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What a loser 🙄 Trans folks and everyone under trans umbrella are the best ❤️🏳️‍⚧️

  • Comments
  • punpunuwu said:
    Why is this getting down voted?

    Probably because it’s counted by people as political and people don’t enjoy politics on their porn sites. I’m not choosing either side though but I’m sure it won’t go well as all posts like this generally go in the comments.

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  • punpunuwu said:
    Why is this getting down voted?

    There is a looks like a some downvoting "raid" going in past few days. I keep seeing numerous absolutely random themed and quality artworks been downvoted in bulk by like 2-10 users, as well as the comments under them.
    Maybe just some pissed off wannabe-edgy kids brought their friends.

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  • bakr1 said:
    Anything relating to support lgbtq or whatever in arguement style in pornsites like e621 legit piss me off I just wanna fap not here this again and again wherever I go when I just don't care at all
    Especially when I love pride porn like super gay stuff so I don't really know how to blacklist this stuff

    blacklisting the tag politics might help a tad

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  • bakr1 said:
    Anything relating to support lgbtq or whatever in arguement style in pornsites like e621 legit piss me off I just wanna fap not here this again and again wherever I go when I just don't care at all
    Especially when I love pride porn like super gay stuff so I don't really know how to blacklist this stuff

    You're effectively the guy this animation is mocking

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  • punpunuwu said:
    Why is this getting down voted?

    I personally downvoted this, not just because it feels forced, but more because it feels really out-of-character to see a Chikn Nuggit animation talk about politics.

    Edit: I just wanna clarify that the political part isn’t that it’s about transgender people or non-binary people, rather it’s because the random dude at the start isn’t really specified to be anyone, meaning you can easily assume the least charitable interpretation of what they’re supposed to represent. And since they’re against non-binary people, the least charitable is usually most cisgender people. This is why this video is political, as well as why the message feels forced.


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  • ohnoasin said:
    I personally downvoted this, not just because it feels forced, but more because it feels really out-of-character to see a Chikn Nuggit animation talk about politics.


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  • uzumaru said:
    That's not what they're referring to. They're referring to the "proper" gender pronouns. I would just use "It" if I ever come across one of the crazy ones in the LGBTQ community. "It wants frappe latte decaf" "So It (surname/first name) how will it be?" "It, do you want help with that?" Just to piss them off even further. You made me confused in creating sentences. I'm also going to confuse you with "It".

    If I can be real for 5 seconds. I'm all for trans people, but if you say their pronoun out of content even once you're the scum of the world. Can yall just tell us your pronouns in advance instead of make us guess to see witch one will trigger your or witch one is correct. I like how people be like "well YOU could just ask" but no, I'm not gonna remember to ask all the time. it's up to you to also inform me of your pronouns... two way street. I'm actually annoyed that pronouns are even this important in 2022 it's made communicating with people 10 billion times harder than say 2015 when I could say the wrong pronoun, you correct me we're still friends and we move on. Now a days it's you call me "wrong pronoun" blocked, banned and cancel cultured. It's not ok what people are doing to people these days. I want 2015 back not this confusing "oh you're confused, get cultured or die" mentality that people have in this lopsided generation.

    Before I end this rant I just wanna reiterate I accept trans people, but I just cant stand pronouns and how divided it has made society in 2022. even non-binaries, back in the day they careless about what pronouns you use towards them, but now? NOW? it's the opposite. If you don't call me "it" or "them" I will send you to the darkest pits of hell. Like what where did that reaction come form :/ I'm just I'm just exhausted over all this stuff we gotta deal with on a social level. End of rant and again I just had to get all this frustration out of my system

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  • The comment section: WAAARGH!!

    Me: Putting onion rings in french fry? Kinky.
    Get it? Cuz french fry the food, fwench fwy the character? Yes, I'm easily amused!

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  • ostinjcat said:
    There is a looks like a some downvoting "raid" going in past few days. I keep seeing numerous absolutely random themed and quality artworks been downvoted in bulk by like 2-10 users, as well as the comments under them.
    Maybe just some pissed off wannabe-edgy kids brought their friends.

    Nope, the guy 2 posts above you literally nailed it. Politics on a porn site is annoying. That's literally the reason. It tempts people to come into the comment section and spew their political takes when noone cares.

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  • malikfoxen said:
    Nope, the guy 2 posts above you literally nailed it. Politics on a porn site is annoying. That's literally the reason. It tempts people to come into the comment section and spew their political takes when noone cares.

