you're a dumbass. You shouldn't put yourself down like that, especially not for wanting to be happy about and celebrate something. Don't let me get in the way, I'm just a bitter fuck that turned 50 in his mid 20s. All I'm really getting at is hating all the politicization of what I do with my reproductive organs as well the excessive, and rather insulting capitalization of it by mega-conglomerates that give out false support to look really good for another 365 days. Celebration is unnecessary and that's just my personal take, who am I to take away other's joy and pride in who they are as a person? My feelings being made here are directed only towards those unlike yourself and the many friends I've made and have, family etc who give genuine support by.. well.. just being good normal people and treating me like I'm no different. The thing is, people during this month of the year take the time to outwardly voice falsehood, bully, and make face-saving crap and it really outweighs the spirit of what Pride Month is actually supposed to be.

    Well said. Completely understandable.

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  • I love how this these comments are pretty much black and white, if you can't accept other people's opinions, you shouldn't expect others to respect yours- that goes both ways

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  • β€’recently decide to stop living in the closet and embrace myself/outwardly express and see what the whole gay thing is like
    β€’peek out if the closet and the room is on fire, gay is now apparently about hating the government, rainbow stuff bad

    Huh... I could have just kept the H&K flag up and bought fertilizer or something apparently. I'm gonna put a thicker door on my closet lmao, let me know when it's safe to come out without body armor

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  • e621fan202020 said:
    Did you know that over 99% of people don't care what you do or who you love? You can spend the rest of your life hating and feeling offended by what other people are doing. You may be offended at how depraved the world is supposed to be. Nothing changes as a result. The world is not there to please you. Enjoy every day with your family and be thankful for the positive progress to be able to talk about all the sexual orientations and identities. We live in an age where we can afford it. Think about it.

    I mean.. You're right but.. I don't know why you're telling 'me' this.

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  • spacehouse said:
    With a phrase as simple and non-political as 'Pride Month' (conveniently leaving out the G word) people often conflate that with their own 'Pride' in telling people that the way they live and think is wrong.

    Pride month IS political. All corporations and politicians can't stay quiet and stop virtue signaling and rubbing it in other people's faces for a whole month.

    The only exception was 2 years ago when it was overshadowed by the BLM protests and the media was focusing on that instead.

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  • k4rn4ge911 said:
    You said it! Every other person I know that is gay/lesbian, trans, etc. has said they don't want to be put on a pedestal. They just want to live their lives.

    Hello, someone from Poland here
    Stuff is, without pride month shit like Parents disowning their kids for being gay was pretty much normal. It helps to normalise stuff for people of older date.
    Problem (as always) is in the **most** far left/far right making it into a Political thing to gain voters.
    Dont do it for Politics, do it so you can enjoy some colours and have a reminder that People in general are not aganist you

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  • lunardragonnlr said:
    Hello, someone from Poland here
    Stuff is, without pride month shit like Parents disowning their kids for being gay was pretty much normal. It helps to normalise stuff for people of older date.
    Problem (as always) is in the **most** far left/far right making it into a Political thing to gain voters.
    Dont do it for Politics, do it so you can enjoy some colours and have a reminder that People in general are not aganist you

    That too. Taking an emotion such as love and the celebration of it just to make money or get voters is dumb, just dumb. Don't be dumb like them. It is good to show people literally from a different time that things have changed, people have changed and that it's not only a good thing, but a natural course of existence. If we stayed in the same paradigm, we'd still be hunting giant elephants with spears.

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  • m1n8 said:
    Just do what I do. Hate everyone, eventually you'll be left all alone, lingering in your own thoughts, to the point that one begins to question their own finite existence, and what it all entailed while on this celestial body whose name will be long remembered after your own... What were we talking about again?

    Profile pic checks out. (I absolutely adore glados too.)

