karasique (neuron activation) created by spaal
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govno s'elo mochu

Better version of post #3417227

  • Comments
  • slaref said:
    What is in description?

    Russian words written with English letters (Говно съело мочу) Shit ate piss. It's a meme in Russia :)

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  • The sub being older just hits different

    handholdingenjoyer said:
    I do agree with a discription.
    Such kind of anti-utopia is really scary to think about.Imagine being nothing but a sex doll at your very "core".Such a shallow existence,fate worse then death.

    It’s indeed a terrifying idea... counterpoint: porn good

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  • lewdfoxy69 said:
    Russian words written with English letters (Говно съело мочу) Shit ate piss. It's a meme in Russia :)

    What's the origin

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  • Damn how the hell that little fox 24 years old, there's atleast 4 pounds of pure liquid estrogen in that body

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