    How is this political?

    anonymouse747 said: . . .

    I've been a part of the LGBTQ community for about 12 years now.
    I've never had anyone lash out against me for not using correct pronouns. Usually, they just correct you, and move on. Sometimes, they don't even bother. Same thing with deadnames, really, although that is a more sensitive subject for some.
    Literally never had someone "block, ban, and cancel culture" me because I did not magically know what pronouns I should use before talking to them.

    Now, insisting on using wrong pronouns after being corrected is going to get you kicked out.
    And rightfully so.


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  • bitwolfy said:
    How is this political?

    I've been a part of the LGBTQ community for about 12 years now.
    I've never had anyone lash out against me for not using correct pronouns. Usually, they just correct you, and move on. Sometimes, they don't even bother. Same thing with deadnames, really, although that is a more sensitive subject for some.
    Literally never had someone "block, ban, and cancel culture" me because I did not magically know what pronouns I should use before talking to them.

    Now, insisting on using wrong pronouns after being corrected is going to get you kicked out.
    And rightfully so.

    The virtual open landfill known as "Twitter" has, unfortunately, a lot to do with the way the LGBT crowd is perceived nowadays.

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  • punpunuwu said:
    Why is this getting down voted?

    Because it's political, anything political gets absolutely destroyed. That's why it's best to avoid politics unless you're just toxic.

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  • Just a friendly reminder that trans people existing is not political, just like how gays can be awful people to trans people, thank you!

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  • zorthax said:
    Just gonna throw this out there that the fact this animation was made to represent those people calling them out proves those people's points.

    Like, you can try to make a point as much as you like, but trying to mock those just voicing their distaste for something proves you won't even take the examples that are absolutely what they're saying seriously.

    "Mocking someone for their garbage opinions proves that those opinions are valid."
    That is some galaxy brain take here.

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  • anonymouse747 said:
    If I can be real for 5 seconds. I'm all for trans people, but if you say their pronoun out of content even once you're the scum of the world. Can yall just tell us your pronouns in advance instead of make us guess to see witch one will trigger your or witch one is correct. I like how people be like "well YOU could just ask" but no, I'm not gonna remember to ask all the time. it's up to you to also inform me of your pronouns... two way street. I'm actually annoyed that pronouns are even this important in 2022 it's made communicating with people 10 billion times harder than say 2015 when I could say the wrong pronoun, you correct me we're still friends and we move on. Now a days it's you call me "wrong pronoun" blocked, banned and cancel cultured. It's not ok what people are doing to people these days. I want 2015 back not this confusing "oh you're confused, get cultured or die" mentality that people have in this lopsided generation.

    Before I end this rant I just wanna reiterate I accept trans people, but I just cant stand pronouns and how divided it has made society in 2022. even non-binaries, back in the day they careless about what pronouns you use towards them, but now? NOW? it's the opposite. If you don't call me "it" or "them" I will send you to the darkest pits of hell. Like what where did that reaction come form :/ I'm just I'm just exhausted over all this stuff we gotta deal with on a social level. End of rant and again I just had to get all this frustration out of my system

    I suspect those who treat it as the end of the world when you get it wrong once are actually just the vocal minority. I've met nonbinary, trans, and even cis-but-androgynous people before, and they always are understanding if I get it wrong or need to ask (again).
    Hell, I'm Cis-but-androgynous from behind, had some people call me miss. They aren't doing it out of spite, just out of accident. I'm not going to hold that against them.

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  • bitwolfy said:
    "Mocking someone for their garbage opinions proves that those opinions are valid."
    That is some galaxy brain take here.

    See? Can't even grasp the point, has to simplify it in a manner that's incorrect to rationalize it.

    Even if I came out clearly and said, "The fact the whole thing is made into a hypocritical juxtaposition, or in layman's terms, they're doing literally what he's talking about in a meta format, proves the reasoning of the individual of which they mock." You'd likely still try to simplify it the same way, ignoring the fact its validating the point just like the content.

    The right answer to those people is to ignore them. Understanding is fundamentally wrong if its only understanding those you like, and choosing to misunderstand those you dislike intentionally.

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  • ihatemylifejpeg said:
    what happened here

    The techno-colored TikTok cartoon acknowledged that two agender characters' use of they/them pronouns is normal, and the e621 intelligentsia could not handle it.