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  • lunardragonnlr said:
    Hello, someone from Poland here
    Stuff is, without pride month shit like Parents disowning their kids for being gay was pretty much normal. It helps to normalise stuff for people of older date.
    Problem (as always) is in the **most** far left/far right making it into a Political thing to gain voters.
    Dont do it for Politics, do it so you can enjoy some colours and have a reminder that People in general are not aganist you

    k4rn4ge911 said:
    That too. Taking an emotion such as love and the celebration of it just to make money or get voters is dumb, just dumb. Don't be dumb like them. It is good to show people literally from a different time that things have changed, people have changed and that it's not only a good thing, but a natural course of existence. If we stayed in the same paradigm, we'd still be hunting giant elephants with spears.

    Everyone here saying not to make things political live in ivory towers so tall they pierce the heavens, that or they're really, REALLY daft. You can't just whipe politics off of the chalkboard as if its some illusory non existant variable that can be waved away whenever its brought up. The unfortunate reality is that it IS political because the queer community and other minority groups have been demoralized and persecuted for ages and have just now started making progress. And it doesn't end at gay marriage and it doesn't end at trans rights, it is an ongoing process that you can't stop from moving further because all new issues "aren't a problem" or are "too divisive and group thinky." The people that want all politics to go away because its too IcKy are the most suburbia poisoned mfs to walk the land. For some they just don't want politics during pride specifically which I can understand, but for others on here they just don't want there to be an lgbt "movement" that people get behind which is not only improbable but also telling of how comfortable they are in their position and are content with letting everyone else suffer.

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  • bdg said:
    Sexuality isn't a belief, but the LGBT movement is very political and carries some beliefs as a result. I think that's what they meant.

    We're only "political" because people won't leave us alone. Gotta get politically active if you don't want your basic human rights taken away because some boomer is triggered by your very existence.

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  • Is it okay to be bisexual and want nothing to do with the LGBTQ community? It's really annoying and they constantly shove the fact they are what they are to feel superior or whatever, and I don't want people connecting me to that.

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  • The sheer amount of internalized homophobia I see around here makes me really sad.

    Pride isn't about thinking you're special, it's supposed to be about being unashamed about who you are in spite of all the anti-lgbtq sentiments a large amount of people feel towards us and being there to support each other, but I see a lot of shame, blame, and attempts to divide here.

    We need remember to love and accept each other, that's what the furry community forgets sometimes but I think we can get back on track with enough positivity.

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  • horsey404 said:
    The problem isn't being political. It's the way it's political. There is a very hard lean to one side that alienates a lot of people who aren't cishet. If you're rural and not cishet, you don't really have a community. Want low taxes and government to leave shit alone until they stop being so horrifyingly corrupt? Not leftwing enough. LGBT community doesn't give a shit about you. They will abandon people for not voting blue enough, without remorse, and even try to make you feel like you deserve to be abandoned.
    Also not really political but
    1- I get the distinct impression LGBT loves to shit on insecure people.
    2- It all feels very bubbly. Disgusting. People who try to look all upbeat and happy all the time do dumb things like get their hopes up about everything or listen to Katy Perry. It's not a good environment for realists who like music that sounds like a pissed off diesel engine.

    Uh... what? I'm relatively active in the lgbtqia+ community, and I'm not entirely sure where you're getting that the community shits on insecure people? Hell, they're almost as welcoming and respectful as the furry fandom. And just because you don't like it when people are hopeful doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're a pessimist who's trying to force opinions on others by calling their opinions disgusting. That's called Ad Hominem, and is a logical fallacy.

    jace_the_protogen said:
    Is it okay to be bisexual and want nothing to do with the LGBTQ community? It's really annoying and they constantly shove the fact they are what they are to feel superior or whatever, and I don't want people connecting me to that.

    Yeah, of course. If you don't want to be apart of a community, then you don't have to be apart of the community, but I'm not sure where you're getting that superiority from the community. Sure, I myself can be a bit obnoxious and proud of my sexuality, and some people are louder than others, but I can confidently assure you, the majority of the community doesn't have a superiority complex. They're just happy they're finally being seen and they can see people who prove that they aren't "abnormal". Either you're not... the best at reading tones, which I can totally relate to, or you've just had poor experiences.

