russo-ukrainian war created by denka
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  • It is very unfortunate that for the sins of politicians and the war unleashed by them, hatred falls on the head of the common people for all this not involved. On the one hand, I can understand everything, but on the other hand, it is not at all clear to me how it happened that now the blame falls on everyone at once. Even those who are zealously against the war. It seems funny, but it seems that I’m just ready to howl from the fact that Nazism still exists on BOTH sides, whatever one may say, and no one wants to notice this. Although there will still be a "Genius" who will say that I should shut up, because it was I who started the war ... Well, yes, that's right ... I personally led the troops and whispered in the president's ear at night "start a war", that's how much I wanted to MY the country was attacked, and so that they hated and despised me in it because I can’t do anything to stop it. It really hurts to be honest.

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  • Peoples like Denka are the reason these kind of stupid wars are happening, ignorant morons that keep fueling hate between peoples using stereotype and politics as basis. Do you really think the common Russian guy wanted this war ? I seen a russian friend of mine cry while hugging his Ukrainian pal goodbye as he went home to Kiev to protect his family, poor dude is probably dead by now. Around that same time OP fled to Germany leaving her family behind and started making tweets about how "Russia is a country where people have no humanity at all" and drawing cute OwO furries about litteral warcrimes (the pig is holding a white flag), it honestly make me sick how someone can be so ruthless, for fuck sake there is still an human behind that uniform, if you want to blame someone blame the politics !
    Sorry for the rant, i fucking hate this war and i hate how it brought out the worst in people.

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  • grenouille said:
    Peoples like Denka are the reason these kind of stupid wars are happening, ignorant morons that keep fueling hate between peoples using stereotype and politics as basis. Do you really think the common Russian guy wanted this war ? I seen a russian friend of mine cry while hugging his Ukrainian pal goodbye as he went home to Kiev to protect his family, poor dude is probably dead by now. Around that same time OP fled to Germany leaving her family behind and started making tweets about how "Russia is a country where people have no humanity at all" and drawing cute OwO furries about litteral warcrimes (the pig is holding a white flag), it honestly make me sick how someone can be so ruthless, for fuck sake there is still an human behind that uniform, if you want to blame someone blame the politics !
    Sorry for the rant, i fucking hate this war and i hate how it brought out the worst in people.

    Denka is a Twitter mongoloid, only in Twitter does these cretins want to see soldiers who put their life on the line die. I hate what Russia is doing to Ukraine and the politicians for letting this war happen, but I respect the soldiers more than some clown that glorifies death.

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  • Lambda_Sharpear said:

    psychopathic_fellow said:
    It is very unfortunate that for the sins of politicians and the war unleashed by them, hatred falls on the head of the common people for all this not involved. On the one hand, I can understand everything, but on the other hand, it is not at all clear to me how it happened that now the blame falls on everyone at once. Even those who are zealously against the war. It seems funny, but it seems that I’m just ready to howl from the fact that Nazism still exists on BOTH sides, whatever one may say, and no one wants to notice this. Although there will still be a "Genius" who will say that I should shut up, because it was I who started the war ... Well, yes, that's right ... I personally led the troops and whispered in the president's ear at night "start a war", that's how much I wanted to MY the country was attacked, and so that they hated and despised me in it because I can’t do anything to stop it. It really hurts to be honest.

    Russians are fully responsible for this, like it or not, every one of you with your "I'm not interested in politics" stance is what allowed Putin to gain power, illegally annex Crimea and form a proxy-states on Ukrainian territory, now shut up and donate to AFU if you want this war to end quicker with less civilian casualties

    Well, firstly... I was not talking about those who say "I'm out of politics", it was about those who help civilians and the military and / or show their dislike for the actions of the authorities in relation to Ukraine. the fact that someone says that he is "out of politics" does not change his involvement in the continuation of Putin's bloody banquet by which he hopes to increase his influence in Russia (yes, he does not really need Ukraine, he needs people to see him as a god who can do literally everything.Not that anyone believed in it, of course, but still).In Russia, most of the people are simply afraid to do something, because this is immediately punished.Sadly, but a fact. Anyway, there are people who are already tired of this that they are openly trying to resist this (so far peacefully, with words and rallies, which is not very effective and efficient in relation to the dictator) and try to remove the dictatorship. Citizens of Russia do not like their president by the way, you know (in twenty years everyone has already tired of him, he has also went crazy). Secondly, I personally try to actively help, but not to the soldiers, but to the citizens of Ukraine in the form of humanitarian aid, so that it would be easier for them to survive this nightmare. The armed forces have where to draw resources from.I think they can do without me.