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  • bluelyme said:
    The techno-colored TikTok cartoon acknowledged that two agender characters' use of they/them pronouns is normal, and the e621 intelligentsia could not handle it.


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  • bluelyme said:
    The techno-colored TikTok cartoon acknowledged that two agender characters' use of they/them pronouns is normal, and the e621 intelligentsia could not handle it.

    you know the situation is dire when some users of a furry imageboard (known for, you know, being inclusive) lash out at inclusive language. what times do we live in...

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  • bluelyme said:
    The techno-colored TikTok cartoon acknowledged that two agender characters' use of they/them pronouns is normal, and the e621 intelligentsia could not handle it.

    What's normal to one is ludicrous to another.

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  • xyrryai said:
    Adding politics to a Chikn Nuggit post... Sad times. I like my animations without politics.

    But its pride month! We should be super supportive of the community even if it goes against the wishes of hundreds of people, ignore the fact its prevalence is already so accepted that companies literally monetize the fact through rainbow coloring, and that its practically an officially recognized month long holiday celebrated arguably even more than Black History Month! If you tell people to chill out with the support, they'll just call you homophobic and ignore the fact they have over achieved their goals and are reaching towards consequences.

    There's a reason the majority of gay people I've met IRL hate the LGBTQ+ community, and by extension, pride month. Its gotten to this point where you're at risk if you don't support them, which means those who support them will be put at risk by those who are sick of being put at risk. I'm fairly certain this exact mentality is what actually led to the creation of the KKK, for the record, a shift people weren't happy with but given no choice but to follow due to either personal or legal risks. I mean, the amount of businesses that have been torn apart for choosing not to support the homosexual community should've teed supporters off against the overt support, at this point, just support the individuals cause the group can't really be targeted anymore anyway, least not without major consequences.

    Updated by bitWolfy

    User received a warning for the contents of this message.
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  • zorthax said:
    But its pride month! We should be super supportive of the community even if it goes against the wishes of hundreds of people, ignore the fact its prevalence is already so accepted that companies literally monetize the fact through rainbow coloring, and that its practically an officially recognized month long holiday celebrated arguably even more than Black History Month! If you tell people to chill out with the support, they'll just call you homophobic and ignore the fact they have over achieved their goals and are reaching towards consequences.

    There's a reason the majority of gay people I've met IRL hate the LGBTQ+ community, and by extension, pride month. Its gotten to this point where you're at risk if you don't support them, which means those who support them will be put at risk by those who are sick of being put at risk. I'm fairly certain this exact mentality is what actually led to the creation of the KKK, for the record, a shift people weren't happy with but given no choice but to follow due to either personal or legal risks. I mean, the amount of businesses that have been torn apart for choosing not to support the homosexual community should've teed supporters off against the overt support, at this point, just support the individuals cause the group can't really be targeted anymore anyway, least not without major consequences.


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  • ihatemylifejpeg said:

    Oh, uh.

    Short version: IRL Homosexuals, possibly the actual silent majority, are beginning to hate the pride movement due to their many failures of basic human decency and morality, as well as those who staunchly ignore said failures and support them anyway, despite the very obvious negatives that will get in exchange. Also I got reported for that statement, but I both stand by it, and declare it an inevitability, specifically violent hate groups coming about to cut the abusive congregations down. Who, for the record, would be placated quite sufficiently if pride parades, groups, and projects would filter who gets in so they don't keep having child molesters, large amounts of them, among them, since that's usually the most common mass hated offense.... Just a thought.

    Updated by bitWolfy

    User received a record for the contents of this message.
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  • zorthax said:
    None of this is trolling

    I will stand by this to the point of being banned

    This is the biggest brain comment I've seen on the site. Enjoy your vacation.

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  • ohnoasin said:
    I think talking about bigotry is political and uncomfy.

    You know what is actually political? Numbnuts trying to put themselves higher than trans people and use laws to restrict us, then when we push back, we get outcries of being "political".

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  • grayfolf said:
    You know what is actually political? Numbnuts trying to put themselves higher than trans people and use laws to restrict us, then when we push back, we get outcries of being "political".

    I wouldn’t have responded to this with how it looks more like a side tangent about my comment, but you strawmanning what I said tells me that you live a miserable life.

