created by zer0rebel4
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Time for a rannnt :000


I hate when people who are JUST commissioning me or who like me only for my art think that i am their friend just because i am speaking friendly to them. No, you give me money, i give you product, and thats it. Is coca cola your friend? No. You give them money, they give you product. Thats it. Unless you legitimately peak my interest farther than a customer, i do not wish to be friends with people that merely commission me. You consuming of my art does not make me your friend, and vice versa. We can have a mutual respect, yes, but we are only friends if our relationship goes beyond commissions. So people who ask for requests who are not friends of mine will be shut down, unless you are able to peak my interest. This is a precaution i have because of people using me for art and pretending to be my friend just so they can get art, and i am done tolerating it. This is also because art is my only source of income besides disability, and if i were to consider everyone who commissioned me or liked me only for my art a friend, id get flooded with requests, and i am too empathetic to say no to someone who i consider a friend, so id rather play it safe. You are not entitled to my friendship or art, you get to view it here for free. If you want something specific then pay me. I don't do this shit for charity, and if you don't like that then blacklist me :) call me greedy, call me a raging capitalist or what have you, but i am a person just like you, and i have shit i need to pay for. These are just a few of the things that have been said to me regarding my art, by the way. Once charged a dude 5 dollars (5. Fucking. Dollars) for some art and he sent me an image of 5 dollar bills (he didn't pay), spammed me with porn, and then said he was going to kill me if i didn't give him his art. So the image isn't even the tip of the iceberg lmao

  • Comments
  • Good fucking God, some people are beyond entitled. Good on you for setting this boundary. This whole situation is like half the posts on r/ChoosingBeggars. Especially knowing what it's like living with someone who only gets income from disability, she would kill to be able to have a side source of income on top of it and I would be beyond pissed if she was screwed out of her only good source of income because some asshat didn't like the fact that art is not free unless the artist wants it to be free. I'm an artist (not a very good one) and I've been cheated out of pay before. And outside of personal experience, I've heard every single one of these lines used to justify shitty behavior, and then some. Including "Shouldn't you be doing this for the love of art??", "Your art sucks anyway" (which they clearly don't think is true if they wanted art from you in the first place), "Why don't you get a REAL job??", and "All you care about is money, it's all about money to you, money isn't that important". That last one especially pisses me off because it's so hypocritical. Like bitch, if money isn't that important to you, why are you throwing a tantrum over my price? Either pay up or go annoy someone else and make way for someone who ACTUALLY gives a shit what I have to offer. People like this piss me off to no end and it's always so uplifting to see people like you put your foot down and set hard boundaries where necessary.

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  • dudewiththename said:
    Good fucking God, some people are beyond entitled. Good on you for setting this boundary. This whole situation is like half the posts on r/ChoosingBeggars. Especially knowing what it's like living with someone who only gets income from disability, she would kill to be able to have a side source of income on top of it and I would be beyond pissed if she was screwed out of her only good source of income because some asshat didn't like the fact that art is not free unless the artist wants it to be free. I'm an artist (not a very good one) and I've been cheated out of pay before. And outside of personal experience, I've heard every single one of these lines used to justify shitty behavior, and then some. Including "Shouldn't you be doing this for the love of art??", "Your art sucks anyway" (which they clearly don't think is true if they wanted art from you in the first place), "Why don't you get a REAL job??", and "All you care about is money, it's all about money to you, money isn't that important". That last one especially pisses me off because it's so hypocritical. Like bitch, if money isn't that important to you, why are you throwing a tantrum over my price? Either pay up or go annoy someone else and make way for someone who ACTUALLY gives a shit what I have to offer. People like this piss me off to no end and it's always so uplifting to see people like you put your foot down and set hard boundaries where necessary.

    Yeah, its like people dont realise we put our heart and soul into this kind of stuff. I think its more than a "real job" imo because it requires more effort than sitting in front of a cash register or an office computer, it requires creativity and the ability to work without needing a blueprint. I have carpal tunnel and arthritis just from drawing so much lmao, people really are so entitled

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  • You know, as an amateur about to go into this kind of business, I think this gives a valuable lesson on the type of people you'll be dealing with on your job. Don't get me wrong, I know that not literally everyone is going to be like this, but I think it'd be better for me if I just go hard on them, off the bat.
    I don't know, I thought drawing porn for the rest of my life was the best job I could have but now I'm just as scared as a soldier about to be drafted :/

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  • daleport996 said:
    You know, as an amateur about to go into this kind of business, I think this gives a valuable lesson on the type of people you'll be dealing with on your job. Don't get me wrong, I know that not literally everyone is going to be like this, but I think it'd be better for me if I just go hard on them, off the bat.
    I don't know, I thought drawing porn for the rest of my life was the best job I could have but now I'm just as scared as a soldier about to be drafted :/

    If its something you enjoy doing, then id say go for it, but just be prepared. Im nowhere near an expert in this, but in my experience, you need to remember that these are customers, not friends, so dont let them push you about

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  • Holy hecking goodness... the only request I have for you, Zer0Rebel, is that you have a wonderful day and remember to take care of yourself; you deserve it for having to put up with all that.

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  • honestly, i like artists who do this for a profit, and enjoyment of drawing, and even if they were friends (which i am friends with some artists) that doesn't mean they deserve free art, and as for peaking ones interest heh heh heh, im scum XD anyways, have a nice day/night and enjoy the happy moments life can spare

    quick edit: also as a fan, you were one of first artists i favorited because of one of your images that kinda sent me wild lol, and hope to one day do a commission of my own when i have the money, but until then keep up the amazing work and keep degenerates like me horny XD

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  • "Drawing isn't THAT hard!"

    Oh really? Then draw it yourself.

    I don't draw enough to get requests like this, but just the fact that people DO this, really pisses me off. I feel for you, zer0rebel4, as well as all the other artists that get these types of requests. Drawing is hard, and takes time (especially for a perfectionist like me), and that's why I don't do it for a living.

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