Breaking The Daybreaker
Daybreaker has failed to seize the rule over Equestria, detained in the deepest and darkest dungeon of the Canterlot Castle.
Her flowing flaming mane radiated in the prison cell, her white helpless body wrestling with the tying ropes, suspending her in the black void.
Shaking her head side to side, making the flowing ethereal hair flow down her shoulder, her bright eyes wrapped in a blindfold.
Her sweat rolling down her pristine coat, steam rising from all around her, heart thumping hard behind the two round, heavy breasts.
Every little movement in her sore body made them wobble like luxurious royal puddings, pink nipples standing hard into the cold air.
The deposed tyrant pulled on the bondage with her powerful arms and strong legs unable to break the bonds, no matter how hard she tried.
She would've blasted them away with the magic solar flare, but the crystal was sapping away her strength and stabbed deep into her body.
Her thick thighs shifted side to side, feeling the foreign object grind against her velvety walls, pussy hot and wet from the glittering stone.
It occasionally vibrates and shifts within her, striking the prisoner at her very sensitive spot, never giving a moment of rest.
Driving her mind and body mad with lust and desire, but never giving her the pleasure of a climax, it always stops right at the edge.
The equine woman would've gotten used to its rhythm or stimulation, but it worked at random intervals and with random strength.
Unable to control her bound body, Daybreaker was feeling like she was going mad at times, her pride covered cracks, dignity crumbling away with every moment.
The sultry voice in her head told her to give up and submit, to beg for mercy and forgiveness, give up herself to her new master, and find happiness in servitude.
But for now, she always pushed back in her mind, but tenders of doubt and despair creeping around her very core.
Oh, how she wanted to curse the ones that locked her up, but the ball gag muffled the death threats and promise of gruesome revenge.
She lost track of how long she was here, but it felt like an eternity, the eternity of how long her cruel reign was supposed to last.
Right as she was trying to distract herself from her lustful flesh with the thoughts of bloody vendetta, the arcane jewel suddenly went silent within her moist loins.
Howling into the gag in desperation, the tormented prisoner shacking in the bondage, wordlessly begging to be finally granted the bliss of sex, as much as the prideful woman won't openly admit...
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