    Source: fellow bisexual, hi bi bud

    Note, since someone here's going to be very mad if I don't specify. Jace, your opinion and decision is fine, I'm just confused by your reasoning.

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  • My trans friends just recently helped me figure out my bi queerness and answered my questions and concerns regarding how I would relate to LGBT culture.

    There’s a community of co-op living LGBT people who love and support me…and then… there’s TWITTER

    To paraphrase John Oliver, Twitter is a public toilet where people come together to angrily shit out their collective opinions. It is not a β€œcommunity” in the literal sense of the word

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  • metalasmodeus said:
    My trans friends just recently helped me figure out my bi queerness and answered my questions and concerns regarding how I would relate to LGBT culture.

    There’s a community of co-op living LGBT people who love and support me…and then… there’s TWITTER

    To paraphrase John Oliver, Twitter is a public toilet where people come together to angrily shit out their collective opinions. It is not a β€œcommunity” in the literal sense of the word

    That's not very flattering towards public toilets.

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  • horsey404 said:
    The problem isn't being political. It's the way it's political. There is a very hard lean to one side that alienates a lot of people who aren't cishet. If you're rural and not cishet, you don't really have a community. Want low taxes and government to leave shit alone until they stop being so horrifyingly corrupt? Not leftwing enough. LGBT community doesn't give a shit about you. They will abandon people for not voting blue enough, without remorse, and even try to make you feel like you deserve to be abandoned.
    Also not really political but
    1- I get the distinct impression LGBT loves to shit on insecure people.
    2- It all feels very bubbly. Disgusting. People who try to look all upbeat and happy all the time do dumb things like get their hopes up about everything or listen to Katy Perry. It's not a good environment for realists who like music that sounds like a pissed off diesel engine.

    Thats the problem here. You dont just magically scrub all the taxes away and say "okay we have destigmatized transness, now pay 50,000 for surgery and hundreds on hormones." There are very real and valid reasons people would like to not have a completely hands off government that offers the public nothing because that would inevitably lead to the most vulnerable communities being hurt in the process.

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  • lightfoxlove said:
    Sounds like they're grooming you seek help you sound like confused preson you should figure out this things on you own

    They're doing what now? How?

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  • You can't tell me what to do, I'd MAPS need told they're not a part of the group and never will be then I'll say it

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  • lightfoxlove said:
    Sounds like they're grooming you seek help you sound like confused preson you should figure out this things on you own

    I don't know what or why it is, but something tells me you're not the most supportive of the trans community. Call it a hunch.

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  • horsey404 said:
    The problem isn't being political. It's the way it's political. There is a very hard lean to one side that alienates a lot of people who aren't cishet. If you're rural and not cishet, you don't really have a community. Want low taxes and government to leave shit alone until they stop being so horrifyingly corrupt? Not leftwing enough. LGBT community doesn't give a shit about you. They will abandon people for not voting blue enough, without remorse, and even try to make you feel like you deserve to be abandoned.
    Also not really political but
    1- I get the distinct impression LGBT loves to shit on insecure people.
    2- It all feels very bubbly. Disgusting. People who try to look all upbeat and happy all the time do dumb things like get their hopes up about everything or listen to Katy Perry. It's not a good environment for realists who like music that sounds like a pissed off diesel engine.

    Oh boy where do I begin with this. The LGBT community largely urges people to vote blue because the "red" side is the one trying to take away basic human rights because they're triggered by our very existence. No one cares whether you want low taxes or you want less government regulation; that's a completely different discussion that the LGBT community itself is not having, at least primarily. From what I can gather, the idea is that there are bigger fish to fry right now, and that's what we should focus on, for better or for worse. And once the dust has settled, we can talk about other things.