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  • you all should know .. this is NOT new, these ARE Just in teh MODERN AGE, conflict, Turmoil and WAR crimes still happen in AFRICA and Eastern Europe, even tho most our troops pulled out,
    this is just how wars are .. especially if there are no New rules in place, like the Use of MUSTERD GAS till World Agreement said NO, cuase it was hell on Both sides.
    untill rules are made and .. well ENFORCED new tech and strats are always ago ..
    sad. but true in wars

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  • oh, and russia just Like China, Filter all the Infomation that is in their countries, and just the same as teh American wars show teh one side and long winded atrocities, just to either Boost moral or get more ppl to work for their ' so called cuase'

    • Ukraine in this pic is just defending its rights and people from a pre-meditated attack (which australian news didnt report on, i got it from america and europe sites) using tech and training to hold their lines, and yes the russian ppl are also suffering at the hands of its leader, who whats the USSR back again, this includes Alaska
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  • lambda_sharpear said:
    Russians are fully responsible for this, like it or not, every one of you with your "I'm not interested in politics" stance is what allowed Putin to gain power, illegally annex Crimea and form a proxy-states on Ukrainian territory, now shut up and donate to AFU if you want this war to end quicker with less civilian casualties

    The picture is showing a very clear view of someone surrendering who is about to be killed (read: murdered). You don't have to be a useless fence-sitter to take issue with denka glorifying this.

    Russia is responsible for the war itself but there is a difference between jus in bello and jus ad bellum. The side that is more righteous in participating in a conflict still has an equal responsibility not to commit war crimes and deserves equal scrutiny for incidences in which they fail to live up to this standard. Putin is not holding a gun up to anyone's head and forcing them to execute Russian prisoners of war.

    Art like this is shameful.


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  • lekkiyo said:
    The picture is showing a very clear view of someone surrendering who is about to be killed (read: murdered).

    Can't see anything wrong with it, russian soldiers and wagner mercs should be getting the same treatment Waffen SS received from 11th Armored Division because after all shit they've done on my land they should reap what they sow - aka death.

    IF they did not want to be left to rot in fields of Ukraine they shouldn't have stepped on our territory at all. Thats the end of it. But y'all westerners are seemingly too dense to understand that

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  • lambda_sharpear said:
    Can't see anything wrong with it, russian soldiers and wagner mercs should be getting the same treatment Waffen SS received from 11th Armored Division because after all shit they've done on my land they should reap what they sow - aka death.

    IF they did not want to be left to rot in fields of Ukraine they shouldn't have stepped on our territory at all. Thats the end of it. But y'all westerners are seemingly too dense to understand that

    Nah that's not the end of it. War crimes don't magically become okay because your side is in the right. Murdering prisoners or surrendering men out of hatred is an act of evil, it doesn't matter what shapes the broader conflict.

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  • zeptodesu said:
    вообще меня радует, как чётенько мы подобрали небратьям нашим меньшим "тотемное животное"
    так удачно попали в самое сердце укронатуры, что от ОБИДЫ те не могут перестать переводить стрелки, лоло
    но мы то знаем, кто здесь кто :)

    Кацапа забули спитати

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

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  • lekkiyo said:
    Nah that's not the end of it. War crimes don't magically become okay because your side is in the right. Murdering prisoners or surrendering men out of hatred is an act of evil, it doesn't matter what shapes the broader conflict.

    You call it murdering i call it delivering justice for all of our lost souls, your moralist bullshit doesn't work when you defend a bunch of murders and rapists with a taste for genocide.


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  • Also i fucking hate how westerns can't stop spreading myth of common russian.
    Ffs, your common "innocent" russian was cheering on Chechnya, on Georgia, on Crimea. Their nation is full of genocidal maniacs that think of themselves as a higher race, it is literally the Third Reich of 21th century and should be treated as such

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

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  • lambda_sharpear said:
    You call it murdering i call it delivering justice for all of our lost souls, your moralist bullshit doesn't work when you defend a bunch of murders and rapists with a taste for genocide


    I'm so glad you're a lazy dude preaching your depraved view of morality on the Internet while sitting on the couch instead of an actual soldier. Your level of detachment from human suffering and basic empathy is sickening.

