lianna (mythology and etc) created by pixel-v

Lianna was about to start her morning diaper change, before she realized she was all out. Then, she remembered she needed to go to the store, so she decided to do that today. Lianna told herself she would be fine without diapers, and it wouldn't take that long.

It's been 30 minutes since she left home, and she was standing in line to purchase her groceries. Lianna felt the slight need to piss, but she thought she could use the restroom after she bought the groceries.
All of the sudden, someone in front of her starts loading a large amount of things to buy onto the belt.

Lianna could feel the pressure in her bladder pushing, as she tried to contain her fluids. She stood there for several more minutes before she eventually started holding her crotch to hold all her urine in.

Eventually, the pressure became more than she could take, as she relaxed her body. She felt an overwhelming sense of relief, as she could feel a rush of warmth quickly making it's way down her legs.
She ignored the strange looks from the other people standing in line as she continues to wet her pants.

After she finished relieving her bladder, Lianna realized the puddle she had secreted on the floor, and the silent judgement from the people nearby. She embarrassedly bought her groceries and went home.

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