    And I'm not even going to bother addressing those other two points because I have no clue what you're talking about.

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  • can't we all agree that love is love no matter what flag you fly under? just don't be a asshole about it. if you got a flag praise it! unless your a pedo in which case you can go to hell cause like hell pedos are gonna be apart of pride month!

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  • lightfoxlove said:
    Sounds like they're grooming you seek help you sound like confused preson you should figure out this things on you own

    πŸ˜‚ bruh… I came to THEM

    Nobody told my then-identified-straight ass to do drag, I did it myself when I found out people mistook me for a woman all the time every time I masked up at the hospital I worked at.

    Nobody told me to hit on and have a wonderful night with said trans-friends very fine trans lady friend. I chose to do that.

    Nobody told me to hang out at a nice karaoke and comedy bar with my trans pals, I thought it would be fucking awesome to get drunk and sing with them so I hit them up.

    I had the courage to do all that because I met individuals that celebrated rather than punished people who expressed ideas like (and this is just me) anarchism, being polyamorous, neurodivergence, and how people can sustainably live. I was already doing this stuff, unbeknownst to them, and surprised THEIR welcoming faces when I didn’t react the way you’d expect your typical cis white guy to react to things.

    Just as I welcomed them into my arms, so too did they when I was feeling stressed about this very conundrum

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  • jace_the_protogen said:
    Is it okay to be bisexual and want nothing to do with the LGBTQ community? It's really annoying and they constantly shove the fact they are what they are to feel superior or whatever, and I don't want people connecting me to that.

    It's alright. I know a few gay people who absolutely despise the LGBT community

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  • jace_the_protogen said:
    Is it okay to be bisexual and want nothing to do with the LGBTQ community? It's really annoying and they constantly shove the fact they are what they are to feel superior or whatever, and I don't want people connecting me to that.

    It's alright. I know a few gay people who absolutely despise the LGBT community

    mediocracy said:
    And know when to run.

    And know when to hide

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  • Kind of disheartening that in this day and age Pride is still viewed as something controversial or the centre of such flame wars. If you want nothing to do with it that's fine no one is forcing you to participate but don't talk down to people of whom geniuenly enjoy it or are more flamboyant in general.

    Pride is about celebrating the achievement of being one's self without the worry of being discriminated against, remembering the lives lost in our fight for equality, an acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. Sure the commercialization and Rainbow Capitalism surrounding Pride is annoying as hell but don't take it out on those that attend Pride and instead take that out on the corporations and call them out for their hypocracy.

    Paticularly in the American context with SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade's precedent (an identical precedent used to legalize Same-sex marriage) LGBT Rights have never been in a more precarious position in the US. With more than half of US states more than happy to dial back rights for LGBT people if given the opportunity. Don't give then that opportunity.

    I'll get off my soap box. If this gets down voted for being "too political" so be it but Pride Month is a special time and is an important time for millions, if not billions of people around the globe and should never be taken for granted. Happy Pride!

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  • zorthax said:
    The best way to be left alone is to shut the hell up.

    Few people can figure this out.

    Oh yeah, so that gay people like me can be lynched on the street or executed? Did you know that gay sex was illegal until around 2003? People get to display straight shit EVERYWHERE but as soon as gay is displayed, people call it fetishistic or disgusting.

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  • maskednavajo said:
    While I agree in how you hate being treated as special, I myself am lgbtqia+, you seem to have the wrong view of what Pride Month is about.

    It's not about treating lgbtqia+ members better for the month, it's a reminder about all of the discrimination and prejudice people had to face, the hardships, undermining, and societal binaries to beat, it's to celebrate the fact that we can be who we truly are, to celebrate our identity. If the people around you are just treating you special in Pride Month, they don't know what Pride Month is about, and they should be treating you that way all the time anyway. Otherwise they're just fulfilling a quota rather than being good people.

    Like big corporations.

