The Stable is lucky in that it is surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains, the perfect jumping off spot for a summer camping trip. Some of the gang and their favorite clients decided to head off to a popular campground to more or less take it over. shenanigans were had ;)
From top left to bottom right (in a cascading type pattern, FA usernames in brackets):
Bronzequill (Freedom228) With Minx (Brushfire) in a tree.
Pixie and Victor with Nina (NinaEmeraldSaid) ruining the picnic.
Leroy getting distracted by the lovely Chelsea while he tries to fish (Allenh13).
Timeline catching something much more fun then fish; His mate Tea. (Timelineroo)
Steppen (steppenfire) being the grill master.
Wakuda (Brushfire) taking Skippy (VestigialAura12) for a horn handle ride.
Kostya (ResShadow) and Mat (MBH98) eating marshmallows.
Shade (Shadepaw336) trying to keep Ali (alisian) from lighting the whole forest on fire. (Friends shouldn't let unicorns roast marshmallows on their horns ;) ).
Madam Brush (Brushfire) Using Unicorn (Mareboy113) as a bench and marhmallow roaster.
Fowler (yamahargx603a) having a nap with it all hanging out.
Reece (Silverhorsey) chopping some wood while Felicia (Brushfire) admires those big muscles work.
Buck (Brushfire) and Maia (yamahargx603a) having some 69 fun.
Dimitri (creepingiron) and Brushfire (Brushfire - my fursona) enjoying some beers in the river.
Jaina (Krimsonnekros) showing the ropes to Aspen (lil-mare).
Aayrick (Aayrick) tired after hauling all the camp gear in getting a nice pat from Xanthos (Brushfire).
Ruby (Theloonerking) on a big balloon with Zoey (Brushfire) having a snack.
Delta (Sperjlespice) doing as otters do and playing in the water, splashing a very displeased Pandora (dainunicorn)
Zona (Thearizona) and Fledge (railjunkey) doing their best to ruin their tent.
Sufuri (TenTonsSlowly) attempting to help Tyron (tyronmhorr) who has done what only durr can do and tangled himself while trying to set up a tent.
And finally Jake (Jakebay) and Balios (Brushfire) getting distracted while trying to set up their tent.
Commission disclaimer: I love drawing all sorts of different situations and fetishes with my characters in commissions, but they are not canon to the normal comics (non-commissions). If I made everything perfectly canon to the main storyline I would be so limited in what I produced and that is no fun for anyone. I like to think my stable commissions are in a parallel dimension, where all sorts of wild things can happen >:) If you are wondering if something is canon look for the commission tag: if its a commission consider it non-canon.
Check out the WIPs for this and lots of other over on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Brushfire
Memberwhere is Waldo?
MemberKiss the cook?
More like kiss the cock amiright.
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