    Pray you never get conscripted and end up being the guy below the drone.

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  • captainrober87 said:
    I'm so glad you're a lazy dude preaching your depraved view of morality on the Internet while sitting on the couch instead of an actual soldier. Your level of detachment from human suffering and basic empathy is sickening.

    "hUmaN sUffEring" i wonder if idiots like you would also defend SS troops from getting death penalty because "they just followed orders" if you were alive during that time. I don't lack empathy and neither I'm detached from human suffering, i just have ability to differentiate between dip-shits and actual human beings. But sure go ahead, make up a complete bullshit about me, It doesn't matter how painful it is to look at peoples that will never have ability to live their life tothe fullest, it doesn't matter how painful it is for me to watch at kids torn apart and thrown around the street it doesn't matter how painful it is for me to look at destroyed cities that were once full of living people with dreams and hopes. Apparently now I'm a sick bastard because i don't feel empathy to "peoples" that murder, rape and pillage our cities

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

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  • Can't believe im saying it but i agree with russians - westerners are complete imbeciles and that will be the reason of your and our demise. Poor General Patton is rolling in his grave

    Updated by Rainbow Dash

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  • lambda_sharpear said:
    "hUmaN sUffEring" i wonder if idiots like you would also defend SS troops from getting death penalty because "they just followed orders" if you were alive during that time. I don't lack empathy and neither I'm detached from human suffering, i just have ability to differentiate between dip-shits and actual human beings. But sure go ahead, make up a complete bullshit about me, It doesn't matter how painful it is to look at peoples that will never have ability to live their life tothe fullest, it doesn't matter how painful it is for me to watch at kids torn apart and thrown around the street it doesn't matter how painful it is for me to look at destroyed cities that were once full of living people with dreams and hopes. Apparently now I'm a sick bastard because i don't feel empathy to "peoples" that murder, rape and pillage our cities

    Look I'm sorry if you or someone close is suffering because of the war, however that doesn't justify taking every individual of a group and abstracting them to the figure of said group or to the worst of its components in order to make it look okay to cherish for their deaths or misfortunes. In any conflict both sides have monsters amongst them, but no side is purely composed of them.

    No matter the war, flag or century: under every helmet is someone with a name; with a mother, a sister or a son at home; with hopes and worries and fears and sorrows. Someone who probably doesn't want to be there. Perhaps conscripted against their will when they wanted to be a baker instead. Maybe enlisted on their own volition with the noble idea of defending their nation and its people but ultimately shackled to follow the higher-ups orders like any other soldier. Some willing to fight with their all to end the war quickly; some just worrying about surviving till tomorrow and ensuring the guy next to them also does; some terrified, pondering if they will be able to pull the trigger against another human being to save themselves when the time comes; some wondering if they could surrender as a way out, and if they will be shot or tortured when they do; and of course, some bloodthirsty animals who find themselves for the first time in their natural habitat and only want more blood once they smell it.

    War and death will always exist in unison, and with it demonization and dehumanization of the enemy to try and make the population see them as a collective instead of as the singular faces that compose them.

    So if either you are too young or have suffered so much that you have ended too mentally scarred to see this, then I will say it again: please never take a gun and a uniform. Turning yourself into one of the animals that you hate so much only transfers your ideology to someone on the other side of the wall, making the misery ball bigger. Want to help X side? Donate blood to the hospital; give money to charity organizations that help victims of war; volunteer at refugee camps or give a family space to live if you have spare... Leaving comments on a furry site or giving a like to a pic of a cute dog doing war crimes does zero, except if it helps you vent in which case go ahead.

    And once more, if you are directly suffering from this then all my sympathy goes to you and I do hope it all ends and gets better soon. No storm lasts forever.

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  • Ого, сколько тут мужик в комментах наперефорсил, чего-то своего, как обычно, придумать не могут.

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  • lambda_sharpear said:
    Can't believe im saying it but i agree with russians - westerners are complete imbeciles and that will be the reason of your and our demise. Poor General Patton is rolling in his grave

    Gotta love e621 users treating this site as if it is twitter or reddit

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  • kusaka said:
    Ого, сколько тут мужик в комментах наперефорсил, чего-то своего, как обычно, придумать не могут.

    Для большевиков есть раздел /fur/ на сосаче, зачем на вражьи сайты лезете?

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