    Exactly <3

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  • queerbrony69 said:
    Kind of disheartening that in this day and age Pride is still viewed as something controversial or the centre of such flame wars. If you want nothing to do with it that's fine no one is forcing you to participate but don't talk down to people of whom geniuenly enjoy it or are more flamboyant in general.

    Pride is about celebrating the achievement of being one's self without the worry of being discriminated against, remembering the lives lost in our fight for equality, an acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. Sure the commercialization and Rainbow Capitalism surrounding Pride is annoying as hell but don't take it out on those that attend Pride and instead take that out on the corporations and call them out for their hypocracy.

    Paticularly in the American context with SCOTUS overturning Roe v. Wade's precedent (an identical precedent used to legalize Same-sex marriage) LGBT Rights have never been in a more precarious position in the US. With more than half of US states more than happy to dial back rights for LGBT people if given the opportunity. Don't give then that opportunity.

    I'll get off my soap box. If this gets down voted for being "too political" so be it but Pride Month is a special time and is an important time for millions, if not billions of people around the globe and should never be taken for granted. Happy Pride!

    If anything, you didn't get political enough in my opinion. People need to be reminded of the dire state of the world we live in. Just recently, a Pride parade around where I live was cancelled because people were threatening to shoot people there. And let's also not forget the white supremacist group Patriot Front getting arrested for conspiring to riot at a Pride event in Idaho.

    LGBT rights are in a much worse state than a lot of people are aware of, and we need to talk about it.

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  • Anonymouse747 said:
    Know what, this is SCREAMING at me:I'm so tired of Furries and their fetish with being GAY. I'm not GAY I'm Bi-sexual I like dick and I like Vagina but Furries have this thing where everyone is GAY not everyone is GAY. Straight people are the minority but that doesn't make them gay. Not everyone is gay. We need more bisexual and straight support in the fandom I'm tired of everyone thinking eveyrone is gay

    Im a furry and im straight

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  • horsey404 said:
    The problem isn't being political. It's the way it's political. There is a very hard lean to one side that alienates a lot of people who aren't cishet. If you're rural and not cishet, you don't really have a community. Want low taxes and government to leave shit alone until they stop being so horrifyingly corrupt? Not leftwing enough. LGBT community doesn't give a shit about you. They will abandon people for not voting blue enough, without remorse, and even try to make you feel like you deserve to be abandoned.
    Also not really political but
    1- I get the distinct impression LGBT loves to shit on insecure people.
    2- It all feels very bubbly. Disgusting. People who try to look all upbeat and happy all the time do dumb things like get their hopes up about everything or listen to Katy Perry. It's not a good environment for realists who like music that sounds like a pissed off diesel engine.

    Like you just described my life....

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  • Given that the Supreme Court is openly discussing the removal of federal protections for gay marriage and gay sex (and interracial marriage!), I'd say the need for Pride month is greater than ever. Is corporate support for Pride a cynical marketing ploy? Sure! But we live in a capitalist society, and money talks. The more corporations are persuaded that LGBT people ... and people of color...and women...etc etc...are a significant market, the more willing they will be to protect those markets.

    Disney's stand against DeSantis may not have been enthusiastic, but it still helps. So does Pride.

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  • My First Pride πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ I had this year Virtually and It felt great 😊 πŸ‘ I especially love those colourful flags regardless of what anyone says.

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  • DAMN....that didn't feel good like last time.
    It's almost as if it's that meme where the person in the pic is happy
    and then you see them IRL and their super depressed.

    nobody escapes judgement, it's basic human nature to judge others
    everyone it's pretty evil.

    Anonymous is chaos too but at least in that sense it's also liberating.
    Nobody just lets each other be happy...

    even Chickn Nugg is feeling it.

    EDIT: The comments... jeeeez. Sweet cheese and crackers. These comments ain't helping nobody either. Regret the read. I shoulda just looked at the anime and went on my way
    post #3410859


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