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  • anonymouse747 said:
    If I can be real for 5 seconds. I'm all for trans people, but if you say their pronoun out of content even once you're the scum of the world. Can yall just tell us your pronouns in advance instead of make us guess to see witch one will trigger your or witch one is correct. I like how people be like "well YOU could just ask" but no, I'm not gonna remember to ask all the time. it's up to you to also inform me of your pronouns... two way street. I'm actually annoyed that pronouns are even this important in 2022 it's made communicating with people 10 billion times harder than say 2015 when I could say the wrong pronoun, you correct me we're still friends and we move on. Now a days it's you call me "wrong pronoun" blocked, banned and cancel cultured. It's not ok what people are doing to people these days. I want 2015 back not this confusing "oh you're confused, get cultured or die" mentality that people have in this lopsided generation.

    Before I end this rant I just wanna reiterate I accept trans people, but I just cant stand pronouns and how divided it has made society in 2022. even non-binaries, back in the day they careless about what pronouns you use towards them, but now? NOW? it's the opposite. If you don't call me "it" or "them" I will send you to the darkest pits of hell. Like what where did that reaction come form :/ I'm just I'm just exhausted over all this stuff we gotta deal with on a social level. End of rant and again I just had to get all this frustration out of my system

    I do agree with you honestly. Idgaf who you like but i can't stand people going crazy over the smallest things you can't really controll, I'm not talking about LGBT only in talking about everyone from every side.

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  • tijuana_bob said:
    The comment section: WAAARGH!!

    Me: Putting onion rings in french fry? Kinky.
    Get it? Cuz french fry the food, fwench fwy the character? Yes, I'm easily amused!


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  • zorthax said:
    Oh, uh.

    Short version: IRL Homosexuals, possibly the actual silent majority, are beginning to hate the pride movement due to their many failures of basic human decency and morality, as well as those who staunchly ignore said failures and support them anyway, despite the very obvious negatives that will get in exchange. Also I got reported for that statement, but I both stand by it, and declare it an inevitability, specifically violent hate groups coming about to cut the abusive congregations down. Who, for the record, would be placated quite sufficiently if pride parades, groups, and projects would filter who gets in so they don't keep having child molesters, large amounts of them, among them, since that's usually the most common mass hated offense.... Just a thought.

    Ngl, he do be having a good point. Better regulation for this stuff would be nice. I hate it when I say "yeah I'm bi" and people imediatly think that. It's not their fault that's what they see

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  • jace_the_protogen said:
    Ngl, he do be having a good point. Better regulation for this stuff would be nice. I hate it when I say "yeah I'm bi" and people imediatly think that. It's not their fault that's what they see

    But that is their fault? I shouldn't be guilty for what someone else does, even if they used my group as a tool for it, its not like we're scary as a community or anything. The LGBT are here FOR the LGBT people, after all we're still oppressed even now here in most of the first world, our shows that represent us get canceled like Owl House for example, nevermind the fact that its so heavily supported as a show that it made Disney tons of money, and still sell merch even after the show has been canceled. I mean, unless most big businesses make more profit to frame the LGBT as oppressed so they empty their wallets more for those that represent them, but that's crazy. I mean, after all, most of the biggest websites have strict pro LGBT rules, like Reddit, Twitter, Youtube, and so on, we had to fight for that by implanting strict members of the LGBT on those platforms. Sure, big companies like Amazon for example will outright fire you for speaking out against the LGBT in even a remote capacity, but praise you for praising it, but that's just because they're progressive. many large work places are following suit, but that doesn't mean we're growing too big that we need to be concerned with how seriously we're treated.

    We totally don't have the power to regulate ourselves, we can barely control the very vast network that already clearly supports and profits off of us, whom go out of their way to follow our whims and only antagonize us by cutting off support to what we're passionate about, and then framing it as not being supported from within. I can't imagine we, as a community, are constantly being manipulated at a large scale, because that absolutely and totally would not explain a massive amount of conflicting details between these many giants of both internet and business.

    I mean, if such large and many corporations and internet websites were that motivated to use us, that would imply there were many individuals who could come to the same conclusion for nefarious purposes....

    ....So yea, in short, I agree with you, there really should be some form of regulations and critical thinking going on. Especially with how tribalism-like fellow members of the LGBT tend to be, I've personally noticed a distinct treatment difference when LGBT members think you have a bias towards them for whatever reason, they act like you're misguided if one of the LGBT, unless you become an actual threat to LGBT influence, then you're someone worthy of insulting. Highly recommend the more rational members of the LGBT try it some time and see what I mean, pretend to be outside the LGBT and critique it, see how different the response is.


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