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"Boys will be boys"

It took some time, but nevertheless the animation finally came out. I will be releasing quite a large animation in a while, so there will be something to look forward to.

Also I'm not gay. I'm straight af and I like furry gay porn (It's complicated).


Fox model: warfaremachine
Werewolf model: ComandoRekin


Animation and sound design: me:)

Werewolf voice: also me ๐Ÿ˜Š

Fox voice: that's me too! ๐Ÿ˜€ ...๐Ÿ™‚ ...๐Ÿคจ ...๐Ÿ˜ ...๐Ÿ˜ณ (I have a small budget, please help)


Check out my server on Discord where I upload a ton of unfinished renders and write stupid things:

I also maintain a Twitter account where I pretend that everything is fine with me:

  • Comments
  • This animation is really good, to be honest ! The only little nitpicks I could do would be the choice of setting (I don't think being in the middle of the desert is the best place for humps), and the contrast of details between the models. Otherwise, the models are individually pretty good, the animation is done very well, the sounds are good and balanced... Good animation, and shows greater promise !

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  • โ€œAlso I'm not gay, I'm straight af and like Gay furry porn.โ€œ

    You know straight and gay is a spectrum not a you are or arenโ€™t and its totally ok you dont need to defend your โ€œstraightnessโ€ just like what you like. But whatever its worth from some random Bi-sexual guy dont worry about labels it takes the fun out of life and if you like some cock and pussy then awesome.

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  • rumpasaur said:

    Some people have different boundaries that they don't want you to cross with them.

    Perhaps but it was brought up in a public form so there it is.

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  • It's not that uncommon for your preferences for porn to not match what you're looking for in real life. Not just gender, but fetishes as well. You can like... for example, humiliation in your porn, but not be down with it in real life. That's the beauty of fiction, baybeee! You get to enjoy things that you normally wouldn't even think of attempting in reality!

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  • fonn_taistil said:
    Perhaps but it was brought up in a public form so there it is.

    I find that the top rebuttals people have to my suggestions are "it's a porn site so" or "it's a public site, so." Like as if that stops people being people and puts a curtain over them, where, if anything, both of those statements can also show how e621 is a place to express candid feelings. But I understand if y'all don't see it that way and have fun kinda gossiping.

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  • rumpasaur said:
    I find that the top rebuttals people have to my suggestions are "it's a porn site so" or "it's a public site, so." Like as if that stops people being people and puts a curtain over them, where, if anything, both of those statements can also show how e621 is a place to express candid feelings. But I understand if y'all don't see it that way and have fun kinda gossiping.

    Ok well how about this rebuttal then. Let the poster tell me they arenโ€™t comfortable with it then. Why do you need to shove your nose into it? Stop white knighting and acting all offended for something you arenโ€™t actually involved in. My comment was directed not at you but at someone doing the whole โ€œI am not gay but I like dick.โ€ News flash being Bi, pan, gay etc isnt gross or wrong and straight people need to stop acting like its so weird or gross to like penis or traditionally presenting male type bodies.

    But have fun kind of gatekeeping.

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