Slerm Grubs are the lowest species of Slerms in a slerm hive and their main-task is to produce slime to make the hive grow and add new members to it.
They usually do not move around that much in their standard configuration and instead use their long, sticky tongues to entangle victims that come too
close in the darkness of their caves.
Their whole body is covered in a sticky snail skin, which makes it difficult to escape for their victims once they were catched.
Their bodies constantly soak up wet air that surrounds them, to turn it into more thick slime that oozes from their skin,
guaranteeing a good habitat for their Queen.
With their once human mammary glands transformed into slime-factories, their breasts have developed obscenely large nipples,
wich are able to squirt their slime over 2 meters adding another method to trap their victims. The corrupted uterus of a Slerm
Grub gives birth to a batch of slugs every few hours in an a-sexual way, resulting in a pleasant birth and an additional slimy mess.
Slerm Grubs steal the identities (and memories) of their victims through their tongues.
Once a Grub has gathered enough human DNA, they are able to use the persons memory and body like some kind of shapeshifter.
They also have the ability to form their original bodies and can remember everything from before their TF again.
Grubs that have gathered a lot of human DNA can become powerful shapeshifters tho, which sometimes even looses this
typical obedience to their original hive and Queen to become true individuals.
A few indicators always stay visible tho:
The slerm antennas, their Yellow tongues and the fact they give birth to snails multiple times a day.
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